OLLI Observer
September 24, 2017  
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In This Issue
On  Friday, September 29, beginning at 1 p.m. , the Reuter Center will be in use for the Black Mountain College Conference.  Friday afternoon Special Interest Groups and Committee meetings
will not be scheduled during that period.

The Meditation Special Interest Group
 Monday, September 25, 4:15 p.m.  
 Reuter Center Room 120

Jacquie Wollins
Jacquie Wollins, our guest speaker, has been teaching self-help classes at OLLI for many years. At this meeting she will lead us in a meditation focused on using your senses to achieve a state of relaxation and joy. Jacquie uses a technique of functional meditation, based upon the work of Jose Silva.  This method empowers the student with the ability to access more of who they want to be . Other classes Jacquie teaches include different approaches to learning and using the Feldenkrais method, a somatic education, that is letting go of habitual movement patterns and freeing  yourself for newer ones, both for comfort and action.

We welcome all OLLI members at our meditation programs regardless of previous experience.
Seeking Retired Professionals
Wednesday, September 27, 5:30-7p.m.
Reuter Center Manheimer Room

Greetings from UNC Asheville's Retired Faculty and Administrators! RFAA, our new organization, would like to welcome you and get to know you, starting with a reception at OLLI.

Our second goal is to help open doors for you, if you'd like, to closer academic engagement with the university. As you may know, a number of OLLI initiatives are already
Martha Marshall
underway-a mentoring program for UNC Asheville's student-athletes, for example. We'd like to assist retired academics and other professionals with individual initiatives. So please come explore with us!

  Questions and RSVP to Martha Marshall at marshall@ret.unca.edu

Fab Friday Lecture
Friday, September 29, 11:30 a.m.
Reuter Center Manheimer Room

"Investigating Tinnitus" 

by Dr. Laura Hadden  

Laura Hadden 

Tinnitus is the perception of noise or sound when no actual external noise is present.  It is commonly referred to as "ringing in the ear", but can sound like clicking, buzzing, whooshing, hissing or whistling.  Millions of Americans experience tinnitus to some degree.  The U.S. Centers for Disease Control estimates that nearly 15% of the general public - over 50 million Americans - experience some form of tinnitus.

Roughly 20 million people struggle with burdensome chronic tinnitus, while 2 million have extreme and debilitating cases.  We will be exploring etiology, mechanisms, and treatment of tinnitus. Lauren Hadden, Doctor of Audiology at The Hearing Center in Asheville, specializes in hearing loss and tinnitus diagnosis, treatment, and effective patient care.  


Free and open to everyone, this lecture is a part of the

Health Education Series.

Click here for more information about our Fall 2017 Fab Friday lectures. 

  Special Interest Group: 
The Forum
 Friday, September 29, 1 p.m.  
(Meeting at Earth Fare on this date)   
  Topic:  Current Events
  The Forum offers a free-flowing dialogue designed to enrich and expand participants' thinking on topics ranging from changing demographics of retirees to nuclear disarmament.

SIG contact: Eugene Jaroslaw, 828.255.9925, ejwestwood@gmail.com 

The Autumn Players
Sunday, October 1,  2:30 p.m.

"Living Together" by Alan Ayckbourne, directed by Patricia Hart
 Members of an extended family - each leading a life of quiet desperation - reluctantly come together at their family home. When brother-in-law Norman goes out of his way to make each one happier, the results are hilarious and unpredictable. 

The Autumn Players is a troupe of seasoned actors dedicated to taking the theatre experience into the community. Readings of great literature by experienced performers can spark deep understanding and kindle lasting interest.  As words jump from the page with conviction and emotion, stories come to life. 

These performances are open to everyone with tickets sold at the door-$6.   To learn more about The Autumn Players, click here to visit their website. 

Mid-Day Music with Pan Harmonia
Featuring Violist Kara Poorbaugh
Friday, October 6, 1:30 p.m.
Reuter Center Manheimer Room

Join musicians from Pan Harmonia for a peek- behind-the-scenes into the experience of music-making. M eet the musicians, learn about their process and inspiration, the music they love and more! This series will be a mix of talks and open rehearsals as  professional players come together to   discuss and shape the music from early sounds to polished beauty Guaranteed to be interesting, insightful and humorous. 
Feel free to bring friends and your lunch.

Draw with Scissors Workshop:
 Learn Japan's 
Black & White Notan Style

Saturday, October 7, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. & 
Sunday, October 8, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 

Heather Allen-Hietala
Fee:  $190;   Materials Fee: $15 for supplies, payable to the instructor.
In this workshop, we will explore the power and magic of the Japanese design principles of Notan. We will study the interaction between positive and negative space, between a shape and its background, and the complementary principles of yin and yang. We will learn basic 2-D design principles.

Using black and white paper, we will play with negative and positive, creating exciting and dynamic designs in paper. In the manner of Matisse we will draw with scissors. Innovative materials will provide an unexpected dimension to our pieces. 


Emma Elementary School
Providing teacher support and lunch buddies
Using music to teach social skills, boost academic and build confidence
Asheville City Schools
Give your time and make a difference!  
VOLUNTEER ... It Makes a Difference!

Advance Care Planning Workshop
Thursday, October 19, 7 p.m.
Reuter Center Manheimer Room
 The free and open to everyone, this workshop will feature a panel whose members are experienced in addressing end-of-life issues. Discussion will include communicating your treatment wishes to loved ones and to medical personnel, ethical and legal issues, and the uses of advance directives.   
Ample time will be reserved for questions.Assistance will be provided for anyone wishing to complete a legally valid advance directive, including the notarization required in North Carolina, using the NC ACP "Short Form".

Special Thanks 
OLLI would like to thank Creative Retirement Exploration Weekend
    Major Sponsor Beverly-Hanks and Associates for their longtime support of our programming.
Beverly-Hanks and Associates: "The Choice is Black and White: Unsurpassed Local Knowledge, Global Reach" 
CREW helps those considering relocation in retirement examine all their options carefully and make an informed decision about this major life transition.
Dear OLLI Members,

We had a challenging and invigorating opening week for our fall term as we all try to navigate the new parking challenges on our campus. As an organization we try to anticipate and communicate as clearly and often as possible with everyone on campus so that we can pass along complete information to OLLI members. It can be a challenge to make sure that we are all on the same page as we share information. This week was particularly challenging because of the City of Asheville's paving crews on Edgewood Road and W.T. Weaver Boulevard, two of the main entrances to campus.  Paving not only delayed individual drivers but also disrupted all shuttles working to get everyone where they needed to be on campus.  We try to let you know in advance if we anticipate problems and will continue to improve the ways we find the information to share with you. And it will be nice to have these two important roads improved.

We genuinely appreciate your willingness to use the shuttle from P1 and P2 and want to clarify the best way to use that service.  The express shuttle waits in the gravel parking lot and brings OLLI members to the Reuter Center. It doesn't have set departure times but operates more like a ferry that takes people to specific destinations, We have requested that the shuttle be at the upper level of the Reuter Center at 11:10, 1:40, 4:10 and 5:10 to take riders back to their cars. The Red and Blue Shuttles (which should be clearly marked) serve specific routes.  You may ride them, but they do NOT come to the Reuter Center and cannot be asked to detour to the Reuter Center.  We experienced some challenges this week as shuttles expected to pick people up after classes were delayed by paving.  We will continue to work to improve the ways these services work.  

We recognize that parking challenges diminish the OLLI experience for some members, particularly given some mobility challenges.  It's important to remember that we are facing these challenges because of exciting improvements happening on the UNC Asheville campus.   Click here to learn more about current campus construction projects, including new dorms and additions to the Highsmith University Union. 

With respect for all that you do to model creative retirement,
Catherine Frank
Executive Director

Check calendarthe links here to see OLLI and UNC Asheville current events:
UNCA Bulldog unca 
Women's Swimming Intrasquad Meet (Blue vs. White)
Saturday, September 30  11 a.m, 
Justice Center Pool    
  Women's Soccer: UNC Asheville vs. Presbyterian
Wednesday, October 4 7 p.m. 
Greenwood Soccer Field
Volleyball: UNC Asheville vs. Winthrop
Thursday, October 6  7pm, 
Justice Center            
Volleyball:  UNC Asheville vs. Charleston Southern
Saturday, October 7  1 p.m. 
Justice Center  
Women's Soccer: UNC Asheville vs.  High Point
Saturday, October 7  4 p.m.
Greenwood Soccer Field

Men's Soccer:  UNC Asheville vs. Liberty
Saturday, October 7 7 p.m.
Greenwood Soccer Field

ReVIEWING Black Mountain College 
September 29-October 1, 2017, Reuter Center

 ReVIEWING Black Mountain College 9 will feature over 60 interdisciplinary presenters from across the United States as well as Lithuania, Russia, and Canada. Topics addressed will include the artistic practices of BMC artists Josef and Anni Albers, Ruth Asawa, Ray Johnson, Merce Cunningham, and John Cage as well as the poetics of Charles Olson, Robert Creeley, Hilda Morley, and John Weiners.  
The conference will feature two keynote addresses: one by conceptual artist Mel Chin, on Friday, September 29, and another with the creative team of Black Mountain Songs on Saturday, September 30.  
The three-day program includes a full schedule of speakers, panels, workshops, and performances and is open to the public. Most conference activities will take place on the UNC Asheville campus at the Reuter Center.
Advance tickets are $40 for current BMCM+AC and OLLI members, $75 for non-members (BMCM+AC annual membership included). This price will increase to $100 for non-members at the door on September 29, so online pre-registration is highly encouraged (ends at   5 pm  on September 28). Optional discounted tickets to  Black Mountain Songs, with performances September 29 and September 30, are available to conference attendees for $10, along with an optional tour of the BMC Lake Eden Campus on October 1 for $15. Both add-ons can be purchased with conference admission at  reviewing.brownpapertickets.com.

For much more about ReVIEWING BMC 9,  VISIT OUR BLOG  or go to  http://www.blackmountaincollege.org/reviewing/ .
World Affairs Council
Tuesday, October 3, 7:30 p.m.
 Reuter Center Manheimer Room 

"Crisis in Venezuela"  by Dr. Maria Moreno

Maria Moreno
Moreno is a Venezuelan native and  was educated there. She is now teaching at Mars Hill University.  She will review the dilemmas currently facing that country.

Lectures and discussions by the World Affairs Council (WAC) aim to advance international awareness and foster Western North Carolina's global ties. OLLI members receive a discount on WAC annual membership fee.  The World Affairs Council meetings offer a lively line up of topics and compelling presenters.  

All lectures are scheduled in the Reuter Center's Manheimer Room. Free to WAC members and students, all others $10 at the door.  
OLLI membes receive a discount on WAC membership.
Sierra Club of Western North Carolina
"Fossil Fuel Divestment and Responsible Investing"
Wednesday, October 4, 7 p.m.
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Asheville
1 Edwin Place, Asheville

Peter Krull of Earth Equity will talk about how to judge different investment opportunities to align closely with your values.

Contact: Judy Mattox, judymattox@sbcglobal.net(828) 683-2716 
 Free and open to the public.
Women in STEM
Thursday, October 5, 4:30 p.m.
 Reuter Center Manheimer Room
Free and open to everyone

Women in ASTRONOMY: "Holding up Half the Sky"
Britt Lundgren
Speaker:  Dr. Britt Lundgren, 
Assistant Professor,  Department of Physics, 
University of North Carolina Asheville

Women have been making major contributions to the progress of astronomical knowledge in Western science since at least the days of Caroline Herschel (1750-1848), though they have historically enjoyed limited professional recognition. This talk will highlight some of the most prominent early advances in astronomy that were made possible through the efforts of female astronomers.  The social progress in recent decades will also be discussed, as well as the persistent barriers facing women and other minoritized groups in astronomy and the ongoing efforts to improve diversity and inclusion in the field.

The  OLLI Authors series continues to recognize the many very talented poetry and prose writers among OLLI members.  An
OLLI Authors poetry reading is scheduled featuring two OLLI member poets.

Thursday, October 5, 5 p.m. in Room 206 Steve Wechselblatt and Theo Sable will read selected works. 

Wechselblatt's book,
Diamonds and Moths and Sable's book
Dirty Secrets will be available for sale after the reading.

This series is free and open to everyone.
Astronomy Club of Asheville
"Venus: Earth's Evil Twin"
Mark Whipple
Thursday, October 5, 7 p.m.
 Reuter Center Manheimer Room
Free and open to everyone 

Earth and Venus have almost exactly the same size and composition, but have evolved into polar opposites. What genetic disorder, or childhood trauma, or freak astrological twist turned Venus from our sibling companion into Earth's dark side evil twin? And what other ominous secrets are hidden beneath that opaque and ever-present atmospheric cloak?
As viewed from Earth, Venus appears beautiful and benign - after the Sun and the Moon, the brilliant planet is the third brightest object in our skies - but she flatters to deceive. In actual fact, this "goddess of love and beauty" features an ugly toxic atmosphere, scorching heat and a runaway greenhouse effect. Earth's evil twin may indeed provide a glimpse into our own planet's future... and how we might prevent an atmospheric disaster.

The Power of Telling Our Stories
Friday, October 13, 4 p.m.,Reuter Center Manheimer Room

William Finger
  William Finger will talk about the importance of stories, why they need to be told and be heard and how they add understanding to our place on earth. "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you," says Maya Angelou. Mr. Finger draws on the experience in writing his memoir,
The Crane Dance: Taking Flight in Midlife, focusing on the process of reflection and selection of what to include in our story helps us derive meaning.  In his talk, Mr. Finger illustrates the power of the "ever-morphing past" with selections from
The Crane Dance.  A writer living in Raleigh since 1977, Mr. Finger retired in 2013 from writing for an international public health company for many years. For more on his background and writing, go to: http://journeycakespirit.com/ . His book will available for sale following his talk.  Free and open to everyone.

WNC History Association Lecture
Saturday, October 14,  2 p.m., Reuter Center Manheimer Room

Gordon McKinney
The Legacy of Southern Appalachian Dance: From Whose Perspective?
  presented by Gordon McKinney, PhD,  
Professor Emeritus, Berea College

     In this final program of the 2017 WNCHA series exploring the heritage of WNC music and dance, noted local historian Gordon McKinney presents an overview of the significance of music and dance to the social fabric of Southern Appalachian communities.  In particular, McKinney will highlight the often overlooked diversity that was a unique aspect of the evolution of Southern Appalachian culture and traditions.   
     Dr. McKinney's research into the political and social history of WNC and Southern Appalachia draws on a 40 year academic career culminating in his leadership role as Director of the Appalachian Studies Program at Berea College.

Tickets sold at the door: $5 donation requested, WNCHA members free.
Program sponsored by the Western North Carolina Historical Association and
  made possible in part by a grant from the Blue Ridge National Heritage Area Partnership
UNC Asheville Students "Ideas in Action" Presentation
Monday, October 16,  4:15 p.m.
Reuter Center Manheimer Room

UNC Asheville students want to change the world!... and you can help! Join Ideas to Action student teams as they share their ideas with you, seek your feedback, and welcome you as team advisers.  Their ideas will still be in the early stages, but they have the passion to make them happen... as the song goes, with a little help from their friends.

UNC Asheville professor, Dr. Mary Lynn Manns will introduce you to the student teams who will then pitch their ideas.  There will be time for discussion after each pitch, with a short reception afterwards to meet the students.
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute | 828-251-6140 | olli@unca.edu | http://www.olliasheville.com
Reuter Center, CPO #5000
UNC Asheville
One University Heights
Asheville, NC 28804