Our Lady of Guadalupe School fosters Gospel values, inspires academic excellence, and develops service and leadership. We face this as a sacramental community united and

sponsored by the Holy Spirit.

Congratulations VFW Youth

Essay Winners!

Principal's Letter

Dear Families, 

This week, we celebrated the first week of Advent, where we heard about the many ways that we are called to be people of hope. Now in the Advent readings, being hopeful doesn’t mean waiting for Santa to bring the toy you’ve told absolutely no one you wanted. It also doesn’t mean life suddenly becoming a Hallmark movie simply by visiting a small town over the Christmas holiday. Both of these things are not what we mean when talking about being people of hope.  Rather, to be hopeful during Advent means to believe that something and someone greater is ahead.

In many cultures and communities around the world, the first candle of Advent is actually not referenced as “the hope candle” but rather the Prophecy candle, named after all the prophets who foretold of the coming of the Lord, a savior, THE Savior, decades and centuries before He arrived. They waited in hopeful anticipation for something greater than themselves to come and be the light in the darkness, the right to the wrong in the world, and to save God’s people from lives of sin, and a world in need of His earthly presence. What would it be like if today, and for our whole lives, we all just became people of hope? People, who didn’t lose sight of our faith, or in our trust and love of God when things didn’t go according to our plans, believing, even without seeing, that God would save us all, according to his will, and hold us in the palm of his hands always? To be people of hope, to be prophets and believers of something greater ahead, takes courage and it takes light. It takes saying YES, even when others around you may say no. 

On a cold December day, Juan Diego was a man who had hope. He was a man who said YES, and was a person of great faith and spirit. He said YES to listen to his heart, to Mary, the Mother of God, who appeared to him. This took courage, and persistence, a willingness to not give up and have great hope in something that for a time, only he could see--- the apparition of Mary. During Advent, in 1531, Juan Diego was a person of hope. 

In the next few days, we have many opportunities to be people of hope at OLG. This week for example, we hired an excellent new fourth grade teacher, Ms. Chatham! Together as a community, we prayed in anticipation, planned, and were hopeful. Look what happens when we have faith that God will take the reins! Read her bio here!

Tomorrow, we have opportunities again to be people of hope once more at The Feast of the Immaculate Conception, where we attend Mass as a school. On Sunday, we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe as a parish community at 11am Mass, and once more on the 12th as a school. We are people of hope, a community founded on it, and in a belief of something so much greater than ourselves. We are prophecy people in our own ways, believing that God will come again. 

This week, I challenge you as a family to not focus solely on the silly things that this season brings-- like the Hallmark movies and toys from Santa, but on the ways that we can be like Juan Diego and Mary, and the prophets of days gone by. Focus on hope. Be the light in the darkness, and as a family ask yourselves-- What will you do this week to be people of hope in our community and in the world?

With Gratitude, 

Ms. Lauren Hobbs
Lauren Hobbs

Principal, Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic School

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Annual SVdP Advent Drive Continues...Fill the sleigh!

Dec 7 - FCE goes home with youngest child - remove contents & return Family Communication Envelope to school ASAP

Dec 8 - K-8 in Full Uniform ("blues")

  • All School Mass (Feast of the Immaculate Conception) + the Mary Dance by 8th grade students 9:00 am.
  • Auction Item Donation Drop off 8:00-10:00 am school's north entrance

Dec 10 - OLG Feast Day Mass 11:00 am (optional) + Fiesta

Dec 12 - K-8 in Full Uniform ("blues")

  • All School Mass (OLG Feast Day!) 9:00 am. Our Student Council performs the Juan Diego pageant
  • Parent Org Meeting 6:30 pm gym stage

Dec 13 - Wear Red and Green Holiday Dress

  • $2 cash gets you a picture of your student with Santa! $5 credit card
  • Christmas Sing-A-Long 1: 30 pm School Hall
  • Wednesday 2:15 Early Dismissal (K-8)
  • NO After School Tutoring today - Cancelled

Dec 15 - NOON Dismissal + Free Dress (policy page 48)

  • Auction Item Donation Drop off 8:00-10:00 am school's north entrance
  • NO PM EDC / ELC Aftercare

Stay up-to-date with calendar events

Coming Up

Dec 31 - FINAL / FIRM DEADLINE: Tuition Assistance Application CLOSES. Late or incomplete applications will NOT be considered for aid

Dec 18 to Jan 1 - Christmas Break. See you Tuesday, Jan 2nd

School Happenings

FINAL Deadline Tuition Assistance Application

LAST Week to get questions answered by the front office about the 2024-2025 Tuition Assistance Application before Christmas Break! Important 2024-2025 Aid Details

Application for Incoming Siblings

Have a younger sibling of your current OLG student to enroll next school year? Make sure you login to your SchoolAdmin and "Add a new student" to apply ASAP. PS, PK, and Kindergarten classes particularly fill up quickly!

SVdP Food / Dollar Drive

Collecting non-perishable food, hygiene and holiday items

Donate essential items 

to your classroom

OLG Feast Day

Dec 12 9:00 am

Student Council portrays the Guadalupe Story

Dec 10 and 12th

The Story of Juan Diego

Santa is Coming to Town!

Wednesday, Dec 13

School Advent Prayers Schedule

During the season of Advent, our school prepares for Christ's birth as a community. School-wide prayer and and other activities. Please be on time by 8:30 am bell (everyday), but particularly these prayer dates: Dec 11, Dec 13, Dec 15.

PO News

Be sure to Drop It Like It’s Hot - your donation that is! Donation drop-off will be available in front of the main entrance to the school on Friday, December 8th and 16th, 8-10am. 

People Forgot About Dre in 2001, so we understand if you forgot about your donation requirement. All families who fail to enter in their contribution by December 8th WILL be charged the $200 fee. So Get Down On It!

We realize You Can’t Always Get What You Want, but we could really use some volunteers to help throw the biggest party of the year! Be on the lookout for a Sign-Up Genius in early January for roles you and some friends might be interested in Taking On The Run!

Counselor Corner

Happy Holiday Season OLG Families!

Here is a short summary of what has been occurring in SEL classes the last several weeks. Most grades are wrapping up a unit dedicated to developing their Growth Mindset and Goal Setting abilities, with two exceptions. PreK continues to work on identifying feelings, and 7th graders who, due to several scheduling conflicts, are still focusing on Bullying and Harassment prevention and intervention. Some of our take-aways include:

  • PreK: We can use clues - facial expressions, things the person says, and what the person is doing in a story or example - to know how someone else is feeling. 
  • K: Mistakes are ok! To get better at new things we practice and keep trying. 
  • 1st: Helpful thoughts, like "I can do this!" can keep us motivated when something is challenging. When learning to draw Pepito, we practiced using helpful thoughts. 
  • 2nd: We can change an unhelpful thought ("I can't do it") to a helpful thought ("I can't do this YET" or "I'm still learning and that is ok").
  • 3rd: Learning new things builds new neural pathways in our brain and practicing makes those pathways faster and stronger. When practice isn't enough to get better, we can make a change or ask for help.
  • 4th: Goals can help us in school, sports, and life. A good goal is something that is specific, challenging, and doable.
  • 5th: To reach a goal, it helps to have a plan and to identify resources to help us overcome roadblocks. 
  • 6th: Big, long term goals can be broken up into smaller, short-term goals. Making goals specific helps us monitor our progress. 
  • 7th: How to identify bullying and harassment, know what to do when you see/experience these behaviors, and how bullying and harassment impact not only the victim, but the person doing the behavior.
  • 8th: Who am I? What are my skills, strengths and interests? Who do I want to be? How do I become the person I want to be (i.e. what goals can I set)? 

Kim Brunskill, School Counselor

School Fund Drive

2023-2024 Annual School Fund Drive Thermometer

THE RACE TO $10,000!

Only $1200 more to go until our first Annual School Fund milestone of the year! We can reach it with your help!

A big THANK YOU to all of you who already donated to our Annual School Fund!

While the Annual School Fund Drive runs the entire school year, by submitting your donation by December 31st you can take advantage of 2023 tax deductions!

Donate to the OLG Annual School Fund

CYO Athletics News

Gym Monitors Needed!

Basketball season is underway and that means we're looking for gym monitors. This is a fun way to earn volunteer hours while watching some hoops. Have a high school student looking for hours? This is a great opportunity for them too! Please contact Dan Womac for more information

Partners in the Gospel

Archdiocese's Recent Newsletter Update

Please see the insert in today’s FCE packet or you can find it HERE. Subscribe to the Partners Update for the latest information sent right to your email inbox.

OLG Parish Feast Day Mass Celebrations

Join us!

Celebrating the Seasons of Advent & Christmas

Your Child is Invited to Reenact Christmas Story

Rehearsal Dec 20

Join Us in Sending Christmas Cheer to Fr. Jack

As many of you know, Fr. Jack has had a challenging year. We want to let him know that we are thinking of him and surrounding him with our prayers by sending him Christmas greetings from OLG. You can drop off your Christmas card in the baskets in the church vestibule and in the office. We will then have a special elf deliver them to him.


Celebrating the Advent Season

Advent began this weekend. It is a time of preparation that directs our hearts and minds to Christ’s second coming at the end of time and to the anniversary of Our Lord’s birth on Christmas. You can find a variety of resources for you and your family to help you celebrate this holy season HERE.

Advent Communal Reconciliations Services

This Wednesday, Dec 13, 7:00 pm and Saturday, Dec 16, 10:00 am The celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation is an important part of the Advent season. It has long been a tradition in the church to confess one’s sins and be reconciled before celebrating the great feast of Christmas. A communal celebration of the Sacrament will be offered followed by the opportunity for individual confession. See the insert in today’s packet for more information about this Sacrament.

Christmas Flower Donations

It is that time of year to begin planning for our Christmas celebrations. The Arts and Environment Committee is hard at work creating another wonderful place for worship and prayer and your donations can help with this effort. Envelopes are in the pews. You can also donate at our parish website. Donations in honor or in memory of a loved one are also possible. Thank you for your generosity!

Looking for volunteer hours?

Our parish needs a few more camera operators for our Masses and other events. You can volunteer once a month or more often. The system is easy to operate (especially if you like playing video games!) Contact Helen 206-935-0358.

And always more to see on the OLG Parish Website

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