Weekly OLL News: November 20, 2019
Dear OLL Families,

Our preschool, pre-Kindergarten, and Kindergarten are some of the crown jewels of the OLL experience. We have a tremendously gifted staff and an engaging curriculum that inspires a love of learning that sets our Lakers up for success throughout their OLL academic career and beyond.

Another goal is to integrate our early learning students into our broader OLL community. They benefit from our dedicated specialists and facilities from our fantastic gym to our well-stocked library. And they even learn Spanish, thanks to our talented teachers Tia Liz Day (for Kindergarten) and Etydria Cintora (for preschool/pre-K)! 

So, here’s a tidbit we hope you’ll pass along: We are accepting applications now for these grades!

Our priority application deadline for preschool, pre-Kindergarten, and Kindergarten is December 13 .

And we’d love for you to pass that date - December 13 - on to your friends, co-workers, and neighbors who may be interested in any of those grades, and to point them to our website for information or to kdenniston@ollseattle.org for any questions. 

New Family Referral Program = Our Thanks to You
We know you all - our current parents and members of the school community - are our best possible "advertisers" for OLL. Maybe especially in this age of technology, that well-placed school recommendation from a trusted source like you to a friend or colleague outshines even the best online review.

We want to give you a small token of thanks for spreading the good news about Our Lady of the Lake. So we are excited to roll out our New Family Referral Program , effective for this year’s registrations and beyond. 

As a current OLL family, you will receive a customized Yeti 14-oz. Rambler Mug for each new family that you refer who registers their child/ren at OLL. You can choose to put your name or even keep that Laker spirit going with a “Go Lakers!” mug. We know it's not about a gift, but we want to recognize so many of you who make that extra special effort. Who will be the first? Go for it, and thank you from all of us. 

We appreciate all you do to keep our school vibrant, faith-filled, and focused on learning in a community that cares. We’re off and running for our next 70 years - hope to see many of you at our 90/70 Anniversary Celebration Dinner-Dance on Saturday at 6pm!

Daniel P. Mullen 
Upcoming Events/Important Dates  
November 21 - Free Dress
November 23 - 90/70 Anniversary Celebration Dinner-Dance
November 27 - Mass 9am/Full Uniform - Noon Dismissal
November 28 -29 - Happy Thanksgiving - No school and Xcare closed
December 4 - Altar Server Training for all new and existing servers 1pm - Grades 5 - 8
December 5 - Pride Wear
December 13 - Priority Application Deadline (Preschool / Pre-Kindergarten / Kindergarten)
From the Office
Thursday Hot Lunch
Second Quarter Thursday Hot Lunch forms are here . They are due Tuesday, November 26 .

XCare Calendar for November
  • Open until 6pm on Wednesday, November 27
  • Closed November 28 and 29

Advent Program: December 19 at 7pm
Save the date for this year's Advent Program: the evening of Thursday, December 19, 7pm in the church. Students should plan to wear their Sunday best.

Annual OLL Food Drive - School Goal is 3,000 Items!
We are currently at 2285 items, just 715 more to reach our goal! Fifth grade is in the lead with 417 items. If we make our goal, the top class gets to slime Mr. Mullen, all school PJ day and staff has to wear their rival sports team logo wea for the day. The food drive benefits the parish food bank - St. Vincent de Paul. Last day to bring items is this Friday, November 22 . Please see attached flyer with more information and items that are in great need. Thank you for your support.

Cozy Christmas Laker Gear
A limited number of items are being offered for delivery by Christmas. Please see the attached flyer and order form for options. Orders must be received by November 27 . No late orders can be accepted. Please clearly mark form, if it will be a gift for your student. Checks should be payable to Double Haul Apparel.

New, Updated Car/Booster Seat Regulations Begin January 1, 2020
Attention - All field trip drivers: Governor Jay Inslee signed a new law updating car seat regulations in Washington State beginning January 1, 2020 . The booster seat law in Washington State changes for students from PK-8th grade.

A summary of the new requirements from the Archdiocese:
  • Children ages 2-4 must be properly secured in a car seat with a harness which may be either rear facing or forward facing until they reach the specifications for a booster seat.
  • Children ages 4 and older and less than 4’9” tall must be secured in a booster seat with seat belt (or continue in harness seat).
  • Children over height 4’9” must be secured by a properly fitted seat belt (typically starting at 8-12 years old).
  • Child restraint system must comply with U.S. Department of Transportation standards and be used according to vehicle and child restraint manufacturer.
  • Children under age 13 required to ride in the back seat when practical to do so.
The changes mean most kids will need a booster seat until they’re 10 or 12 years old.
MS Musical
Auditions will be happening in a couple of weeks and then we will really be rolling! For our Middle School students who need audition information, please visit our  webpage.
Scholastic Book Fair Update
Thank you to all of you who supported our fall Scholastic Book Fair during conference week. Our gross sales were approximately $4,700, which gives the school library about $2600 to purchase new books. This will make it possible to purchase a huge influx of new titles for our kids to check out!

A special thank you to Inger Frauenheim for organizing the fair and her special artistic touches.
Visit the Auction website here ( https://ollseattle.ejoinme.org ) for all things Auction! Learn what items we need for procurement, sponsorship opportunities, and more! This year, you can do all of your procurement online - your cash donation or the form to identify your item! Contact the Auction Team with any questions at  ollauction@ollseattle.org .
Parent Club
Pancake Breakfast/Holiday Bazaar
  • If you weren't able to attend the holiday bazaar, you can still support OLL using the links in this flyer. The businesses are continuing to offer a percent rebate for all purchases until the end of the week.

Thank you to all the attendees, volunteers and vendors for making this past Sunday's Pancake Breakfast and Holiday Bazaar such a huge ONE OLL success!!! Parish Life and Parent's Club had a great time hosting this event together and we hope to continue working together on future events.

We would like to give a special shout out to all our volunteers and vendors! We couldn't have done this without our many adult and high school volunteers helping us setup, decorate, cook, serve, wash dishes, cleanup and even add the butter on top! Thank you also to our many vendors who came and shared their fabulous products with us. A portion of all their sales will come back to the Parent's Club!

A finally a big thank you to all who attended! Taking time out of your busy lives to invest in our ONE OLL community is greatly appreciated. Your presence, donations and time help us all build our ministries here at OLL.

If you are interested in getting involved in Parish Life, please contact Liz Jackman at  craigjackman@comcast.net  or Parent's Club, please contact Lisa Gilbert at  lmbcrg@hotmail.com .   

Chinook Books
The physical books are $25 per book and the App is $15. You may purchase them using this  form . Books will be sent home with your student.

Dinner for Dollars
February 25  - Mod Pizza - Lake Forest Park - all day
CYO News
4th - 8th Basketball Schedules are posted  here.
Parish News
 OLL Family and Friends…
Did you know it is our 70/90 birthday celebration this year? We have been educating minds for 70 years and worshiping with full hearts and spirits for 90 years. Celebrate all year with the "OLL Birthday Shirt". These would make great Christmas gifts for the family!

Order form available here . Orders are due by Monday,
December 2  and can be turned into the school office. Please make checks to Double Haul Apparel.
Students will be allowed to wear this shirt on Pride Wear days.
Bishop Blanchet activities
Please see the attached flyer for information on sports clinics, High school proficiency testing and a Christmas concert.

Nativity NW Exhibit
Friday, December 6 - Sunday, December 8 at Messiah Lutheran Church - see flyer for details
Our Mission:
Our Lady of the Lake Catholic School is a welcoming and inclusive community committed to a tradition of excellence by nurturing hearts, inspiring minds, and igniting spirits.