Club OLLI Newsletter
August 5, 2021 | Issue 7
Fall 2021 Registration to Begin Late August

Registration for Fall classes will begin in a few weeks. We will send an email announcing the registration opening date and time. Since we are not sending a paper catalog, registrations will occur using our easy-to-use, on-line platform. We are excited to bring back some on-ground classes for the first time in 18 months! Many of our classes will continue with the Zoom format with costs remaining at $50 per term for all the Zoom classes— (1st term: September 13-October 22; 2nd term: October 25-December 10). An email link for the opening of the Fall registration will be sent to all members in a few weeks.
In-person classes will include such titles as: Seminar: America’s Democracy Dilemma, The John Birch Society: The GOP’s QAnon of the 1960’s, Great American Documents, Mash up - The Art of the Unconscious, music classes with David Anderson, Five Artists (film) with Mike Theodore, Lady Bird Johnson Biography with Joan Griffin and Post-Soviet Countries with Alex Yarmolyuk.…and more.
Zoom classes include US Presidential Power Couples with Joan Griffin and Don Frasier, Preview of the 2022 Elections with John Parker and Terry McAteer, former Ambassador Steve Browning’s “Climate Change, National Security and Geopolitics,” several genealogy classes with Susan Rogers and much more along with the ever popular “Travel Tuesday” series.
OLLI will again have some outdoor field trip events led by Terry McAteer which including wine tasting and experiencing the fall colors. Check out the “Outdoor Activity” section of the website for registration and more details on these four fun adventures.
Reminder: Please Remember to Renew Your Annual $20 OLLI Membership
If you haven't already renewed your Club OLLI 2021-2022 Membership (valid through July 31, 2022) online or by mail, please make sure you do so before Fall Term registration opens up. A reminder, the $20 per person Membership is required to enroll in any upcoming semesters and individual classes offered at OLLI at Sierra College. If you have sent your completed Membership Renewal form via mail, please allow us the next couple of weeks for processing. You will receive a confirmation email from us once we have processed your Membership/Membership Renewal. To renew or purchase your Membership online, sign-in to our website and click on the Become a Member red button (on the homepage) and add Membership 2021-2022 / Membership Renewal to your cart before proceeding to checkout... or Click This Link! Don't forget to sign-in first :).
OLLI Food Drive
A Huge Success
Many thanks to the scores of OLLI at Sierra College members who donated cash and food to support the many homeless and food insecure students who attend our local community college. We raised over $3,000 in cash and provided hundreds of pounds of food. The Sierra College staff are excited and extremely grateful for our assistance.
(Photo: Gretchen Cypin from the OLLI Advisory Council oversees the Rocklin campus food drive which took place on July 21st at the Rocklin and Grass Valley campuses.)