Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic School 

Next Week's Calendar


*Students may wear FIRE t-shirts with uniform bottoms.*

Monday, October 9 - Specials Rotation C

Tuesday, October 10 - Specials Rotation A

Fall Music Concert (3rd & 4th Grade), 6:00 p.m.

Wednesday, October 11- Specials Rotation B

All School Mass

(Students may wear Encounter Joy t-shirts with uniform bottoms.)

OLP Trivia Night @ Konrad's

Thursday, October 12 - Specials Rotation C

Friday, October 13 - Specials Rotation A

End of 1st Quarter

Dress Down Day with a donation to the FIRE Foundation

School Lunch Calendar

OLP School Calendar

Sycamore School


School Parent Rosary

Please join fellow OLP parents in saying the rosary in the Church space on October 6 and 12. We will pray the rosary promptly at 2:35 p.m. This will leave you plenty of time to pick up your child in the gym. If you have questions, contact Kristine Wheeler at 816.916.3119.  

School picture free

shipping deadline Oct. 10.

End of Quarter Reminders

The end of the 1st Quarter is quickly approaching, on Friday, October 13. As a reminder, all accounts must be current, as indicated below, in order for your child’s report card to be released.

 Tuition payments: Please remember that tuition payments must be paid in full through September in order for your child(ren)’s report cards to be released. You may go online at to check your tuition balance and to make your tuition payments. Checks or cash may be dropped off at the school or parish offices. If you have any questions, please contact the parish Finance Office at 816.251.1100.

 Lunch Accounts must be current without a negative balance through October 13. Online payments should be made directly into your Sycamore account. If questions, please contact Mrs. Melissa Wade, at

 ACED Accounts must have September monthly charges paid. Online payments should be made directly into your Sycamore account. If questions, please contact Ms. Bodenhamer,


Next week at OLP we celebrate FIRE Week and inclusive Catholic education. Students will participate in special activities to learn to appreciate the differences in each of us.

Altered Dismissal October 10-13

The Presbyterian church will be repaving their parking lot next week. All students who dismiss to this lot each afternoon will be dismissed from the field at 2:45 p.m. (students 6-8 grade with no younger siblings) Parents will need to park in the OLP lot, but hopefully the earlier dismissal of these students will help with traffic flow.

Thank you!

Event details and orders available at

FALL PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES:   Parent Teacher Conferences will take place on Thursday, October 19; 11:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Use the link to find an available time to meet with your student(s) HOMEROOM teacher. Students 5th grade and above attend conferences with their parent(s).  Sign-up Link

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: Volunteers needed to help teachers by making copies and preparing projects. Please sign up using the link below:

VOLUNTEER REQUIREMENTS: Please keep in mind that volunteering at school events requires Virtus compliance. Please log in to your Virtus account promptly to verify the currency of all your training. If you require assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to Ashley Henry, Additionally, you can find the dates for upcoming Protecting God's Children classes on the diocese website linked below. It is imperative to have this completed in order to be eligible for volunteering at the school.

PANTHER PARTNERS: OLP appreciates the support from our amazing community! Do you know a business or family who might want to donate to our school?  OLP accepts new sponsors throughout the school year.

On your sponsorship form you can make a general school donation or specify to donate specifically to one or more of our school year events or activities. Donations will be accepted the entire school year, but best to pledge early to take advantage of the entire school year marketing! Anonymous donations are also honored.

How do I sign up?  You can either fill out the online sponsorship form and email it back to OR print and mail it/turn into the school address.  

Questions?  Visit our school website for details or email the Panther Partner Committee!


Race begins at 8:00 a.m. More info available at




St. Michael the Archangel invites you to some of their upcoming events.

· October 7 – Open House 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

All 8th Grade students, during the months of October and November are welcome to experience the SMA campus and be a Guardian for a day! Registration and more information on middle school events may be found at

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