Dear OLG Families,
I have a few thoughts to share in my final official newsletter before I turn the reigns over to our new OLG Principal, Ms. Lauren Hobbs. I do have a few days here in the office in the rest of June, so I'm excited to see our summer campers next week. Ms. Hobbs's official start date is July 1st. Note below also our summer office hours and other summer events and programs below!
In this final news of 23-24 School year, I wish to share congratulations to our
2023-24 Student Council! Mr. Casey has done a great job in his advisory role; President Naboni and the team of student leaders are going to have a fabulous year ahead of them!
As we wrap-up with classroom cleaning and final grading, teachers are putting final touches on student year-end report cards! We will be emailing K-8 student families early next week, and a hard copy of your student's report card will be mailed (with MAP's reports, Dibels, and possible other notes) coming shortly afterward.
On July 22, join OLG at the West Seattle Grand Parade! Sign up and see more details in the PO section below.
Key Back to School Information:
Summer Learning - Our camps and other opportunities abound, but most grades also received a "summer packet" for math and/or other subjects. Help your student create a schedule to work on their "Summer Packet". Check the front page of packet for due dates and how to return the work!
Check for periodic updates to our Back-to-School page (school supplies, key dates, forms, etc).
Bookmark/subscribe to our online calendar.
Aug 23rd - Back-to-School Ice Cream Social and ELC Orientation.
Aug 30th - First day of school (Noon Early Dismissal) BEFORE Labor Day - arrange you summer travel accordingly.
Again, thank you for all the great memories of the last 6 years. I received a huge packet of student cards on the last day of school and I treasure each and every note and message your child has left for me. OLG is a special place and will remain so because of each and every one of you!!!