Our Lady of Guadalupe School fosters Gospel values, inspires academic excellence, and develops service and leadership. We face this as a sacramental community united and
sponsored by the Holy Spirit.
Our Student Council performs the OLG Feast Day pagaent Dec 12
Juan Diego displays his transformed tilma
Frosty makes a surprise visit to our Christmas Sing-A-Long
Dear OLG Families,
Here we are so close to the holiday break! It's time to start looking ahead to January, but first:
Tonight, Dec 15th => last day to pick up a pre-ordered glassybaby
Tomorrow, Dec 16th ==> Noon Dismissal for all & Report Cards for Trimester 1 will be emailed to families!
Read below for info on a special Christmas break basketball camp
Recent OLG grad Shaun Brun made news with a 2022 humanitarian award!
We are sad to see our Facilities Director, Sal Pagan, move on to an Archdiocese position the end of the year. We are excited to welcome a new Facilities Director in January.
And of course, we hope to see many of us together in person at our parish Christmas celebrations:
Christmas Eve
4:00 PM (Children’s Mass with Gospel Pageant)
10:00 PM (Traditional Mass)
Christmas Day
10:00 AM (Traditional Mass)
AND MORE ... info below!
And in January when we return to school (Tuesday, 1/3/22) is the long awaited return for our Hot Lunch programs, this year catered by the LunchLadies. Menu, links, and more below and on our website: https://www.guadalupe-school.org/programs/school-lunch/. Thank you to our Parent Org and Laura Wong for the research and work in restoring our hot lunch options for 2023!
More January news below, including prepping for our best ever Catholic Schools' Week , and more in this final 2022 regular edition of the school newsletter. May you feel the love of your family and friends this Christmas Break and we all look forward to seeing you in the new year!
Yours in Christ,
Anton Kramer
Dec 16 - NOON Dismissal (No EDC/aftercare, AM ok)
Dec 19 to Jan 2 - Christmas Break
*** Christmas Story Rehearsal Dec 21st! ***
Looking Ahead
Jan 3 - Back to School! + OLG Auction Meeting 6:30 pm
- Jan 4 - Wednesday 2:15 pm Early Dismissal
Jan 5 - Semi-annual & monthly tuition payment due in SchoolAdmin
- Jan 6 - OLG Spirit Wear Day
- Jan 29 - Catholic Schools Week begins!
Save the Date
Jan 29 to Feb 2
What is Catholic Schools Week?
It is a national annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States. More here
What should I expect?
In a nutshell, lots of activities, volunteer opportunities and community. Reserve Sunday Jan 29th and join us. Check our CSW web page current plans - updates to come!
Lunch service starts Jan 3rd for all grades!
Semi-annual & Monthly Tuition Payment due Jan 5
If you selected a semi-annual or monthly payment plan, the next tuition payment will be January 5, 2023.
Faith Family groups are a monthly tradition at OLG. Our 8th Graders lead our mixed age small groups in a community gathering, beginning with prayer and incorporating community building. Today, our students read Christmas stories and played games.This opportunity for intergenerational learning allows all students to grow and learn from one another in a collaborative environment, and helps older students to strengthen and develop leadership skills.
Christmas Bingo = Christmas fun!
Trivia game keeps students guessing
Get ready for weekly challenges to stretch your brain! Whether it be a team or individual task, these challenges will explore Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math (S.T.E.A.M.) while focusing on leadership and collaboration skills.
- 100 Cup Challenge: The objective of this team project is to build the tallest, freestanding structure using all 100 cups.
- Strawket Challenge: The objective of this individual project is to design & build a strawket that travels the furthest distance.
Christmas Break Basketball Camp - Dec 22 - 23
Two day skill camp ran by Emerald City Basketball.
4th and 5th Grade: 9am to Noon each day
6th through 8th Grade: 1pm - 4pm each day
Parent like a Champion Workshop
A reminder that one parent or guardian must attend the Parent Like a Champion workshop prior to registering a child athlete with CYO. Classes are held over zoom. The next workshop is at 7pm on January 26, 2023.
TODAY is LAST DAY to order/pick up your glassybaby
Choose from our snow-white votive holder, our sparkling blue wine glass, or our steel blue rocks glass. All are $100 and available to order and pickup in the school office. If you've ordered and not picked up, please do so today. Want to save time? Order in advance here: https://guadalupe-school.ejoinme.org/glassybaby2023
Not only do glassybabys make great last-minute gifts, your purchase helps underwrite our Auction, making sure that all money raised at the event goes directly toward our goal!
Want to earn volunteer hours?
- The Auction Committee is looking for individuals to sign up to procure/purchase desserts from a list of local bakers! Each $25+ dessert equals one volunteer hour.
- We're also looking for individuals to donate bottles of their favorite wine/liquor for the event. These donations also earn hours. Drop-off dates are scheduled for January.
Coming soon: Auction tix!
Auction tickets sales open on Jan. 6, 2023!
A big THANK YOU to everyone who participated in our Charleston Wrap fundraiser! Because of your donation we were able to reach our goal of a little over $6,000. We are very grateful for your generosity. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Happy Holidays!
Nayara Prehtel
Looking for Commitment Hours?
Here's some great opportunities!
The Auction Committee is looking for individuals to procure/purchase desserts and donate bottles of wine/liquor -see PO section below
Catholic Schools Week is a busy time and the school could use your help! Watch for communications from your Class Reps for upcoming opportunities
Uniform Exchange Lead – Looking for a volunteer to take over the uniform exchange! Contact Erin Pedras
We are looking for a PO Chair to shadow this year and take over next school year! Contact Janet
OLG Teachers and Staff thank the 2nd Grade parents for providing an amazing Christmas party feast and fun yesterday! A special thanks to the Susanto family for your delicious food from Thai-U-Up, Mary Tetrault, Kalyn Brady, and Heather Fernandez. Thanks again for making us all feel special! Christmas blessings to our OLG community.
Attention All Shepards, Angels, and Animals!!!
All children are invited to participate in the reenactment of the Christmas story for our 4:00 pm Christmas Eve Mass. BUT they need to participate in a rehearsal on Wednesday, Dec 21 from 6:30-7:30 pm in the church. For more information contact Molly
Christmas Season Schedule
Christmas Eve
4:00 PM (Children’s Mass with Gospel Pageant)
10:00 PM (Traditional Mass)
Christmas Day
10:00 AM (Traditional Mass)
Mary, Mother of God
- Vigil Mass, Saturday December 31 5:30 PM
- Sunday, January 1, 2023 10:00 AM
Sunday Morning Preschool Program Starting January
We are excited to be starting our Sunday Morning preschool program in late January. This will be during the 11:00 Mass. This is for pre-K children ages 3-5. Let us know of your interest
Adult Confirmation Preparation Program
Begins on Tuesday, Jan 3rd from 6:30-7:45 pm by Zoom with one Saturday morning retreat. The Confirmation celebration will take place on Sunday, Feb 12th at the 11:00 Mass. The sacrament of Confirmation completes our Catholic initiation and makes it possible for us to participate as godparents, sponsors, and other liturgical roles in our Church. Contact Helen
Looking for Service Hours? Camera Operators are needed for our daily and weekend Masses. Time commitment would be once a week and/or as a sub. Training provided…it is simpler than you think! Contact Helen for more information.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pray for Us!
Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic School
3401 SW Myrtle St. Seattle, WA 98126
office 206-935-0651