Our Lady of Guadalupe School fosters Gospel values, inspires academic excellence, and develops service and leadership. We face this as a sacramental community united and
sponsored by the Holy Spirit.
Congratulations 2nd grade!
First Communion
4th grade visits the Center for Wooden Boats
Dear OLG Families,
Spring MAPS testing is underway this month of May...Your homeroom teacher will let you know when your child will have a test session... Studies show getting a good night sleep and a solid breakfast helps student success!
Congrats to our 2nd graders who are newly experienced in the sacraments last weekend and are preparing to lead their first school Mass next week (Thursday, 5/18 @ 9am!
This week we have been super busy as class fieldtrips seem to happen almost daily, our Tuesday Parent Org meeting had a great turnout, Band Fest was huge last night, and tonight is both New Family Night & the 8th Grade Musical Matilda performance! Students were treated to a sneak-peak of Matilda this afternoon and I'm so looking forward to seeing it again tonight (7pm)!
May moves along... so keep logging all your volunteer hours before the deadline May 31st (billing unmet commitments will happen thru SchoolAdmin). Help us keep things moving with yearbook pre-sales, School Mass next week + Listening Session for Partners in the Gospel, a fabulous of OLG Bingo Night, Field Day, Loop, and so much more!!!
Yours in Christ,
Anton Kramer
May 11 - New Family Night 6:00 pm at School Hall
8th Grade Musical Matilda 7:00 pm at OLG gym
May 17 - Talent Show Tryouts
- Wednesday 2:15 pm Early Dismissal
Spring Concert 7:00 pm at OLG Church
Partners in the Gospel Listening Session 6:00-7:15 pm School Hall
May 19 - Bingo Night! 6:00 pm at School Hall
Coming Up!
May 22-24 - 6th grade at Camp Hamilton
May 26 - Field Day & Picnic (comfortable/appropriate clothing)
Volunteer Hours Deadline May 31, 2023
OLG Aloha Family Bingo Night!
Get ready to shout "BINGO!" and laugh out loud with your OLG friends and family at this fun-filled event. All ages welcome!
Friday, May 19th, 6-9pm
School Hall @ OLG
Bring EXTRA cash for EXTRA chances to WIN & for our snack/bake sale!
Need Volunteer Hours? Volunteers are needed for Bingo night and baked goods donations (homemade or store-bought).
Earn hours for the 22-23 school year before the 5/31/23 deadline! Procure, put up posters, hand out postcards, prep obstacles...or any talent you have, let us know!
This event isn’t possible without the over 75 amazing volunteers needed.
OLG Summer Camps - Registration Closes Soon!
Vacation Bible Camp
- Kennedy Catholic Elementary Summer Band
- Summer School
- Reading Programs
- High School Camps
Girls Rock Math, Smart with Art, Coding, Chess, Theatre, LEGOs and more!
Listening Session May 18th in the School Hall 6:00 - 7:15 pm
Come be a part of the conversation with a few members of the Leadership team. We will be offering this listening session to hear your thoughts about Partners in the Gospel. Please RSVP
Vacation Bible Camp!
July 10-14 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
For children entering Preschool through grade 5 Registration Open
Student volunteers 6th grade to high school, Apply Here
Adults - We need all sorts of help: building the sets, creating materials, helping each day with campers, station leaders, registration help, kitchen help and more! Sign up Here
You’ll have a stellar time and give service as well!
Bike to Work (and church, and school) Week of May 15-21
When it comes to reducing your carbon footprint from fossil fuels, the Care for Creation team wants you to know that every little bit helps. Our campus bike rack is on the Walmesley Center "Porch"!
OLG Garden Work Party
Sunday, May 20, 9:00-11:30 AM.
Did you know that the garden beds next to the labyrinth raise fresh produce for the West Seattle Food Bank? Volunteers are needed to weed, disperse compost, and plant seeds and vegetable starts. Tools are available but you are encouraged to bring your own gloves.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pray for Us!
Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic School
3401 SW Myrtle St. Seattle, WA 98126
office 206-935-0651