Our Lady of Guadalupe School fosters Gospel values, inspires academic excellence, and develops service and leadership. We face this as a sacramental community united and

sponsored by the Holy Spirit.

Thank you for a great Carnival!

Video Recap

Buy Tickets by 6:00 pm TODAY

Principal's Letter

Good evening families, and Happy All Souls Day! 

This week has been full of celebration and joy-- beginning with Saturday’s hugely successful Halloween Carnival (thank you, PO Halloween Carnival crew!), to the parties on Tuesday, and a beautiful word and communion service yesterday, and two field trips today.  And it doesn’t end there! Saturday, we round out the week of fun with the CYO Italian Dinner! (More on that below). What a week it has been. Today, we took a pause from the week of festivities and events, and recognized All Souls Day, and tomorrow, in honor of CYO Italian Dinner, we are having a CYO/ OLG Spirit Wear Themed Dress Day! (More on this below too). 

Today, on this All Souls Day, we remember all those who have passed away, and the many individuals who have had a profound impact on our lives, our community and in our world. It correlates nicely with yesterday, which was All Saints Day. As a community, we were inspired by our 3rd graders, who hosted the All Saints Day prayer service, where  Ms.Helen reminded us all that we are saints in the making. When asked how this could be, our third graders helped us to reflect on qualities and attributes of the saints that we wished to reflect in our own daily lives; reminding us that by being ourselves and acting with kindness, forgiveness, healing, generosity, love and prayer (and so much more), we all can impact others in perfect imperfection. 

As we reflect on the week gone by, I encourage you to have conversations as a family, with your children, about ways in which we are all called to be saints, and the ways in which we are challenged by one another, and by God to grow each day. I encourage you too, to spend time reflecting on those who have passed away, sharing memories with your kids about people who have impacted your lives, and how they have shaped you into the people you are today. 

This week there are a few things to note: 

Tomorrow, Friday, students can wear OLG Spirit Wear, anything CYO or OLG uniform in honor of our CYO Athletics and Saturday's Italian Dinner celebration! Ticket sales close at 6:00 pm today.

Check your child's backpack today for your family's FCE. There is a lot going on this time of year.

A few strep cases have been reported among students in our upper grades. Please stay diligent and get tested if your child complains of a sore throat. Sign up for a Covid/flu vaccine on Monday 11/6 3-6pm at Holy Rosary.

Have a great weekend.

With Gratitude, 

Ms. Lauren Hobbs
Lauren Hobbs

Principal, Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic School

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Nov 2 - FCE goes home with youngest student - remove contents & return Family Communication Envelope to school ASAP

Nov 3 - NEW! Themed dress day!: CYO Athletics/OLG Spirit Wear or OLG uniform

Nov 4 - CYO Italian Dinner 6:00-10:00 pm

Nov 5 - Daylight Savings Time ends ☀️"Fall back 1 hour"

Nov 6 - Flu and Covid vaccine clinic 3-6:00pm Holy Rosary. Register for vaccine

  • West Seattle Middle School Fair 6-7:30 pm OLG gym

Nov 6-20 - Christmas Wreath & Garland Sale (pick up Nov 28)

Nov 8 - Wednesday 2:15 Early Dismissal (K-8)

  • After School Tutoring begins 2:15-3:00 pm. Pick up at south lot door 3:00 pm

Nov 9 - Veteran's Day Assembly 🇺🇸 led by 4th grade 9:00 am OLG gym

Nov 10 - NO SCHOOL - Veteran's Day (No EDC or ELC care)

Coming Up

Nov 14 - Parent Org Meeting 6:30 pm

Nov 18-19 - OLG Holiday Gift Fair

School Happenings

After School tutoring Starts Next Week!

Please return permission forms

After School Tutoring begins on Wednesday, Nov 8th 2:15-3:00 pm. Families, you will receive a letter from your teacher if your grade school student could use this extra support. Middle School students were given an overview of the program and permission slips to participate in tutoring.

Adults: Need Volunteer hours? We are looking for adult volunteers to monitor and or be a tutor every Wednesday from 2:15pm-3:00pm. If you are interested please contact Heather Owens, AST Coordinator

See our Art Gallery!

See OLG in pictures!

PO News

Halloween Carnival - Thank you Everyone!

Thank you to everyone who attended, volunteered, donated toward and enjoyed this year’s smashing Halloween Carnival! We hope you had a spooktacular time! ’Til next year, Boo-dogs!

Planning for the 2024 OLG ROCKS! Auction is well underway!

The OLG school auction is our LARGEST fundraiser of the year and MANY volunteer opportunities (large and small) exist - many of which can be done from the comforts of your own home. Please reach out to auction co-chairs Heather Fernandez & Courtney Armistead at olg.auction.chair@gmail.com for details on how you can get involved.

Last Chance to shop Charleston Wrap!

If you, a family member or friend, near or far, needs wrap (or other goodies), please consider buying Charleston Wrap so the school can also benefit, getting us closer to our P.O. fundraising goal of $125,000! ID# 12596

Shop Charleston Wrap

CYO Athletics News

CYO Italian Dinner!

We hope you will join us for a fun evening celebrating youth sports at OLG and our amazing coaches!

Saturday, Nov 4th @ 6pm

Dinner! Dancing! Raffle! FUN!

Buy Tickets (21+ Event)


Counselor Corner

Throughout October all the grades have been discussing how we can prevent bullying by focusing on kindness, acceptance and inclusion. 

Younger grades became Kindness Superheros, complete with powerful arm-bands, to spread kindness and make sure all classmates felt included. We've had special appearances by Spookley the Square Pumpkin in PreK through 2nd grade, and 1st through 4th had a special message from NED about How to be an Upstander

Upstairs, 5th and 6th grades identified types of bullying behavior, as well as how to move from being a bystander, to being an upstander. 7th and 8th graders identified types of bullying and harassment, discussed the impacts of bullying and harassment on people (including those just watching), considered why people may act that way, and discussed various ways to safely intervene and/or report bullying and harassment behaviors. 

We'll be transitioning to lessons on Growth Mindset and Goal Setting in November, however, that doesn't mean that these conversations are over. All our SEL lessons are connected, helping us to formulate ideas about the kind of person we want to be and providing the tools needed to become that person. 

Kim Brunskill, School Counselor

Words of Wisdom

from OLG Founding Parishioners

This Sunday is Family Faith Sunday

Gathering time is from 9:30-9:45 with start time at 9:45am in the Walmesley Center. We conclude at 10:45 and will then join the processional at the 11:00 Mass. All are welcome. The focus is for families with children in grades K-4, but all ages are welcome. No Sunday morning children’s small groups or pre-school this week due to Family Faith Sunday. Watch for our new Family Times newsletter available on the lower right side of our Parish website. www.olgseattle.org.

We Need Altar Servers!

Children 3 rd grade and older, and adults are invited to help

serve at our Masses. This is a great opportunity for families to serve together and you get extra credit in heaven! Training can be coordinated with your schedule. Contact Helen 206-935-0358.

Letter to the People of God from Synod 2023

Shoeboxes of Joy

Order Deadline: Nov 7

Order Here

Sat, Nov 18th 6:30-7:30 pm

Sun, Nov 19th 9:30am-2pm

November/December Events

And always more to see on the OLG Parish Website

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