OLLI Observer
May 6, 2018   
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In This Issue
Blue Ridge Orchestra
Sunday, May 6, 3 p.m.
UNC Asheville's Lipinsky Auditorium.  

  "Music for the New World"

 The Blue Ridge Orchestra presents  their 2017-18 season finale, featuring Antonín Dvořák's beloved New World Symphony and Arturo Márquez's sprightly Danzón No. 2.

Tickets $15 General Admission, 
$10 Friends (donors), $5 Students.  
or call 828.782.3354.

  Be a Class Rep

  Volunteer for the College for Seniors courses in the Summer and Fall terms -- and future terms.

Special Interest Group
Monday, May 7, 4:15 p.m.
Reuter Center Room 120

Jacquie Wollins, College for Seniors instructor, will introduce us to Jose Silva's Method to improving the use of your mind.  If you have not had the pleasure of experiencing this method of meditation, Jacquie will invite you to the meditative level of your mind with guided imagery. There will be time after the meditation for Q & A.
Please bring an exercise mat or blanket and layered clothing.  We cannot control the temperature of the room and your comfort ls paramount.

All OLLI Members are welcome.

Meditation SIG Contact:  Sally Ekaireb
Special Interest Group
Tuesday, May 8, 4:15 p.m., 
Reuter Center Room 120 

Best Native Shrubs for the Mountains 
Shelby Jackson, horticulturist for the Carolina Native Nursery in Burnsville, will share her list of favorite native shrubs for WNC. Whether you have a shady woodland or a hot, sunny landscape, Shelby will identify shrubs that will work for you. 
Note: Contact person for Garden SIG is Marilyn Dishaw, 828-215-3838, ncdishaw@gmail.com.  

Roots Foundation   
The garden is the classroom   

Homeward Bound's 
Welcome Home Center
The key to ending homelessness

MANNA Foodbank Team
Providing tens of thousands of meals a day to the hungry
Click here for details
VOLUNTEER NOW ... You can make a

Email for more information:  volunteerolliwnc@gmail.com
The Gift of Time
Registration Open

The Gift of Time is a program that encourages participants to think through the many facets of planning and communicating end-of-life wishes to spouses, partners, children and parents. Experienced facilitators and expert speakers, combined with the support of a group of peers make this program truly unique. The Gift of Time runs May 22, 24, 31 & June 7, 14, 2018 from 10 a.m. - noon and is open to OLLI members. 
contact program manager, 
Hannah Furgiuele at 828.250.3871 or hfurgiue@unca.edu.          

Leadership Asheville Seniors
Registration Open
Leadership Asheville Seniors (LAS) is now open for registration to OLLI members. 
LAS is a ten-week program that runs Tuesdays from September 11 through November 6, 2018 and offers an insider's view of topics concerning our community, including history, environment, government, food insecurity, the arts, the economy, education, health and poverty. Through discussions with community leaders in distinctive venues, newcomers and longtime residents can gain new perspectives and consider ways to contribute their diverse experiences and talents for the good of the community. 
for more information  or contact program manager Hannah Furgiuele at 
828.250.3871 or hfurgiue@unca.edu

Dear OLLI Members,
We hope that you will mark your calendars for the ongoing series of "Hot Topics" offered through the College for Seniors.  Two of the programs examine the history and legacy of lynching. There is also the opportunity to hear from CFS instructor and other representatives of the Asheville Art Museum about planned changes at the museum and ongoing exhibitions.

And don't forget that there is still time to sign up for "The Gift of Time," a thoughtful approach to end of life planning, and Leadership Asheville Seniors, an energizing exploration of the ways Asheville works and an introduction to people working for positive change. 

Take a sneak peek at the exciting line up of courses and events offered at OLLI this summer and don't forget about the ongoing programs offered by our community partners.

Thanks so much to all of you who give your time, talent and treasure to make OLLI a vibrant community of teachers and learners.
Catherine Frank
Executive Director

 Check the links here to see OLLI and UNC Asheville current events:
Upcoming UNC Asheville Athletic Events
May 2018 UNCA Bulldog
Friday, May 11, 6 p.m.  Baseball UNC Asheville vs. High Point 
Greenwood Baseball Field
Saturday, May 12, 3 p.m.  Baseball  UNC Asheville vs. High Point 
Greenwood Baseball Field
Sunday, May 13, 1 p.m.   Baseball  UNC Asheville vs. High Point  
Greenwood Baseball Field
Tuesday, May 15, 6 p.m. Baseball  UNC Asheville vs. ETSU 
Greenwood Baseball Field

College for Seniors Hot Topics Event
Tuesday, May 8, 9 a.m., Reuter Center Manheimer Room

The Past is Not Past: The History and Legacy of Lynching in North Carolina, Part One

As part of the  Race in Black and White  series,  College for Seniors  presents The History and Legacy of Lynching in North Carolina  with Dr. Seth Kotch ( 9 - 11 a.m.  on   Tuesday, May 8) and Dr. Dwight Mullen ( 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.  on   Tuesday, May 15).
Asheville SCORE:  Volunteer Business Mentors Helping Local Entrepreneurs

Thursday, May 10, 4:30 p.m., Reuter Center Room 206

Do you have a business background and an interest in learning more about Asheville's entrepreneurial ecosphere?  Are you interested in sharing your experience and expertise to guide local entrepreneurs as they develop their businesses?  Or maybe you are creating a new business and curious about how Asheville SCORE can assist you?  In this informative session, you will learn how Asheville SCORE mentors make a difference in the lives and success stories of Asheville area entrepreneurs.  Refreshments will be served!   For more information about Asheville SCORE, please see  ashevillescore.org

Fab Friday Lunch and Lecture
Friday, May 11, 11:30 a.m., Manheimer Room

Jewish Humor by Reuben Feldstein

Steve Allen, a talented, scholarly, intelligent analyst (and he wasn't even Jewish) once said that in spite of their single digit representation in the general population Jewish people make up eighty percent of the well-known comedians. We will discuss how and why this happened. We will look at the ways all sorts of humor, from slapstick to subtle innuendo, will be covered. How comedy reflects history and culture will be analyzed. We will review the impact of the Yiddish theater and the Catskills resorts as they contributed to Jewish humor. Rubin Feldstein was born in Poland and lived there the first six years of his life in a shtetl called Zamosc. He cherishes his heritage, enjoys sharing it, and teaching. He was an educator for thirty-four years, including time as a teacher, guidance counselor, principal, and adjunct professor at Montclair State University in New Jersey.

On  Fridays, 11:30 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. during the term, this series of lunch and learn lectures continues to delight and inform. Held in the Manheimer Room, Fab Fridays are free and open to everyone. Purchase lunch in our Reuter Café or bring your own brown bag. End your week and start your weekend with Fab Fridays.

Free and open to everyone, don't miss these great programs.  
The Forum Special Interest Group
Friday, May 11, 1-3 p.m., Reuter Center Room 120

Meeting Topic: "Current Events and Selection of Topics for the Remainder of May and for the First Week in June"   

   The Forum encourages a free-flowing dialogue designed to enrich and expand participants' thinking on topics ranging from Changing Demographics of Retirees to Nuclear Disarmament.

SIG contact: Beth Johnson, johnson1ea@earthlink.com
Symphony Talk
Conductor Jacomo Bairos and Violinist Jennifer Frautschi
Friday, May 11, 3 p.m., Reuter Center Manheimer Room

The May Symphony Talk will feature an exploration of a program of genre-bending composers, including Leonard Bernstein's Overture to Candide, Sam Hyken's Four: A Reimagining of Vivaldi's Four Seasons and Brahms' Symphony No. 2. In the last of the "auditions" of candidates for the position of the symphony's new conductor, Jacomo Bairos will discuss the performance, along with soloist, violinist Jennifer Frautschi, and Chip Kaufmann will discuss the music and composers.

Symphony Talks are free and open to everyone. 
Adam Ledford Artist Talk and Workshop
Friday, May 11 and Saturday, May 12
Center for Craft
Don't miss this opportunity to learn from this award-winning 
Philadelphia-based Ceramic Artist

 In his installation "Don't Worry About the Government," currently on display at the Center for Craft in downtown Asheville, Adam Ledford re-creates ordinary objects from mid-century America in clay and charcoal drawings.  Attend an artist talk with Ledford on
Friday, May 11, 6:30 p.m. at the Center for Craft, 67 Broadway in Downtown Asheville or a workshop on large-scale hand-built ceramics to be held 
Saturday, May 12, 10 a.m. at Odyssey Clayworks, 236 Clingman Avenue in Asheville's River Arts District. There is a $180 fee for the workshop. 
For more information:  centerforcraft.eventbrite.com 
A World Class Art Museum for Asheville  
Tuesday, May 15, 9-10 a.m.,   Reuter Center Manheimer Room

The Asheville Art Museum, founded in 1948, is in the midst of an exciting expansion. The $24 million building project will provide new landmark architecture in downtown Asheville's Pack Square and larger, state-of-the-art galleries to showcase traveling exhibitions and the museum's collection.  Kristi McMillan, Adult Programs Manager at the Asheville Art Museum and College for Seniors instructor, will be joined by staff member 
Rebecca Lynch  and  members of the museum's board to discuss the mission and history of the Asheville Art Museum, celebrate highlights from the museum's collection of 20th- and 21st-century American art and offer a sneak peek at the new museum and programs that the museum is offering while construction is underway.
This event is free and open to everyone and part of the "Hot Topics" series organized by the College for Seniors.

2018 OLLI Art Bazaar 
We are ha ppy to announce registration is now open for the 2018 OLLI Art Bazaar.  The Bazaar is s cheduled for Friday, November 9, 2018, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. and Saturday, November 10, 2018, 11 a.m.-3 p.m..  This year's bazaar will again be a two day format, and the registration fee is $35/for a single table; $70/for a double table. 

Exhibitor registrations come in quickly, and space is limited...so don't wait to get your registration sent in.  If you are interested in participating or know of an OLLI member who would like to join the fun, let us hear from you!

Click here to download and print an Exhibitor Registration form  or you may drop by the OLLI office to pick up a registration form. 

We are looking forward to an exciting bazaar and hope you plan to be a part.  And if you can't exhibit this year, be sure to mark your calendar to attend and get a jump-start on your holiday shopping.

Click here to download an event flier
to post in your community center, place on your Facebook page, hand out to friends....you get the idea!

Questions, contact Leanna Preston lpreston@unca.edu 
Elisha Mitchell Audubon Society 
Tuesday, May 15, 7 p.m., Reuter Center Manheimer Room
EMAS logo

What would springtime in the Southern Appalachians be without the arrival of the beautiful migratory species that nest or refuel here?  Think of the Black-Throated Blue, Chestnut-Sided, Magnolia, and Blackburnian Warblers to name a few.  These populations of cool-adapted species are essentially northern birds that are at the southern edge of their range in our mountains and, unfortunately, they are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

Since 2003, scientists at the University of Georgia (UGA) have been surveying Black-Throated Blue Warbler populations in the Southern Appalachians to begin to answer important questions about the impacts of climate change on our birds.  One research focus has been the study of the effects of caterpillar abundance on breeding birds at different elevations.  At this program, UGA doctoral candidate Ryan Chitwood will discuss the results of this research and explain factors impacting the breeding success of the Black-Throated Blue Warbler.

All EMAS programs are free and open to the public

A Community Conversation on Race
Friday, May 18, 5 p.m., Reuter Center Manheimer Room

College for Seniors invites you to attend an end-of-term  Community  Conversation on Race, moderated by CFS instructor Jim Lenburg. Please join the instructors of two dozen courses that touched on this special theme and the scores of OLLI members who took at least one course. Come share your experience of the course and the term. We think reflecting on this experience has value as part of a continuing  conversation on race in American history and culture.
We also invite you, between now and the end of the term, to take special note of insights, remarks and thoughts you and others share. Write them down and send them with the subject line COMMENTS to Herb Gunn, CFS Program Manager, at hgunn@unca.edu. 
He is collecting images and words that have been part of the  conversation and will share them on  May 18 to help recall the courses. 
research focus has bee

Word Story Slammers
Saturday, June 2, 7 p.m.
Habitat Tavern and Commons
174 Broadway, Asheville
This event produced by David Joe Miller Productions, will feature Raymond Christian, David Joe Miller, Scott Whitehair, Alison Fields, Chuck Fink, Lee Lindsey, and Pete Koschnick. 
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute | 828-251-6140 | olli@unca.edu | http://www.olliasheville.com
Reuter Center, CPO #5000
UNC Asheville
One University Heights
Asheville, NC 28804