Congratulations 2nd grade
for most participation in Loop the 'Lupe! Watch here
Our final Bulldog of the Month and more...
Principal's Letter
Dear OLG Families,

I have a few thoughts to share in my final official newsletter before I turn the reigns over to our new OLG Principal, Ms. Lauren Hobbs. I do have a few days here in the office in the rest of June, so I'm excited to see our summer campers next week. Ms. Hobbs's official start date is July 1st. Note below also our summer office hours and other summer events and programs below!

In this final news of 23-24 School year, I wish to share congratulations to our 2023-24 Student Council! Mr. Casey has done a great job in his advisory role; President Naboni and the team of student leaders are going to have a fabulous year ahead of them!

As we wrap-up with classroom cleaning and final grading, teachers are putting final touches on student year-end report cards! We will be emailing K-8 student families early next week, and a hard copy of your student's report card will be mailed (with MAP's reports, Dibels, and possible other notes) coming shortly afterward.

On July 22, join OLG at the West Seattle Grand Parade! Sign up and see more details in the PO section below.

Key Back to School Information:
  • Summer Learning - Our camps and other opportunities abound, but most grades also received a "summer packet" for math and/or other subjects. Help your student create a schedule to work on their "Summer Packet". Check the front page of packet for due dates and how to return the work!
  • Check for periodic updates to our Back-to-School page (school supplies, key dates, forms, etc).
  • Bookmark/subscribe to our online calendar.
  • Aug 23rd - Back-to-School Ice Cream Social and ELC Orientation.
  • Aug 30th - First day of school (Noon Early Dismissal) BEFORE Labor Day - arrange you summer travel accordingly.

Again, thank you for all the great memories of the last 6 years. I received a huge packet of student cards on the last day of school and I treasure each and every note and message your child has left for me. OLG is a special place and will remain so because of each and every one of you!!!
Yours in Christ,

Anton Kramer
Jul 10-14 - Vacation Bible Camp 9am-12pm
Jul 22 - West Seattle Grand Parade OLG Float - Spend an afternoon with school friends in the Grand Parade and get a jump on 23-24 volunteer hours! Sign up Details in PO section below

Summer Office Hours
  • For the remainder of June: Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm or by appointment
  • July & early August: by appointment
  • Early August: Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

School Happenings
2023-2024 tuition payments begin July 5, 2023
Check SchoolAdmin to confirm your payment plan:
  • Monthly: July 2023 to June 2024 (5th of the month)
  • Semi-annual: July 5, 2023 and Jan 5, 2024
  • Annual: Aug 5, 2023

If you have invoices outstanding in the 2022-2023 school year, please make sure the remaining balance is paid in SchoolAdmin. For assistance using SchoolAdminclick here, or contact the school office.
Back to School Reminders
Summer is a great time to catch up doctor appointments and vaccines (WA DOH)

OLG Uniform Sweatshirts

Order now for August delivery!

We are looking for volunteer(s) to lead the Uniform Exchange! Contact the office
Summer Learning
Summer Math and Reading
Parents: We highly encourage students to maintain the skills they have learned this year. Incoming 1st to 8th grade students received a summer work packet (New students your packet is on its way). Your student may need help scheduling time to work on a take-home packet, practice skills on-line and fulfill reading requirements. More reading/math opportunities

Check front of packet on when summer packets are due - 1st to 5th grade students can earn an ice cream treat!
Join the OLG West Seattle Grand Parade float!
Who let the dogs out!? OLG will be participating in this year's West Seattle Grand Parade on July 22 and we need your help! Do you have a utility trailer (aka parade float) that you'd be willing to let us borrow? Do you have a bulldog mascot in the back of your closet (or know someone who does)? How about a bag of candy and good walking shoes?

We want to fill the street with our amazing students,
families and friends as we toss candy and walk the parade route!

Check out our sign up sheet and join us as a walker, decorator, or (maybe) mascot wearer. It's going to be a fun event and a great way to spend an afternoon with school friends during the summer! Great way to get a jump on volunteer hours for 23-24SY!!!
Save the Date: August 1st
Registration for Soccer and Cross Country opens on August 1st. Both sports are K-8th grade.
How Do I Prioritize My Mental Health While Parenting?
Free Webinar: June 22 at 10am PT
Mental Health America is providing a free webinar to help parents navigate balancing the needs of children while for your own mental health. This conversation will feature parents who live with their own mental health challenges as well as mental health professionals who have experience counseling parents towards a more balanced approach to parenting. Check out this MHANational more information or to register. 
Vacation Bible Camp!
July 10-14 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • For children entering Preschool through grade 5 Registration Open
  • Student volunteers 6th grade to high school, Apply Here
  • Adults - We need all sorts of help: building the sets, creating materials, helping each day with campers, station leaders, registration help, kitchen help and more! Sign up Here
Questions? Sarah or Molly
Summer Book Club w/ OLG!!!
Read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe with your kids
Sign up for Kids Club or Family Club
Questions? Molly
Summer Film Festival

  • Jul 18 - Best of Enemies
  • Aug 9 - Mother Teresa: No Greater Love
Next steps for Parishioner feedback begins Sept 23... read more in the June Archdiocesan Update!
And always more to see on the OLG Parish Website