Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic School 


Monday, March 11


Tuesday, March 12 - Specials Rotation B

Wed., March 13 - Specials Rotation C

All School Mass

Reconciliation (Grades 6-8)

Thursday, March 14 - Specials Rotation A

Spring Pictures

Friday, March 15 - Specials Rotation B

March Lunch Calendar

Jim 'Basketball' Jones Assembly

Ask your students about our amazing assembly today! So many great lessons about being kind, perseverance and reading for future success! Thank you, PTO, for bringing Mr. Jones to OLP!


End of Quarter Reminders

The end of the 3rd Quarter is quickly approaching, on Thursday, March 7. As a reminder, all accounts must be current, as indicated below, in order for your child’s report card to be released. 

¨ Tuition payments: Please remember that tuition payments must be paid in full through February in order for your child(ren)’s report cards to be released. You may go online at www.sycamore.com to check your tuition balance and to make your tuition payments.  Checks or cash may be dropped off at the school or parish offices. If you have any questions, please contact the parish Finance Office at 816.251.1100.

¨ Lunch Accounts must be current without a negative balance through March 7. Online payments should be made directly into your Sycamore accountIf questions, please contact Mrs. Wade, at mwade@olpls.org.

¨ ACED Accounts must have February monthly charges paid. Online payments should be made directly into your Sycamore accountIf questions, please contact Mrs. Henry, ahenry@olpls.org.


A reminder for all families with students in 7th Grade. As part of registration for next year please send a copy of your student's immunization record to the office or as an attachment to nurses@olpls.org, if your student has received their Meningococcal Vaccine(MCV) and Tetanus-diphtheria-acellular pertussis(Tdap). School requests documentation of these by July 1 for next school year.

All New Kindergartners or New Families need to provide their vaccination records by July 1 as well.

If you have questions regarding vaccinations to attend school for any of your children, attached is a Schedule of Missouri Requirements for vaccination for the 2024-2025 school year. Thank you! 

School Access During Drills

Once per quarter the school will conduct a fire, tornado and lockdown drill. These can take 3-5 minutes. During these drills parents will not have access to the school building. If you arrive to sign out your student for an appointment or to sign them in, you will need to wait until the drill has been completed before being admitted. Thank you for your understanding.




BOYS AND GIRLS TRACK: Boys and girls grades 4-8 interested in participating in track may register at plkc.org. Practices will begin in March.

BOYS VOLLEYBALL SIGNUPS: Registration is now open for boys grades 4-8 interested in playing volleyball this spring. Sign up today at plkc.org to join the OLP team. Deadline to register is March 8. We are also looking for coaches. Contact Carolyn McKnight if you are interested at mcknight@ku.edu. Thanks!



Middle Schooler’s: Join us Friday, March 15 for Middle School Night here at SMA from 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. for a fun night of games, food, prayer; featuring special guest speaker Gian Gamboa! Click HERE to purchase tickets.

All Middle School Students are invited to join us for Middle School Night here at SMA for the Spring musical production of A Year with Frog and Toad written by brothers Robert and Willie Reale, based on the Frog and Toad children's stories. FREE admission for all Middle School students and their families. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. and the musical starts at 6:30 p.m.


Our Lady of the Presentation School | olplsschool.org

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