May 14, 2020
Remember to Vote!
OLLI Council Elections are underway. Electronic voter information and access to a ballot was sent to all OLLI members with individual email addresses, and paper materials and ballots were sent via US Mail to all other OLLI members on Friday, May 8. Please take a moment to vote for three Council members before 4:00 pm on Wednesday, June 3. Thank you for your participation in OLLI governance! If you have any questions, please contact the OLLI office at  or call 541-552-6048.
Fall Course Proposal Period May 1–31
OLLI's fall courses will be taught online in order to keep everyone safe and healthy. Instructors may choose to use any instructional platform they prefer to deliver courses, however, OLLI can, upon request, provide instructors whose courses have been approved for Fall term with free access to the video platform of Zoom (certain restrictions apply) as well as to SOU’s learning management system, Moodle. In addition, OLLI is working to provide technical resources for both instructors and students. More information will be coming soon. Click here for the course proposal form.
Get Yourself Ready for Fall Classes at OLLI
Many of OLLI's fall courses will be presented via Zoom. If you haven't already used it, this is a great time to learn how to use it. To get started click here to download this Basic Zoom Instruction for Beginners sheet (PDF) created especially for OLLI members by OLLI volunteers.
Member-to-Member Remote Tech Support
If you need some one-to-one coaching, OLLI's  Member-to-Member Tech Support Team volunteers may be able to help. Complete the request below and we will connect you with a Tech Support volunteer.

Click here to submit a request for tech support.

Please note: While volunteers will offer support to the best of their ability remotely, we cannot guarantee that every issue will be solved successfully. Please keep in mind that this process can require time and patience, too.
Open Distance Learning Courses
Title: Classical Music for the Pandemic
Instructor: Peggy Evans
Description: Classical Music for the Pandemic: a look at relatively short classical music works (e.g., a movement of a symphony, not the whole work), which may speak to students at this challenging time.
Students will be contacted by email twice a week to the end of the term. Each email will include several works. Each work would be described (history, musical style, form) plus there would be links to recordings and a score (if available). The works would come from western European classical music and its several historical periods, including music for the church. Students will be encouraged to suggest works to be included and to email questions which will be answered privately or in the next class email. Students will work through this material at their own pace.
Start Date: The class is self-paced, and students may add at any time.
Distance learning methods/tools to be used: Email
Maximum number of students: Unlimited
Questions: Contact the instructor at

Title: Five Records That Changed Us (well, me anyhow)
Instructor: Denny Caraher
Description: Each week I will talk about an LP that had a major cultural and musical impact and is still relevant today. I will play excerpts from the albums via Zoom but everyone should have listened to the recording before class. The first record will be “Sweethearts of the Rodeo” by The Byrds and the other four will probably be of that era.
Start Date: Wednesday, April 29 at 10:00 a.m. 90 minute sessions. (5 sessions)
Distance learning methods/tools to be used: Zoom
Maximum number of students: Unlimited
Questions: Contact the instructor at

Title: OLLI Goes to the Virtual Ashland Independent Festival
Instructor: Lorraine Vail, with Kathy Roselli, Dave Ferguson and local filmmakers
Description: Regretfully, the 2020 Ashland Independent Film Festival (AIFF) was cancelled. Fortunately, Festival staff curated a “virtual” film festival (May 22-June 14) for independent cinema fans, and OLLI Goes to the Virtual Ashland Independent Festival was created. This is an opportunity to view unique films that are not likely to be shown elsewhere, plus the latest and best from our local filmmakers. The films are streamed on Film Festival Flix and can be viewed on a TV or PC. Nine full-length films and the Locals Only series will be discussed via Zoom. You choose how many films to view and how many class discussions to join. A brief description of the films will be available on April 30. On May 6, a Zoom meeting (optional) will provide more information and answer questions on the films and the viewing logistics.
Please note: Enrolling in the class is a great way to express your support to AIFF and the work they do to ensure independent cinema is present in our community. The streaming channel subscription is $9.99 and a feature film rents for $7.99. Best of all, a subscription includes free access to the wonderful collection of 35 shorts, including NASA’s CineSpace winners. A subscription is not required for the 37 short films from our community of local filmmakers and filmmaking students. If you are an AIFF member, you receive a free subscription to the channel and a number of feature film vouchers depending on your membership level. Click here for details  
Start Date: May 22, first film; May 24, 2:00-3:30, first meeting . Five sessions, plus film viewing.
Each feature film shows one day only during a 4- to 24-hour period. The “shorts” show continuously from May 22–June 14. The nine films chosen for discussion show on May 22, 23, 25, 26, 29, 30, and June 1, 4, 5.
Five class discussions at 2:00–3:30 pm on May 24, 27, 31 and June 2, 5. The June 2 discussion is devoted to the Local Filmmakers series and four local filmmakers whose films are showing will join us.
Distance learning methods/tools to be used: Zoom for class discussions. FilmFestivalFlix channel for viewing films (TV or PC).
Maximum number of students: Unlimited
 Questions: Contact the instructor at

Title: The Three Principles of Sydney Banks – Awakening to our Innate Well Being
Instructor: Dan Altman
Description: This class is an exploration of the teachings of Sydney Banks, a Scottish welder who awakened unexpectedly with profound insights about the nature of Life. He taught three principles that describe the nature of our experience. With this understanding it is possible for any of us to experience peace and well-being regardless of our circumstances.
We will watch short videos of Syd and other contemporary teachers including Michael Neill, Dr. Dicken Bettinger, Jamie Smart and Joe Bailey.
Additional information: ,  and "The Inside Out Revolution" by Michael Neill.
Start Date: Friday, May 8 at 11:00 AM  (4 sessions)
Classes on May 8, 15, 22, 29 for around 90 minutes.
Distance learning methods/tools to be used: Zoom
Maximum number of students: 25
Questions: Contact the instructor at  
Watercolor Art Salon Gathering Again in June
The May event was enjoyed so much by the participants that they are scheduling a second Salon in June. New participants are welcome to attend. RSVP below.

Event: OLLI Watercolor Art Salon
Facilitator: Charlie Noble
Description: Watercolor artists, wannabe watercolor artists! Join in for an internet art salon. We will show a piece of our work and have a positive discussion. We will discuss problems, successes and solutions of our work. A chance to come together in these difficult times from the safety of our own homes. This will be an easy-to-use Zoom event.
Date: Friday, June 5, 3:00 pm , approximately 90 minutes.
Distance meeting methods/tools to be used: Zoom
Maximum number of participants: 15
Questions: Contact Charlie at
Lifelong Learning Resources
Ashland New Plays Festival invites you to enjoy a reading of Silueta, performed by Anthony Heald, Nancy Rodriguez, and Michael Gabriel Goodfriend. Click here to begin.

Click here to enjoy the new weekly spotlight on Oregon Center for the Arts at SOU students' creative projects during the Pandemic.

Attend the Seattle Symphony via recorded performances available at this link:

Free guided meditations are offered by UCLA Health. Click here for the link to a range of options in English and Spanish.

Oregon Shakespeare Festival is broadcasting discussions, readings, audiobooks and more online.
Click here for First Reads.
Or here for "Why Shakespeare?"
Find what else is available by clicking here .

Click here to visit the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Gwacheon-si, South Korea.

Take a virtual visit to Ellis Island via this link:

Immerse yourself in culture with a virtual visit to the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico. Click here to learn more.

Tour the sites of Colonial Williamsburg, ranging from how buildings were reconstructed to what artifacts adorn their walls. Click here to explore in 360 degrees, and click or tap on icons for more information.

Visit the National Zoo via webcams. Click here to see what elephants, cheetahs, pandas and more are doing.

Many Broadway musicals are available online. Click here to learn where to access them.