OLLI Observer
October 8, 2017  
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In This Issue
Carolinas' Nature Photographers Assocation Meeting
Sunday, October 8, 5:30 p.m.
Reuter Center Room 102
The CNPA-Asheville Region's goal is to develop a group that will more fully experience the beauty of Western  North Carolina through photography. Activities in the Asheville Region include monthly meetings, photo outings, seminars, workshops, exhibits, photo contests and image critiques. The monthly meetings are held at the Reuter Center on the second Sunday of each month from 5:30-8 p.m.  
The Gardening Special Interest Group 
Tuesday, October 10, 4:15 p.m.
Reuter Center Room 230

"Preparing the Garden for Winter"
by Guest Speaker Alison Arnold, 
Buncombe County Extension Agent, 
Consumer Horticulture

All OLLI members are invited to attend.  Program to be followed by tea and treats.

SIG contact Patricia Grace, 828.505.0046, pegrace@vt.edu  The Gardening SIG gets together to learn about gardening in North Carolina, visit public and private gardens, share/exchange plants, help each other solve garden problems, meet friends with similar interests and socialize. The group meetis twice a month during the growing season (April-October) and once a month during the rest of the year.
2017 Fall Member Social
Wednesday, October 11, 4:30 p.m.
 (OLLI member only event)
  Mark your calendar to attend the OLLI fall member social where you will find good company, delicious food & drink, and time spent with your OLLI friends.  As a special treat, this year's social will be catered by Green Opportunities offering gourmet dishes locally sourced!
  Special Interest Group: 
Whole Foods/Plant-based Living
 Thursday, October 12, 4:45 p.m.  
Reuter Center Room 206 
We will be reporting on the  MAHEC Lifestyle Medicine Symposium held October 6 for healthcare professionals and will resume our regular first Friday meetings on November 3. 
 The Whole Foods/Plant-Based Living SIG meets on varied Fridays, 3 p.m.  In this group we provide information and support for anyone interested in following a more plant-based diet along the lines of Dean Ornish, Caldwell Esselstyn, Joel Fuhrman, Neal Barnard, John McDougall, Michael Greger and T. Colin Campbell.   We meet monthly for lunch at various local venues.  Contact Bonnie Wheeler, 330.321.1360, bonniewhee@gmail.com 
  Special Interest Group: 
The Forum
 Friday, October 13, 1 p.m.  
Reuter Center Room 205 
 Topic: "The Vietnam Experience" 
  The Forum offers a free-flowing dialogue designed to enrich and expand participants' thinking on topics ranging from changing demographics of retirees to nuclear disarmament.

SIG contact: Eugene Jaroslaw, 828.255.9925, ejwestwood@gmail.com 
Cold and Flu Season 
We are approaching cold and flu season.  If you are not feeling well or if you have a persistent cough or other cold and flu symptoms, please stay home. Remember that OLLI is a community that pursues learning for the love of learning.  We all need to work together to stay well.
Advance Care Planning Workshop
Thursday, October 19, 7 p.m.
Reuter Center Manheimer Room
 Free and open to everyone, this workshop will feature a panel whose members are experienced in addressing end-of-life issues. Discussion will include communicating your treatment wishes to loved ones and to medical personnel, ethical and legal issues and the uses of advance directives.   
Ample time will be reserved for questions.Assistance will be provided for anyone wishing to complete a legally valid advance directive, including the notarization required in North Carolina, using the NC ACP "Short Form".

College for Seniors- Explore Teaching!
  teacher Do you have an interest in teaching with College for Seniors? 
Come to an orientation on teaching with College for Seniors on
Tuesday, October 24, 4:15 p.m.
Light refreshments will be served
Many OLLI members are gifted poets and writers.  Their published books are clear evidence of the success of OLLI's mission in promoting lifelong creativity and learning.
We would like to compile a list of those published books for the benefit of all OLLI members. If you have authored or illustrated a book of poems or prose, fiction or non-fiction, while an OLLI member, please let us know. We are only interested in those works published while an OLLI member, not those published during one's active career. 
Once this list is compiled, it will be posted on the OLLI website. Then at the end of each coming year we would hope to add new books published that year.
So if you have published a book while an OLLl member, email the following information to Nelson Sartoris   nelsonsartoris@charter.net - - include the author(s), title, publisher, ISBN number, date of publication, and link or location where it may be purchased, e.g., Malaprop's, Amazon, etc., should others wish to buy a copy.  


Emma Elementary School
Providing teacher support and lunch buddies
Homework Diners
Homework help for the student & free meal for the family  
Using music to teach social skills, boost academics and build confidence.
  Click here for details 
VOLUNTEER ... It Makes a Difference!

OLLI Art Bazaar, Nov. 10-11, 2017
Mark your calendar to attend the OLLI Art Bazaar, Friday, November 10, 11 a,m.-4 p.m. & Saturday, November 11, 11 a.m.-3 p.m, at the Reuter Center.

  You will discover a delightful selection of paintings, fiber arts, photography, jewelry, scarves, assemblage (mixed media), handcrafted soaps and lotions, cards and paper art, pottery, wood art and so much more!

The beautiful artwork on offer includes stained & fused glass, watercolor and oil paintings, cross stitched gift items, one of a kind wood-turned bowls and art pieces, unique jewelry items from precious metals to vintage button necklaces. 

Home baked cookies, snacks and beverages will be on sale.Don't miss this festive annual event and a chance to kick start your holiday shopping!
Elisha Mitchell Audubon Society  
Tuesday, October 17, 7 p.m.
Reuter Center Manheimer Room 
The Ecololgy of Wood Warblers
The mountains of Western North Carolina are known for their spectacular spring and fall bird migrations. Many birders in the area spend each birding season nursing aching necks suffered from looking up into trees trying to find warblers. Everyone likes to see the beautiful and elusive warblers, but wouldn't you also like to know more about what they are doing while hidden behind the leaves? This program will examine the similarities and differences in ecology among a "guild" of Southern Appalachian warblers during the breeding season, including feeding and foraging behaviors, habitat,and territory characteristics. 
Our presenter, Alan Smith, has lived in the Southern Appalachians since 1979. He was a professor of biology at Mars Hill College for 26 years and chair of the natural sciences department prior to his recent retirement. Smith also served as a contract biologist for various groups including the National Park Service and The Nature Conservancy. His research interests were focused on the ecology of birds, particularly warblers, but he has also studied trilliums and native orchid species.
 All EMAS programs are free and open to everyone.   
Get Big with Paint Workshop
Space Still Available!
Instructor:  Ursula Gullow
Saturday, October 21, noon - 4 p.m.  
Sunday, October 22, noon - 4 p.m.
Fee:  $115
Create large-scale oil or acrylic paintings within a supportive environment, and unleash your  expressive painting skills. Through a series of engaging exercises, instructor Ursula Gullow will encourage students to paint more freely and create large works of art effortlessly. Materials cost: The instructor will provide a detailed materials list prior  to start of the workshop. If a participant is buying all new brushes and paint, materials could cost $80-$175.
Special Thanks 
OLLI would like to thank Creative Retirement Exploration Weekend
Major Sponsor, Biltmore Farms Hotels for their
longstanding support!
CREW helps those considering relocation in retirement examine all their options carefully and make an informed decision about this major life transition.
Dear OLLI Members,
We continue to try to find ways to manage parking challenges on campus.  The good news: Monday and Tuesday, October 9 and 10, UNC Asheville undergraduates will be on fall break.  Parking should be easily available near the Reuter Center.  Please be aware that shuttles will not be running those days.  We hope to be able to update you on a shuttle schedule soon.

Please help the shuttles function smoothly by not blocking lanes of traffic around the Reuter Center.  Shuttle schedules have been slowed when they have to wait as people block the driveways waiting for parking places.  Also, if you have a space near the Reuter Center, it will be helpful if you can offer a ride to the commuter lots (P01 and P02) after the end of classes.  And while we know that the inconvenience of finding parking can have a negative impact on our members, it's important to remember that the construction on campus will benefit future generations of people who come to our campus.   Click here for the latest updates on campus construction.

Please remember that we still have so much to celebrate as a community of teachers and learners.  We hope you will join us on Wednesday, October 11, for our membership social.  We are particularly pleased that Green Opportunities will be catering.  This is a great chance to meet friends and enjoy the community spirit that distinguishes our program. 

We encourage you to review all the learning opportunities through special interest groups and the many lectures that supplement our College for Seniors programming.  This week we are particularly lucky to have a presentation by writer Bill Finger and a lecture by historian Gordon McKinney sponsored by the Western North Carolina Historical Association. Take a moment to read Kirk Borland's story on Dave and Lin Brown, who came up for the idea for the NC Center for Creative Retirement over thirty years ago and continue to inspire and enliven our campus today.

We know the logistics of getting to class are challenging this term, but our instructors and many volunteers continue to offer programming of the highest caliber.  We are indeed lucky to be part of such a special organization.

With respect for all that you do to model creative retirement,
Catherine Frank
Executive Director

Check calendarthe links here to see OLLI and UNC Asheville current events:
UNCA Bulldog unca 
  Women's Soccer: UNC Asheville vs. Longwood      
Saturday, October 14, 2 p.m.,       
Greenwood Soccer Field

Men's Soccer: UNC Asheville vs. Georgia State
Tuesday, October 17, 7 p.m.,
Greenwood Soccer Field
  Volleyball: UNC Asheville vs. High Point
Friday, October 20, 7 p.m.
Justice Gym
 Women's Soccer: UNC Asheville vs. Liberty
Saturday, October 21, 1 p.m.,
Greenwood Soccer Field
 Volleyball: UNC Asheville vs. Radford
Saturday, October 21, 4 p.m.,
Justice Gym
NC Stage Performance
King Mackerel and the Blues Are Running
Last performance: Sunday, October 8, 2 p.m.
The show features songs and stories about the NC coast, and the actors sing and play their own musical instruments. The Citizen-Times says, "For two hours...hurricanes were history, fishing was the main metaphor for life and the sounds of the ocean and the music could wash away all worries." 

Meditation Special Interest Group 
Monday, October 9, 4:15 p.m., Reuter Center Room 120

Peggy Moore
The Meditation SIG meets at the Reuter Center at 4:15 p.m.,  2nd & 4th Mondays of the month.

On October 9, guest speaker Peggy Moore  will focus on the flow of energy that comes in and through our chakras and techniques to help us become more aware of the energy flow.  We will also discuss how to direct the energy to help balance our lives and calm our emotions.   Peggy's meditation techniques incorporate chakra awareness,  breathing techniques and energy work.

A student of meditation for over 30 years, Peggy Moore is associated with the Institute for the Study of Universal Life Energy in Ottawa, Ontario. In addition to teaching at College for Seniors, she has taught meditation with groups such as New Age Truth in Chicago, Illinois, and the  Circle of Cosmic Consciousness in Nashville, Tennessee.  

All OLLI members are welcome at the Meditation SIG.

  Fab Friday Lunch & Learn Lecture
Friday, October 13, 11:30 a.m.
Reuter Center's Manheimer Room
Free and open to everyone

 "Home Care for the Elderly" by Dr. Amy Cohen
Dr. Amy Cohen 
  Dr. Cohen will discuss the PACE model of care. CarePartners PACE (Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly) is a program for people age 55 or older who need support to remain safely at home for the rest of their lives. PACE provides community-based care and services for people who might otherwise need nursing home level of care. A PACE program works to promote and sustain the independence of seniors and help those who want to live at home, stay at home.  This lecture is a part of the Health Education Series.

Forget Me Not Series
Friday, October 13, 1:30 p.m., 
Reuter Center Manheimer Room

Sponsored by the Alzheimer's Association of WNC ( www.alz.org/northcarolina), this series of lectures will offer insight into this illness. Denise Young, regional manager of the Alzheimer's Association of Western Carolina chapter will present along with area experts.  Scheduled 1:30-3 p.m. in the Manheimer Room, the series is free and open to everyone.

    The first in the series is scheduled on Friday, October 13, "The Basics: Memory Loss, Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease."  This program provides information on different types of dementia including Alzheimer's disease,  Discussion will include what is happening in the brain, symptoms and progression, treatments, how to prepare for visits to your physician, and more!

Free and open to everyone.
The Power of Telling Our Stories
Friday, October 13, 4 p.m., Reuter Center Manheimer Room

William Finger
  William Finger will talk about the importance of stories, why they need to be told and be heard and how they add understanding to our place on earth. "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you," says Maya Angelou. Mr. Finger draws on the experience in writing his memoir,
The Crane Dance: Taking Flight in Midlife, focusing on the process of reflection and selection of what to include in our story helps us derive meaning.  In his talk, Mr. Finger illustrates the power of the "ever-morphing past" with selections from
The Crane Dance.  A writer living in Raleigh since 1977, Mr. Finger retired in 2013 from writing for an international public health company for many years. For more on his background and writing, go to: http://journeycakespirit.com/ . His book will available for sale following his talk.  Free and open to everyone.

Women in STEM
Thursday, October 18, 4:30 p.m., Reuter Center Manheimer Room
Free and open to everyone

Women in Computer Science

Speaker:  Dr. Marietta Cameron, Chair and Associate Professor,
 UNC Asheville Department of Computer Science
Dr. Marietta Cameron

Popular media and scholarly journals acknowledge gender inequality in the STEM disciplines.  Even more alarming is the fact that the under-representation of women varies among the STEM disciplines. Unfortunately computer science, despite its numerous lucrative opportunities and high demand for professionals, is the STEM discipline that struggles the most with gender imbalance. In this presentation, we discuss the contributions of female computer scientists, gender parity within the field of computing, factors that impede gender diversity and current efforts towards gender equality within the field.
Dave and Lin Brown: An Encore Performance
By Kirk Borland
Lin and Dave Brown
When David Brooks, American author and high profile political and cultural commentator addresses a "sold-out" crowd at the Kimmel Arena October 12,* his remarks will cap years of planning by Lin and Dave Brown and mark the first in a "visionary lecture series'"ultimately designed to "impact the policies of society that nurture a better life for large numbers of people." If that sounds ambitious, it is entirely in keeping with the couple who conceived of a "center for creative retirement" on the UNC Asheville campus nearly 30 years ago when Dave Brown was University Chancellor. We know that center today as OLLI at UNC Asheville.

 Reversing Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms Naturally
 Friday, October 13, 7 p.m., Sherrill Center's Ingles Mt. View Room
Clint Paddison of the Paddison Programs will share his dramatic story on recovering from crippling rheumatoid arthritis. From diagnosis to drug-free, Clint's story has to be seen to be believed.  Facing near impossible odds, Clint achieved success by healing his digestive system via a plant-based diet and exercise plan.  Founded on his popular TED Talk, Clint's talk will leave the Asheville community inspired and motivated to make positive changes to your health and how to approach life's difficulties. 

WNC History Association Lecture
Saturday, October 14, 2017, 2 p.m., Reuter Center Manheimer Room

Gordon McKinney
The Legacy of Southern Appalachian Dance: From Whose Perspective?
  presented by Gordon McKinney, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Berea College

     In this final program of the 2017 WNCHA series exploring the heritage of WNC music and dance, noted historian Gordon McKinney presents an overview of the significance of music and dance to the social fabric of Southern Appalachian communities.  In particular, McKinney will highlight the often overlooked diversity that was a unique aspect of the evolution of Southern Appalachian culture and traditions.   
     Dr. McKinney's research into the political and social history of WNC and Southern Appalachia draws on a 40 year academic career culminating in his leadership role as Director of the Appalachian Studies Program at Berea College.

Tickets sold at the door: $5 donation requested, WNCHA members free.
Program sponsored by the Western North Carolina Historical Association and
  made possible in part by a grant from the Blue Ridge National Heritage Area Partnership
 Volunteer Opportunity 
Volunteers Needed for United Way's Days of Impact
Thursday, October 19,  9 a.m.-12 p.m.

Please join your fellow OLLI members for a rewarding volunteer opportunity at Verner Center for Early Learning.  It's a short time commitment and promises to be fun.  Get to know your fellow OLLI members while making a difference in our community.

Call or email Caitlin Han at 828.251.6140, chan@unca.edu to sign up. 

The 2017 HardLox Jewish Food and Heritage Festival
Sunday, October 15, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Downtown Asheville, NC
 The fifteenth annual HardLox Jewish Food and Heritage Festival takes place in Pack Square in historic downtown Asheville, North Carolina.  Come and enjoy delicious Jewish food, meet Asheville's Jewish community, and listen to fabulous entertainment.

UNC Asheville Students "Ideas in Action" Presentation
Monday, October 16,  4:15 p.m., Reuter Center Manheimer Room

UNC Asheville students want to change the world!... and you can help! Join Ideas to Action student teams as they share their ideas with you, seek your feedback and welcome you as team advisers.  Their ideas will still be in the early stages, but they have the passion to make them happen... as the song goes, with a little help from their friends.

UNC Asheville professor, Dr. Mary Lynn Manns will introduce you to the student teams who will then pitch their ideas.  There will be time for discussion after each pitch, with a short reception afterwards to meet the students.
Hiking Special Interest Group (SIG)
Wednesday, November 15,  10:30 a.m., Reuter Center Room230

Dear Hiking Enthusiasts:

We have had numerous requests to consider a Hiking SIG at OLLI and circulated a sign-up sheet at the recent "Tips for Successful  Hiking" session.  Thanks to the 50 of you who indicated your interest!

A very small group of us have spent some time evaluating the SIG guidelines, discussing the feasibility of such a group and how it could work, and have come up with some thoughts around operations. 

One challenge will be filling certain operational roles (coordination, communication, and scheduling) along with a plan for keeping those positions filled over time.   

Another significant challenge will be having an adequate number of OLLI hike leaders willing to participate.  

We are planning an organizational meeting for interested hike leaders on 
Wednesday, November 15,10:30 a.m. - noon, in Reuter Center room 230. If you are attending, please come with an idea for one hike including the distance, elevation and technical difficulty.  There is no obligation on your part; this is an exploratory meeting.

So that we can anticipate the number of potential leaders, please RSVP to Rebecca Banner  beccabanner@gmail.com  
See you on the trail!
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute | 828-251-6140 | olli@unca.edu | http://www.olliasheville.com
Reuter Center, CPO #5000
UNC Asheville
One University Heights
Asheville, NC 28804