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A frost covered lantern against the background of a snowy landscape photo by Mira Kemppainen
Tomorrow, December 9, is the last day of fall classes. Over this term, OLLI members visited the landfill, made bread, and learned from Chico State faculty lectures.

Don’t be too sad that the term is coming to an end; the spring catalog comes out on Monday with over 90 classes in the classroom, outdoors, and online. The spring schedule includes some of your favorites, like "Great Decisions" and "Birding In the Chico Area," plus a whole host of new classes giving you the chance to visit Oroville’s museums, learn to play bridge, and study just how dark the Dark Ages were.
On Tuesday, November 29, OLLI members participated in #GivingTuesday by making a gift to sustain our program. As of yesterday, 11 donors gave more than $1400.

If you missed #GivingTuesday, there’s still time to give – no matter your gift size. Every dollar counts!
A planner lying open photo by Eric Rothermel
In October, OLLI members joined OLLI staff at a town hall-style conversation about proposed changes to OLLI's fee and term structures. Our goal is to make OLLI enjoyable, affordable, and sustainable, with more than one option for members to choose.

We heard members liked our proposal of 3 ten-week terms, but didn't want to start classes right at the beginning of January. We've revised our term calendar with that in mind. If you missed it, you can still watch the recording of our town hall and view the handout to learn about our proposed fee and term structure changes. Thanks for your feedback!
Shades of Ireland – A fully-guided, in-person tour, Fall '23
OLLI is expanding its programming to include more day trips, as well as our first overseas adventure!

Experience the “Emerald Isle” with seasoned tour guides from Collette, a favorite touring company of other OLLIs in the national Osher network. From breathtaking nature and stunning coasts to a captivating culture and friendly locals, this OLLI-exclusive experience promises a memorable journey in the company of friends.

View the Shades of Ireland full itinerary (pdf) and book now for discounted rates. A representative from Collette will be at the OLLI In-Person Spring Class Preview on January 12 at the Chico Masonic Family Center to talk about the trip and answer questions.
In partnership with Chico Area Recreation & Park District (CARD) and Capay Rancho Women’s Club, OLLI is offering a series of day trips – in December!
Garden of Lights – Redding

Get into the holiday spirit at The Redding Garden of Lights. Turtle Bay Exploration Park is transformed with over one million lights, holiday music, food trucks and beverages.

Saturday, December 10, 3:45-9:30pm
Members and Non-Members welcome!
The Simon & Garfunkel Story – Redding
The Simon & Garfunkel Story is told through a full band and state-of-the-art video projection and lighting at The Cascade Theater. Join us for an evening of good music and fun. Appetizers will be served on the ride to Redding; you bring your own beverages.

Tuesday, January 17, 5 - 11pm
Members and Non-members welcome!
As part of our partnership with OLLI at University of Arizona, we'll once again be offering you the opportunity to take a few OLLI-UA classes in the spring at no additional cost. Look for these on our Newly Added Classes page when the spring schedule is released on Monday, December 12.

Introduction to Forensic Science
Retired forensic scientist Christian Wilson introduces forensic science and how it's used to solve crimes.
A map showing part of the Middle East photo by ErikaWittlieb from Pixabay
How Current Events in the Middle East Affect Us in the USA
Learn about the current events in the Middle East and their root causes from Samih Baalbaki, a native Arabic speaker who was born and raised in Lebanon and spent many years as a lawyer based in Dubai.

Psychology Lecture Series
Learn about a variety of psychology topics from graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, faculty, and staff in the psychology department at the University of Arizona.

This is Sinatra! Celebrating the Man, His Music, and Cultural Impact
Learn what made Frank Sinatra a legend with a six-decade career in this six-week multimedia class.
Lyndall Ellingson a white woman in backpacking gear with hiking poles on the John Muir Trail
Former part-time Program Coordinator Lyndall Ellingson, pictured, met with Program Director Ann Nikolai at a coffee shop in November to explore ways Lyndall's backpacking and hiking experience could benefit OLLI. Having taken backcountry navigation classes and tackled 200 miles of the Pacific Crest Trail – solo – Lyndall has gained confidence and developed the skills necessary to be independent outdoors.

"Even the simple things, like using a compass to take a bearing and plotting your position on a map, can make a difference between going – or not going – on a hike in the woods," Lyndall explained. "I want to share the backcountry knowledge and skills I've gained over the years with other women who enjoy the outdoors. With that knowledge comes the confidence to keep exploring, even as we age."

OLLI hikers Lorraine Smith and Vicki Stoll will be participating in an OLLI-sponsored wilderness training program in December, with the goal of expanding their own navigation and survival skills to improve and expand OLLI outdoors programming.
A sign with the words You belong on a background of colorful triangles surrounded by plants photo by Tim Mossholder
At OLLI, we care deeply about creating an inclusive and accessible community with a respectful educational culture. We hope you've already experienced this in your OLLI classes.

This week, we're introducing 4 formalized policy statements on our website to be clear and transparent about how OLLI works:

Some of what you see might be new to you; much of it is putting what we already do in practice into writing. There's a lot here, and we invite you to explore it. This is our way of being upfront with you, our members – and with potential members – about how we do our best to make OLLI accessible, inclusive, respectful, and compliant with federal laws.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, drafted by a UN committee chaired by Eleanor Roosevelt, was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 10, 1948. The Declaration consists of 30 articles laying out “a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations.”

This Human Rights Day, learn about your rights by reading the full declaration. The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights has a digital exhibit where you can see hundreds of items relating to the declaration from around the world.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
— Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 1
An OLLI Spring 22 Play Festival play projected on a screen at the screening
The 2023 Online Play Festival will take place in March, with plans for an in-person festival in June. Plays are written, directed, and acted by OLLI members. Mark these dates:

Zoom Plays Due: January 6

Zoom Auditions: January 23-24

For more information, including submission guidelines, please contact Debbie Vermette at

Pictured: A screening of Space Travel 2030, Spring '22.
Gregory Ghica a smiling white man with gray hear wearing a leather jacket
Longtime OLLI member Gregory Ghica died on November 14. Greg was born in Romania where he played professional soccer. He immigrated to the US to escape communism in 1969. He received a master's degree in physical education from UC Berkeley and a second master's degree in political science from California State University, Long Beach. He taught political science and physical education, and coached soccer at Golden West College in Huntington Beach. Greg greatly enjoyed political discussions and was a previous "Cracker Barrel" leader for OLLI.
December 9
December 12
Dec. 19 - Jan. 2
January 11
January 12
January 19
January 27
February 6
Last Day of Fall Classes
Spring Catalog Release
Winter Break (OLLI Closed)
Live-Online Spring Class Preview
In-Person Spring Class Preview
Spring Class Registration Opens
Community Speaker Series
First Day of Spring Classes

If you have something to say, a photo to share, or a question to pose to the editor, you can submit information using our OLLI Newsletter Submission form.