Messages from the Mount
A Christ-centered community,
provides excellence in education
to meet the needs of the whole child.

Just a reminder that some email providers "clip" the bottom half

of the Messages and users need to click "show more" to

see the update in full.


29 2nd Grade 1st Communion 10am


2 Charity Dollar Jeans Day - see below for more info

4 (corrected date) Spring Musical 5pm & 7pm (see below for more info)

5 May Crowning after Mass in the Church (8th grade)

8-9 8th Grade Class Trip

9 Paige's Music Parent Meeting PH 7-8pm

19 Jr. High Awards (both 7th & 8th grades) Ceremony 1:45pm CH

24 KAM attends all day (KPM stays home)

25 KPM attends all day (KAM stays home)

25 Out of Uniform Day - 1st Spring Survey goal met!

26 Kindy 500 (Kindergarten Field Day)

29 No School - Memorial Day

30 8th Grade Student Breakfast & Grad Rehearsal 8-10am - watch your email for more info

30 8th Grade Mother's Breakfast

30 8th Grade Graduation Mass 7pm CH & Reception following in PH

30 New date for Field Day - stay tuned for volunteer opportunities!

31 Early Dismissal at 2:05pm - Last day of School for Grades K-7

Click here for the 2023-2024 Calendar

May 2 - Next Tuesday

Student Council is sponsoring a Charity Dollar Jeans Day on May 2

to support Teddy Rigg and any other students who are dealing with or have dealt with childhood cancer.

We are raising money for Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital at St. Vincent,

where Teddy is currently receiving treatment.

Students may either wear green (Teddy’s color) or OLMC spirit wear

with jeans, khakis or loose-fitting athletic pants.

Shorts must be the navy uniform shorts

Please see the Family Policy Guide p. 50 for complete Out of Uniform guidelines.

Our school code is s1276 - more uniform information may be found on our website here

Back to School Registration is Coming Soon

It is not ready yet - we are still waiting on some updates from PowerSchool before we can go live with registration for the 2023-24 school year. Thank you for your patience.

It will be call Bio-Update in the new Powerschool account. This is where you provide updates on your child's bio-graphical information like address, phone numbers, emergency contacts, medical information, etc.

If you know that your child will not be returning to OLMC for the 2023-24 school year,

please email the school office at

Communication Survey - We Need More Responses!

As of today, we are at 245 participants so we still need 99 to meet the new goal!

School Council has set a NEW GOAL - 344 total participants.

If this new goal is reached, students will receive a "Choose Your Shoes"

for the week of May 22-26

Thank you to our School Council Communications Survey Participants!

As of Monday we surpassed our "20% increase" goal of 35 Dads and Overall 175 participants. 

We had 195 overall participants, including 66 Dads - 1/3 of our participants! Fantastic!

What's next?

  • The date for the Out of Uniform Day earned from this will be Thursday, May 25!
  • Join School Council to be part of the team that reviews this data with Administration. We will make policy recommendations on the topic of building relationships between School and Families of OLMC through communication methods, but many other topics on school planning and policy are reviewed in Council as well! We have a couple of openings coming up in June 2023, so prayerfully discern if School Council is where God calls you to make a difference in your child's education experience at OLMC:
  • If you haven't taken the survey, please still do (use this link or QR code below)! The more input, the better we can serve the families of OLMC.

*We want this survey to be completely anonymous!

Friendly tip: ensure you log out of Google before taking the survey!

The 2022-2023 school year is quickly coming to a close and we would like to take this opportunity to show our hardworking teachers and staff our gratitude. PTO will be collecting donations that will be used to purchase gift cards based on each School staff member’s requests.

While the donated funds received are used to purchase gifts for all staff, full time staff do receive a greater percentage of your generosity than staff who are part-time. We understand parents want to ensure their child’s primary teacher feels fully appreciated while also showing appreciation for all part-time and support staff. This method allows for a fair distribution of your gifts for all School staff membersAll OLMC School staff are well aware that the gift cards are a result of parental donations and they are all VERY grateful. 


As always, you are more than welcome to give individual gifts to your teachers to show how much you appreciate them. But, we ask that you please keep in mind that there are many other staff members that work tirelessly to contribute to the whole child learning experience that each of our children enjoy at Our Lady of Mt Carmel. This is an opportunity to show them we appreciate all that they do as well as our children’s primary teachers. 

This year, you can donate in one of two ways:

  1.  Give online to the Teacher/Staff Gift Fund:  Fund Details | OSV Hub
  2.  Send in a check to the school in an envelope marked “PTO Teacher Year-End Contribution.” Please make all checks out to OLMC PTO with “Year-End Contribution” in the memo line.  

For ease in ordering with RaiseRight (SCRIP), we are kindly asking that you give your donation in $5 increments (Ex. $5, $10, $20, etc). We are also asking that you make your online or check donations by Friday, May 5th. Your room parents will work with the PTO to make sure the teachers and staff receive the gift cards they desire.  

Thank you for your generous donation!



A HUGE THANK YOU to all the families that have already made their $100 donation to PTO this year whether through RaiseRight (SCRIP) or by check. Your generosity allows us to fund 100s of activities throughout the year as well as purchase thousands of items from the Teacher’s wish lists every summer. There is still time to donate if you have not already done so. Continue using RaiseRight to purchase gift cards or feel free to send in a check with your student. Families that meet the $100 goal receive a $25 discount off next year’s book bill!!

SAVE THE DATE for FIELD DAY! I have been working with Mrs. King and Mrs. Gardner to come up with some amazing ideas for this year’s event. Please stay tuned for volunteer opportunities. We will need a lot of parents to help make this day amazing! In the meantime, mark your calendars for May 30th. Our goal is to hold the event OUTSIDE so we will reserve May 31st as our backup😊 Thank you in advance for making this an amazing send-off for our students.


Current Volunteer Opportunities

PTO Google Doc

OLMC PTO Volunteer Signup 2022/2023 (


School Bakers

Friday Bakers: Friday Bakers (


Library Volunteers (Updated SPRING sign-up)

OLMC School Library Volunteers 


Office Helpers

Office Helpers: Thursday Office Helpers (


Recess Monitors (contact Angie Nalley)


School Lunch Committee (contact Megan Morton)

God Bless,

Kate Vespa

PTO President

Music News:

Annie the Musical

Annie the Musical will be presented on

May 4 at 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm in the Parish Hall. 

We are asking families with last names M-Z to attend the 5:00 pm show

and families with names ending in A-L to attend the 7:00 pm show.

The students will perform at both performances.

Our 4th Graders are our Rising Star Chorus. 

We are asking our 4th Grade students to perform at both performances. 

4th Graders may wear their pioneer costumes without the hatsPlease arrive by 4:45.

Choir to sing at an Indians Baseball Game

Our school choir will join with the liturgical children's choir on June 2nd

to sing the National Anthem at an Indians game. 

More information about signing up will be available soon.

Band Parent Meeting 

There will be a parent meeting at 7:00 pm on May 9th in the parish hall

for parents to learn about renting to own or purchasing new or used band instruments. A representative from Paigeś Music

will be present.

Yearbook Information:

2021-2022 Yearbooks were sent home Thursday/Friday (Apr 13/14)! If you have any questions about this, please email Amy Quinn at

2022-2023 yearbooks are now on sale! Books are $20 each and may only be ordered online

at Enter our school code: 77365N

Don't wait - order by May 20!

We are weeding out books that have low circulation rates in the library to make room for new reads for our students. The books that have been weeded are mostly non-fiction books. They will be on rolling carts and in the parish hall starting Tuesday, May 2nd through Friday May 5th. Feel free to come by and take as many books as you would like. If you have any questions or know of an organization that can use the books that we have left, please contact Mrs. Gaskill at  (FYI Teacher's Treasurers cannot use our books). Thank you!

Online Safety Resources for Parents 

Last month, in partnership with the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, we offered an evening for our parents regarding online safety and human trafficking, professional development for our teachers, and lessons for our 8th grade students. 

We have added a new resource shared to us by a school parent: A book titled The Boogey Man Exists; and he is in your child's back pocket by Jesse Weinberger. It is available on Amazon for $17.95


If you were not able to attend the presentation, we wanted to offer you the excellent resources that were made available to our community: 

How to talk to your kids fact sheet

Dangerous Apps for Kids

Parental Control Apps List

Red Flags- Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking Awareness Know the Truth

5 Things teens wish their parents knew about porn

66 TikTok Slang Meanings Every Parent Should Know

Emoji slang guide for parents

Teen Texting Slang

HT Power & Control Wheel

Sexting Fact Sheet

Partner with OLMC Sports

Dear friends,

The OLMC Sports Ministry is seeking community partners for our program to help support the hundreds of athlete’s and team sports at our parish. 


As parents of a school athlete, we want to give you a preview of these new sponsorship levels and kindly ask for your support.


If any of these sponsorship levels do not work, we can create a custom sponsorship that suits you!


Please review the attached document and let me or Tina Fletcher ( know if you have any questions.  


Thank you again for your support of OLMC youth sports!

Kind regards,

James DiBlasio / / 317-385-1692


Our Lady of Mount Carmel – Sports Ministry – Sponsorship Highlights

  • Catholic Values
  • Successful youth sports organization supporting hundreds of kids in a variety of sports
  • Opportunity to support local faith-based athletic organization
  • Reach 4,000+ families in the local area
  • Attendance at sporting events
  • Inclusion on ministry website / blast email with unique and recurring hits
  • Combine a sense of community with an economic benefit

Do you have a student in high school?

They are invited to join Antioch High School Ministry for the Spring Antioch Retreat!

Held May 12-15, 2023 here at OLMC, this retreat is a wonderful opportunity for teens

to share and help each other grow deeper in their faith.

Deadline to register is May 5, so don't wait!

Please visit:

Mary’s Way Women’s Dinner

Thursday, May 11, 2023

5pm Mass at OLMC followed immediately by dinner at Bridgewater Club

Our Lady of Mount Carmel: 14598 Oak Ridge Rd, Carmel, IN 46032

Bridgewater Club: 3535 E 161st St, Carmel, IN 46033


Stephen Jagla 

He will be sharing the story of how his life was saved through the courageous decision of his birth mom and beauty that came from her saying, “YES”. 

Join us for an inspiring evening to deepen our love for Jesus Christ through

the intercession of His Blessed Mother, Mary.

Cost: $40/person includes our inspirational speaker, dinner and dessert. (Cash bar will be available)

Registration deadline is May 3.

All ladies high school age and older are welcome! Space is limited to 250 people.


Register Now HERE

mary's way qr code 2023



It's a busy time for spring sports in The Nest!

K-8 students wearing their school spirit wear will be admitted for free! See the details in the flyers for the events listed below!



Boys Volleyball: 4/27 vs. Heritage Christian click here for details

Girls Tennis: 4/28 vs. Park Tudor click here for details




Cost: $100

Summer Prep Course Dates: June 5-9 or July 17-21

Morning (9 am - 12 pm) and afternoon (1-4 pm) sessions

Register at

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