OLLI News from Bradley University

September 13, 2016

Notable OLLI Dates

September October November
Sept. 21, 12pm: Fall Kickoff Luncheon  in Michel Student Center Ballrooms
Oct. 6, 2pm: Spring Study Group Committee Meeting at Peoria NEXT Innovation Center, 801 W Main St
Nov. 2, 9am: Winter 2017 Registration Open House in Michel Student Center Ballrooms
Sept. 22, 2pm: Spring Study Group Committee Meeting  at Peoria NEXT Innovation Center, 801 W Main St
Oct. 21, 9am: Spring Cinema Committee Meeting in Michel Student Center Executive Suite
Nov. 9, 16, & 30, 9am: Spring 2017 Curriculum Committee Meetings in Michel Student Center Executive Suite
Sept. 26, 9am: Spring Learning Trip Committee Meeting  in Michel Student Center Executive Suite

Have You Registered for Fall Classes Yet?

At OLLI Classes, you will experience a fun, stimulating environment with classes led by local experts and enthusiasts, camaraderie of peers with a love of learning, personalized customer service by Continuing Education staff, and even plenty of delicious snacks!  Choose four courses from our wide variety of class offerings to take on  October 5, 12, 19, and 26, and enjoy complimentary transportation, snack breaks, and a seat at the Kickoff Luncheon on  September 21 -- all for $95.  

Examples of classes this fall include:
Zentangle (Introduction and Advanced)
The Rise of Modern Poetry
Chaucer Once Again
Ending Poverty
The Politics of Prose
...And many more!

Click here to view all class offerings and additional information.  To register for classes,  click here to utilize our online registration system or call Bonnie at  309-677-3900.  We can't wait to see you there!

Dinner and a Movie at Historic Palace Theatre 

Dinner and a Movie
Film: The African Queen 
Tuesday, September 20 
12:45 - 6:30 p.m. 
Elmwood Palace Theatre, 122 W Main St, Elmwood

After being re-built following a destructive tornado in 2010, the Palace Theatre in Elmwood was nearly closed for good earlier this year due to financial stress. Thanks to dedicated community members who raised funds to keep the theatre in operation, OLLI will have another chance to visit this historic building. After touring the nostalgic theatre, we will enjoy a private screening of The African Queen, a classic drama featuring Humphrey Bogart as a gin-swilling riverboat captain who is persuaded by a strait-laced missionary, played by Katharine Hepburn, to use his boat to attack a German warship at the onset of World War I. 

Following the film, Randy Wilson, popular OLLI instructor and cinema committee member, will lead a brief discussion about the movie and its themes, then we will enjoy a catered dinner at the Community Center in nearby Yates City. 

$55 - includes tour, film screening, moderated discussion, dinner, gratuities, and shuttle transportation (participants may choose to drive on their own, if desired)

To register, please click here to utilize our online registration system, or call Gwen at 309-677-3900.

Visit Fair Oaks Farm!

Fair Oaks Farm (Activity Level 3)
Wednesday, September 28
7:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Witness how four million glasses of milk are produced daily by 32,000 cows when we travel to the amazing 25,000 acre Fair Oaks Farm, located in northwestern Indiana. We'll learn how approximately 80 or more calves are born on the farm daily, and (if we are lucky) will have an opportunity to witness one of the real and extraordinary
events in the Birthing Barn while the dairy midwife assists. We'll also get to see the nursery where newborns are hand-fed, tour the milking parlor, and more. This tour also includes The Pig Experience, where we can see piglets in the growing barn and maybe even another chance to witness the miracle of life in the farrowing barn.

$109 - includes admission fees, tours, presentations, lunch, gratuities, snacks, and charter coach transportation

To register, please click here to utilize our online registration system, or call Gwen at 309-677-3900.

Spend the Day with OLLI on a Local Trip

The following local trips still have spaces available!  

CSE Software and Simformotion (Activity Level 2)
Monday, September 19
8:45 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Headquartered in Peoria, CSE Software is a privately held company founded in 1990 by President Ken Pflederer. Partners Lara Aaron and Renee Gorrell joined the
business in 1992. Sister company Simformotion LLC was established by the three owners as a separate company in 2008 to handle the design, manufacturing, and sales of simulators. In 2009 CSE Software was awarded the license for CAT heavy equipment simulators by Caterpillar. CSE manufacturers 13 models sold on a global scale, with more in development. Join us for a behind-the-scenes tour at this innovative company where we'll learn how they "make magic."

$25 - includes lunch, gratuities, tour, and shuttle transportation

To register for these and other trips online, please  click here and utilize our online system, or call Gwen at 309-677-3900.

Join an Upcoming Study Group 

It's not too late to register for the following study groups this Fall!

Response to Trauma
Mondays, October 17 - November 14
10:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Peoria NEXT Innovation Center
Register by October 3

What are typical responses to trauma, and why do people react differently? How can science inform our understanding of traumatic reactions? What treatments are available, and what factors help victims to become survivors? Examining responses to natural disasters, war, terror attacks, death of loved ones, domestic violence, sexual abuse, and ongoing relentless stress, we will hear from emergency room workers, therapists, veterans, and disaster management professionals. Participants will need email and Internet access to read brief articles and view short videos.

$45 - facilitated by Rebecca Carlson, case worker at Women Strength, and social worker for Department of Children Family Services.

To register for these and other study groups online, please click here and utilize our online system, or call Bonnie at 309-677-3900.
Beyond the Hilltop
A Global Mindset for a 21st Century Education

"A Global Mindset for a 21st Century Education"
Presented by the Peoria Area World Affairs Council
Thursday, September 15
6:30 p.m.
Westlake Hall, Room 130, Bradley University

An increasingly globalized economy and world interdependency fueled by rapidly changing technology make a change in the skills needed by our workforce evident.  The Peoria World Affairs Council will host a panel discussion addressing not only skills required by global companies or organizations, but also some of the most current educational innovations and challenges in Central Illinois and around the world.

Panelists include:
Dr. Sharon Desmoulin-Kherat, Superintendent of Peoria Public Schools
Mr. Chris Yates, Director of Development and Education, Caterpillar, Inc.
Dr. Helj รค Antola Crowe, Professor of Education, Bradley University

This program is free and open to the public.  Advance notice of attendance strongly encouraged via director@pawac.org to ensure seats.  This program will be of interest to students, teachers, school administrators, business and political leaders, and anyone interested in the innovations and challenges in today's educational systems.

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