Our Lady of Guadalupe School fosters Gospel values, inspires academic excellence, and develops service and leadership. We face this as a sacramental community united and

sponsored by the Holy Spirit.

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by Friday

Seattle Firefighters stop to talk to our Preschoolers

Loving the sunshine!

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Volunteer Recess

Principal's Letter

Dear Families, 

News this week:

  • Today we had a Shelter in Place Drill. Afterward, I went to the classrooms and talked with each class who was in the building, and answered questions they had, and explained to them the reasoning and process behind drills such as this. After Easter we will do more drills, including another Shelter in Place, and a Lock Down Drill as well. As I mentioned in my message earlier, while we hope to never need these drills, it’s better to practice them and know them. Just like an emergency brake in your car, you hope to never truly need it, but it’s sure a comfort to know it exists, if you do. 
  • This Sunday is Palm Sunday! We hope to see you at Mass to kick off Holy Week. 
  • A week from today is our Annual Soup Supper. This is the staff service project. Bring a bowl, enjoy delicious soup! Free of charge, and great community time! Then head to Holy Thursday Mass at 7pm if you’d like. 
  • Next Friday, Good Friday, is a NOON dismissal for all. There is no aftercare (ELC OR EDC) on Good Friday. Full Dress uniform for Stations of the Cross. Wear blues. 
  • Speaking of Blues and other misc. Things from the office:
  • Communications: Please read newsletters, class communications, the calendar, etc. 
  • Uniform? Students need to have blues with them. We do not have extra shirts, sweatshirts, pants, etc. in all sizes as many erroneously believe. Leggings, etc. are not pants. Skirts need to be worn over leggings. 
  • Makeup: A reminder that makeup in ELC-5 is against school policy. 6-8 may only wear light, natural makeup. 
  • Absences: We are noticing a mass amount of mid-day appointments, late arrivals, early departures, vacations, etc. Every absence means class time lost, knowledge lost, experience lost. It also creates a lot of additional and undue work for many, including your children. Please try to schedule appointments outside of the school day, and schedule vacations, as mentioned in the handbook, outside of the school calendar whenever possible. As my middle school vice principal used to say “when you miss school, you miss out”, and it is true. 

Lenten Reflection

“You are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by all, shown to be a letter of Christ administered by us, written not in ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets that are hearts of flesh.” (2 Cor 3:3-4)

Today at our All School Mass, beautifully led by our 6th and 1st graders, we heard in abundance, about the importance and sacredness of covenants. Fr. Kevin welcomed the wisdom of our youngest congregants, your children, to navigate the purpose and meaning of covenants. We were reminded of the many things that they are, promises, rules, direction, relationships, and we were reminded of why they are something to value and who they are between. In the Old Testament, God entered into a sacred covenant with Abram, who was renamed Abraham; the father of all nations. In today’s second reading today, Connor reminded us of the wisdom of St. Paul, a man who worked tirelessly to help the people of Corinth become people of God, helping them to enter into our new covenant, that was set in place with Jesus, and our call to go forth, as people of God and build the kingdom. 

While the second reading was so powerful, sometimes the backstory helps us dig in a little more. You see, in the Second Letter of the Corinthians, outsiders were telling the Corinthians lies and falsehoods about Paul and it strained his relationship with those he was simply trying to help. In their weakness, having a strained covenant with Paul and one another, they actually believed these lies. In today’s reading, Paul reminds the people of Corinth that what he helped them to achieve, and all their progress, was in fact a success, and was working; that the best proof of a covenant and the working of God isn’t a letter of recommendation. But rather, it’s the community itself. You want to see that we are truly in a new covenant with God, that I (says Paul) am doing my job as a minister of the new covenant? YOU are the proof that it’s working. YOU are the living covenant. God’s new covenant isn’t written on a tablet like it was for Moses. It’s not written in credentials as it was for some of the high priests, who had to prove that they were believers and teachers, but never did much action, just a lot of talking. No, Paul’s success rate was the people of Corinth turning to God. Prior to Paul coming to evangelize, they were what many might refer to as “a hot mess”; a group of very lost and wayward sheep. Paul shepherds them, as a person of action and conviction, and guides them into relationship with one another and with God. St. Paul believed fully that it was his vocation and call from God to spread the news of Jesus and tell his story yes, but to model it too. As he went, from town to town, teaching all to talk and act with kindness and compassion and love when problems would arise, and to be humble and most of all-- do what Jesus did, even as he was dying, forgive sincerely. The new covenant with God, is within us. Though records indicate that Paul was likely only in the city of Corinth for about eighteen months, the work he did there impacted generations, and forged a path for believers; the new covenant with Christ. You are the letter. You are the proof. You are the letter of recommendation.  Paul went through his life, once he himself was converted as a believer, preaching the word of God, and that Jesus himself was the one God sent to save all mankind. And in the end, it cost him his life, beheaded and martyred, never once denying the covenant he had with God. What strong faith Paul had. 

In today’s world, we see the face of God, and proof of God’s covenant all around. And yet, we often seek letters of recommendation, or read reviews, v. just looking around, or trying it out for ourselves. I am guilty of this. How’s ___ restaurant? Let me look at reviews before I go. What about ___ product on Amazon? How are the reviews? No reviews at all, yet looks awesome-- nah, I don’t believe it. If it was great, it’d have reviews. I go back to what I said before. We, as a human race, are often people of doubt, even when we want to believe. As descendants of Abraham, we are called to be people of faith, and cast doubt aside, to believe in the covenant etched into our hearts, as Paul says. To enter willingly into a new covenant with Christ, and to look around for the proof, to live a relationship with God and one another, not just read about it.

As we get ready to enter Holy Week with Palm Sunday on Sunday, I encourage you to look around. Where do you see God? Where is the proof that you seek, if not in a letter of recommendation, that faith is a verb, an action, and that God is all around us? How do you prepare to welcome Jesus back from the desert and into our hearts this Palm Sunday?  How do you prepare to share His story, as we are called to do, and as St. Paul did? 

With Gratitude, 

Ms. Lauren Hobbs
Lauren Hobbs

Principal, Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic School

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Important Dates

Mar 22 - Lenten Fish Fry 6:00-8:00 pm Walmesley Center (gym)

Mar 27 - Wednesday 2:15 Early Dismissal (K-8)

  • After School Tutoring 2:15-3:00 pm

Mar 28 - Holy Thursday

  • Holy Thursday Soup Supper 5:30-7:00 pm Walmesley Center (gym). Hosted by OLG School Staff
  • Mass of the Lord's Supper 7:00 pm - Rice Bowls collected at Mass

Mar 29 - Good Friday

  • NOON Dismissal
  • K-8 in Full Uniform "blues"
  • Living Stations of the Cross 11:00 am - 7th grade leads at OLG Church

Apr 1 - 5 - NO SCHOOL - Enjoy Spring Break!

Apr 7 - Over 65 Dinner 12:00-3:00 pm Walmesley Center (gym)

Apr 8 - Welcome back!

Stay up-to-date with calendar events

School Happenings

Holy Thursday Soup Supper Mar 28

5:30-7:00 pm gym

Bring your bowl and spoon for a meal hosted by school staff. Join us for a fun community event!

Holy Thursday Mass follows at 7:00 pm. Bring your Rice Bowl donations to Mass. Donate online

Volunteer! to fulfill your family's 2023-2024 Commitment Hours

Start at our Volunteer Opportunities main page. (Day of Service projects include at-home projects). Unmet hours (by May 31st) will incur a $50 per hour fee. Log Volunteer Hours Here

Tax Time

Access tuition and childcare tax documents within Finalsite's Billing Management tab. Look for a link to “Tax Statement”,

After School Classes

Chess Class

Grades 1-5

Mondays Apr 15 to May 20

Volunteer at classes and receive reduced rate

Art in Bloom

Grades K-5

Thursdays Apr 25 to May 30

Volunteer at classes and pay for supplies only fee $40

Auction News

Missed the auction? Buy a Spot! Join the fun!

Auction feedback? Post Event Survey

School Fund Drive

How can YOU help if you have already donated or cannot donate?

Help us SPREAD THE WORD, invite friends, family or colleagues to support OLG! Thank you for your continued support!

Check out the 2023-2024 Annual School Fund Drive Thermometer for the most up-to-date results!

Join us in the

"Race to 40" challenge!

We're currently at $30,000 (well, almost, only $70 more to go!) for our Annual School Fund, and we're aiming to reach $40,000 by the end of April.

If each one of us contributes just $50 or more, or encourages someone else to donate, we could bridge the gap and hit this next milestone!

While there are many worthy causes, and we just celebrated an amazing Annual School Auction, let's not forget the importance of our Annual School Fund, which serves as a vital pillar of support for our school.

TOGETHER, let's make our "Race to 40" a success!


Please keep the Beza family (Enrico 6th grade) in your prayers. More on Caring Bridge. You can also show support through a Go Fund Me created here and shared by request of the family.

Please pray for staff and students who are sick and those that are well, stay well.

For our community members whose family members who are fighting cancer and other ailments.

For our neighbors experiencing homelessness. We ask God to help them find shelter and comfort.

Loop the 'Lupe News

Price Increases Saturday March 22 11:59 pm PDT!

This event will take place at Walt Hundley Playfield in West Seattle on Saturday, June 8th. What's in store for 2024!

Register / Volunteer / Find out More!

We ♥️ this OLG Event!

Day of Service

Pick a Project & Reserve your spot!

A great way to earn commitment hours for the whole family!

Projects fill up! Don't miss out!

Read more about projects here

+ At-Home projects too!

New to Day of Service? Day of Service is an annual event where volunteers help at a variety of local non profits. There are many projects to choose from designed for all ages, abilities and schedules, including our drop-in campus projects and at-home projects.

Not New to Day of Service? Well this is -- We are now a multi-parish event!

Parish News

Registration is now open for OLG’s Vacation Bible Camp!

June 24-28, 9:00-Noon at the OLG Walmesley Center

More parish events, announcements including opportunities to learn about the Catholic faith, feed the hungry in our neighborhood, opening day Mariners game, HERE

“Spring into Action" and become a SuperHero for OLG! This past weekend the parish sent out a letter by email discussing the projected revenue shortfall for this fiscal year. Each of you are being asked to help support this call to action and ensure that by July 1st, when our new Pastor and Parochial Vicar arrive and we become a new Parish Family with Holy Rosary, we will be financially strong and our parish ministries will be thriving and meeting the needs of the OLG community. To find out more please read the letter here.  You too can be a Superhero by donating online at https://pushpay.com/g/olgseattle and select Fund OLG Superhero.  Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us!

Don't miss these opportunities!

Partners in the Gospel

Last month, the final parish families were announced across the Archdiocese, and this month all pastors and key parish leadership attended in-person regional trainings focused on the next phases of the Partners in the Gospel journey. They learned about the key activities that should take place in each phase of the process. Our new Pastor and Parochial Vicar will be announced in early April. Please read the March Newsletter Update for recent updates. Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us. Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

More on the OLG Parish Website

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