Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic School 

Join us for the 2nd annual OLP Kite Festival this Saturday in the north field!

Don't forget your kite. Food trucks will be on site.


Monday, April 15 - Specials Rotation A

Silent Auction Bidding Opens

Tuesday, April 16 - Specials Rotation B

Wednesday, April 17 - Specials Rotation C

All School Mass

Staff Luncheon Hosted by 6th Grade

Thursday, April 18 - Specials Rotation A

Friday, April 19 - Specials Rotation B

Saturday, April 20 - OLP Auction

April Lunch Calendar



Please join fellow parents in saying the Rosary in the Church space on April 11, 18 and 25. We will pray the rosary promptly at 2:35pm. This will leave you plenty of time to pick up your child in the gym. If you have questions, contact Kristine Wheeler at 816.916.3119.  

A reminder for all families with students in 7th Grade. As part of registration for next year please send a copy of your student's immunization record to the office or as an attachment to, if your student has received their Meningococcal Vaccine(MCV) and Tetanus-diphtheria-acellular pertussis(Tdap). School requests documentation of these by July 1 for next school year.

All New Kindergartners or New Families need to provide their vaccination records by July 1 as well.

If you have questions regarding vaccinations to attend school for any of your children, attached is a Schedule of Missouri Requirements for vaccination for the 2024-2025 school year. Thank you! 

School Access During Drills

Once per quarter the school will conduct a fire, tornado and lockdown drill. These can take 3-5 minutes. During these drills parents will not have access to the school building. If you arrive to sign out your student for an appointment or to sign them in, you will need to wait until the drill has been completed before being admitted. Thank you for your understanding.



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