Our Lady of Guadalupe School fosters Gospel values, inspires academic excellence, and develops service and leadership. We face this as a sacramental community united and
sponsored by the Holy Spirit.
Class Auction Projects
Here are just a few up for auction!
(Grades 1, 5 & 3)
Dear OLG Families,
Lent is upon us, and as the season changes we are reminded that so much is new, and so much remains the same!
The Same (but better)!:
Re-enroll! The 2023-2024 school year is now open, so log in to SchoolAdmin to complete the contract and pay registration fees. (The deadline is March 24, 2023) NOTE: Registration fees are staying the same... but now includes almost all of that giant "school supplies" list! Thank you to our intrepid Parent Org & Laura Wong for finding cost-savings and time-savings in a new way!!! More to come in the coming weeks!!!
Tell us how things are! Didn't do your annual family survey yet? This input is still needed for the Principal Search Committee: Click here to complete the quick 4 minute school survey
Read on for more actions in this newsletter:
- FREE Covid vaccines
Auction: last chance to buy your live Tickets / Volunteer
- ... Auction online goes live this weekend and has no cost to participate!
- Principal Search Committee -- more news!
Day of Service signups!
- CYO - Gym Monitors needed
- much more...
Yours in Christ,
Anton Kramer
Online Silent Auction Opens!
Mar 1 - Wednesday 2:15 pm Early Dismissal
Mar 4 - School Auction 5:30 pm
Coming Up
Mar 10 - NO SCHOOL - Professional Development
Welcome Carla Mayuri, Development Director (ext. 122)
Carla studied Hotel Business Management and obtained specialization in Human Resources from Cornell University. She has spent 20 years in hospitality in many different cities around the US and other countries and is a current parishioner at St. Madeline Sophie Parish in Renton.
"As Development Director, I love to partner with OLG School parents, alumni, the OLG Parish community, and everyone else who understands the importance of a well rounded spiritual and academic education in today’s world, Together we can support our mission and help make a difference in the world around us by investing in our community’s children’s education and formation." -- Carla Mayuri
Last day to buy Auction tickets!
Not sure what to wear? Think dressy/white/sparkles/ski. Check out our Pinterest inspo board: https://pin.it/4scGQsN
Pictured here Class Auction Projects
Grades 2 &7
Virtual Auction opens Saturday!
Get excited—our annual Auction festivities kick off Saturday with the opening of the Virtual Auction! Tickets, gift cards, teacher experiences, and fun merch—there's something for everyone, and bidding is free and easy. Just visit https://olgauction2023.ggo.bid/ and click 'Get Started' to register!
Vendor Spotlight: Brian Callanan and The Haggis Brothers
Brian Callanan returns as our Auction emcee! Brian is a host and moderator for the Seattle Channel’s award-winning public affairs programs and a six-time Emmy winner. Brian and his wife Christa are long-time parishioners at OLG, and their daughters Emma (class of ’17) and Charlotte (class of ’20) are both OLG School graduates. Brian organizes OLG’s annual “Loop the ‘Lupe” obstacle course event, and you might catch him singing and playing saxophone alongside OLG Music Director Ann Sager in their band, The Superchargers!
And please join us in welcoming The Haggis Brothers! The Haggis Brothers are a fiddle driven, rockin' power-trio that have been playing together for more than 25 years. Their high energy sets feature folk, bluegrass, Celtic, and old-time country music. Come early to hear their full set!
Featured Auction Item: Teacher Experiences
From crafts and cookies with Mrs. G and a trip to the Junction with Mrs. Hart and Ms. Pam to a "Frightful Feast" with Mrs. Fuchs, a monthly cookie subscription from Mrs. Simpson to a grown-up's night out with OLG's beloved middle school teachers, our Auction features unique, small group experiences your student will remember forever!
Registration Now Open for 3rd Grade Girls Bball
Registration closes March 10, 2023
League Games Apr 21/23, Apr 28/30, May 5/7, May 12/14, May 19/21 and June 2/4.
We will need Gym Monitors when the Volleyball season starts (mid-March).
A great way to earn commitment hours with the whole family!
Day of Service is just a month away! We have 187 folks signed up and 8 projects are full. We still have room in a number of projects. Here are three that still have room.
Angeline's Day Center provides safety and support to more than 200 women every day. Volunteers will help prepare and serve lunch and visit with the women. Must be 12 years or older.
VA Fischer House is a home for Military and Veteran families supporting their loved ones during illness and injury. Volunteer tasks will be defined soon. All ages
7th and 8th graders come and participate without your family! Join teens from St. George, St. Paul, St. Peter, and St. Edward to clean up the Chesty Greenspace is a 43-acre urban forest on Beacon Hill. Volunteers will help restore Cheasty by removing invasive ivy & blackberry, and planting native plants.
Sunday, Feb 26, 9 am - 2 pm at OLG Walmesley Center (gym)
Celebrating the Season of Lent
This season is a time of preparation that directs our hearts and minds to celebrating Jesus Christ’s Resurrection at Easter. There are many opportunities for you to participate:
Our website has a variety of resources, including fasting and abstinence guidelines, a variety of prayer resources, and schedule of upcoming events. [See insert latest bulletin]
Join us for our Lenten Communal Reconciliation services on Saturday, Mar 18, 10:00 am or Wednesday, Mar 22, 7:00 pm
Pick up one of the “Little Black Booklets” that provides daily reflections during this holy season based on the Scriptures. It is a great resource to enrich your prayer life during this holy season. If possible, a small donation of $5 to help offset the cost would be greatly appreciated. Available in the church vestibule or parish office.
Looking for Service Hours?
Loop The ‘Lupe
Seattle’s best 5K obstacle course fun run!
This event will take place at Walt Hundley Playfield in West Seattle on Saturday, June 3rd. There’s an advantage to signing up early – prices go up in a few weeks. New events as well as favorites are back including The Loop's live music, food and beer garden. Register Here
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pray for Us!
Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic School
3401 SW Myrtle St. Seattle, WA 98126
office 206-935-0651