This week, our school has been celebrating disABILITY Awareness Week with many fun activities, interesting speakers, and thoughtful discussions. Please keep these discussions going at home by asking your kids what they have learned about the dignity of ALL human life this week. A tremendous thank you to Caroline Dury, Karen Semler, and Kelly Maynard for all the work they put into making this week so great!
We need you! It’s that time of year where we start looking for people to serve on the PTO board for next year.
There are THREE OPEN POSITIONS available to any parent or legal guardian of a student enrolled at OLMC:
• Vice President
• Assistant Treasurer
• Corresponding Secretary
This can be a self-nominating process or you can nominate another individual.
He/She will be contacted and must agree to the nomination to be considered.
Please prayerfully consider if this is for you or someone you know.
This school is so incredible thanks in huge part to all of the volunteers!
I can say without a doubt that my time on the board has been a truly unique experience
and one that I feel very blessed to have had. Please do not hesitate
to reach out to myself or any of the other board members if you have questions!
Click on the link below to learn more AND to fill out a nomination form. Nominations are due by April 15th.
Click here for PTO Nomination Information
We are also looking for people to help welcome newcomers into the school. If you are interested in learning more about this volunteer opportunity, please let me know😊
Current Volunteer Opportunities
PTO Google Doc
OLMC PTO Volunteer Signup 2022/2023 (
School Bakers
Friday Bakers: Friday Bakers (
Library Volunteers (Updated SPRING sign-up)
OLMC School Library Volunteers
Office Helpers
Office Helpers: Thursday Office Helpers (
Recess Monitors (contact Angie Nalley)
School Lunch Committee (contact Megan Morton)
God Bless,
Kate Vespa
PTO President