The 2022-2023 school year is quickly coming to a close and we would like to take this opportunity to show our hardworking teachers and staff our gratitude. PTO will be collecting donations that will be used to purchase gift cards based on each School staff member’s requests.
While the donated funds received are used to purchase gifts for all staff, full time staff do receive a greater percentage of your generosity than staff who are part-time. We understand parents want to ensure their child’s primary teacher feels fully appreciated while also showing appreciation for all part-time and support staff. This method allows for a fair distribution of your gifts for all School staff members. All OLMC School staff are well aware that the gift cards are a result of parental donations and they are all VERY grateful.
As always, you are more than welcome to give individual gifts to your teachers to show how much you appreciate them. But, we ask that you please keep in mind that there are many other staff members that work tirelessly to contribute to the whole child learning experience that each of our children enjoy at Our Lady of Mt Carmel. This is an opportunity to show them we appreciate all that they do as well as our children’s primary teachers.
This year, you can donate in one of two ways:
Give online to the Teacher/Staff Gift Fund: Fund Details | OSV Hub
- Send in a check to the school in an envelope marked “PTO Teacher Year-End Contribution.” Please make all checks out to OLMC PTO with “Year-End Contribution” in the memo line.
For ease in ordering with RaiseRight (SCRIP), we are kindly asking that you give your donation in $5 increments (Ex. $5, $10, $20, etc). We are also asking that you make your online or check donations by Friday, May 5th. Your room parents will work with the PTO to make sure the teachers and staff receive the gift cards they desire.
Thank you for your generous donation!
A HUGE THANK YOU to all the families that have already made their $100 donation to PTO this year whether through RaiseRight (SCRIP) or by check. Your generosity allows us to fund 100s of activities throughout the year as well as purchase thousands of items from the Teacher’s wish lists every summer. There is still time to donate if you have not already done so. Continue using RaiseRight to purchase gift cards or feel free to send in a check with your student. Families that meet the $100 goal receive a $25 discount off next year’s book bill!!
SAVE THE DATE for FIELD DAY! I have been working with Mrs. King and Mrs. Gardner to come up with some amazing ideas for this year’s event. Please stay tuned for volunteer opportunities. We will need a lot of parents to help make this day amazing! In the meantime, mark your calendars for May 30th. Our goal is to hold the event OUTSIDE so we will reserve May 31st as our backup😊 Thank you in advance for making this an amazing send-off for our students.
Current Volunteer Opportunities
PTO Google Doc
OLMC PTO Volunteer Signup 2022/2023 (
School Bakers
Friday Bakers: Friday Bakers (
Library Volunteers (Updated SPRING sign-up)
OLMC School Library Volunteers
Office Helpers
Office Helpers: Thursday Office Helpers (
Recess Monitors (contact Angie Nalley)
School Lunch Committee (contact Megan Morton)
God Bless,
Kate Vespa
PTO President