We look forward to greeting you and your child/ren for the 2022-2023 school year! While school is out for the summer, we are missing the students already and are busy preparing for the Fall. We know our families do the same this time of year, so we wanted to share with you some important dates, reminders and information. Grab a cup of coffee, maybe a quick snack, and please take a few minutes to read all of the details included in this email. As always if you have any questions or need additional information, do not hesitate to reach out. The school office number is 215-739-1920.
First Days of School:
Grades 1 to 8 ONLY: August 30, 31 and September 7, 8 and 9
Doors open at 7:30 AM
Our school day begins at 7:50 AM and dismissal will be at 1:00 PM on these days. Students are to report in their full school uniforms, either the regular Fall/Winter uniform or the Summer uniform (must conform to regulation). Please check the school uniform policy.
Full days for Grades 1-8 will begin on September 12 – 7:50 to 3:00.
Punctuality is an important part of the education process. Therefore, students are marked late who enter the building after 7:50. The doors are closed at 7:50 and students who are late enter the building via the main entrance on Thompson St.
Back to School Parent Meetings:
PreK-3, PreK-4 and K will have a special meeting for PARENTS ONLY on September 8 at 6:00 p.m..
Back to School Night for Grades 1 to 8 will be held on September 15 at 6:00 p.m.
*Note: Should these need to change for any reason, we will communicate.
Pre-K 3, Pre-K 4 and Kindergarten will hold orientation days on September 12 for one hour. Conditions permitting, parent/s are to accompany the children for the hour of orientation.
Children are required to wear their full school uniforms.
The schedule is as follows:
Pre-Kindergarten 3: September 12 : 9:00-10:00 girls; 10:30-11:30 boys
Pre-Kindergarten 4 : September 12: 9:00-10:00 girls and 10:30-11:30 boys
Kindergarten: September 12: 9:00-10:00 girls and 10:30-11:30 boys
September 13-16 will be half days for Pre-K 3, Pre-K 44, and K dismissal 11:45
September 19 will begin full days for Pre-K 3, Pre-K 4, and K dismissal 2:50
Dismissal takes place as follows:
Grades 2, 3 and 4: Thompson Street
Pre-K 4: Edgemont Street School Yard (Brown Doors)
Kindergarten and Grade 1: Edgemont Street School Yard
Pre-K 3 and Grades 5 thru 8: Madison Street
School Entry - Students enter the school building daily as follows:
Pre-K 3, Pre-K 4 and K enter via the Madison Street doors.
Grades 1 thru 4 enter via the Thompson Street doors
Grades 5 thru 8 via Edgemont Street school yard
Summer Office Hours are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 9:00-1:00 in the month of July. In August, the office will be open Monday thru Friday from 8:00-2:00.
Click here to view the school uniform policy. It is strictly enforced. Please be sure your students are in full uniform, unless otherwise instructed.
After School CARES: If you are interested in our After School CARES program and have not yet registered, please email Ms. King at aking@olpr.org. Space is limited and seats are filling quickly. If you need additional information about our CARES Program, click here.
After School CARES begins on Monday, September 19th. All paperwork must be completed and returned by August 18th. There are no exceptions. Students will not be permitted to attend CARES until all paperwork is completed and filed. Any questions, contact Ms. King at aking@olpr.org
Snacks, FREE Breakfast and FREE Hot Lunch:
Students are requested to bring a snack daily. We abide by the Archdiocesan nutritional policy of healthy eating – no candy, cake, cookies, chips or soda are permitted.
FREE breakfast and hot lunch will begin on September 12. We post the menus monthly here on our website. Menus can be found under "Menus" in the "Quick Links" dropdown menu. If your child/ren do not want hot lunch, please be sure to pack a cold lunch (*Note: We do not have refrigeration in the classrooms for student lunches).
Stationery Sale for Grades 1-8:
Stationery will be sold for students in Grades 1-8 on August 11 from 10:00—12:00 and again on August 18 from 10:00-12:00. There are no evening hours. If you plan to be away either of the selling dates in August, please send in an envelope marked with name and grade accompanied with the total amount sometime over the summer and we will be sure the stationery will be ready for your child on the first day of school in his/her homeroom. Stationery for PreK-3, PreK-4 and K will be handled by the teachers, and you will receive information at the September 8 parent meeting.
Pre-K 3 through Grade 8 Stationery & Supply Lists:
Click here to view the individual classroom supply lists for the 2022-2023 school year.
Financial Aid: BLOCS applications for students in Pre-K 3 through Grade 8 are still open for the 2022-2023 school year. To apply, visit www.BLOCS.org. *Note: the BLOCS website says that the application is closed. However, we may still be able to accept your application. If you are interested in applying for BLOCS, please contact Ms. Renee at renee@olpr.org ASAP. Do not delay as financial aid awards are currently being worked on.
Admission Cards: In order for students to enter the building on their first days, they will need an admission card. Admission cards will be available for pick-up in late August. We will email the pick-up dates to everyone in the coming weeks. Please note that all TADS tuition accounts including all fees must be paid and current, and all required documents (see below) must be on file in the school office in order for your students to receive their admission cards.
Required Documents: All required documents must be on file in the school office in order for your student to receive his/her admission card in August. If you have a new student entering in 2022-2023 or if you have returning students and received notification from us about paperwork, please be sure bring the following to the office in the coming weeks:
- Copy of student's birth certificate (*required)
- Copy of student's Baptismal certificate (*required if your student is Baptized)
- Current immunization records (*required)
Medical and Dental Forms (*required for new students entering Kindergarten or Grade one) and any returning student who received notification from our school nurse. Click here to view the forms.
- Copy of student's report card (*required for transfer students only. Note: you will also be required to sign a release form at the school office so that we can request transcripts from your child's current school)
- If your student has a learning assessment, a psychoeducational evaluation or an IEP, please provide us with a copy. (*required if applicable)
- If there are any court orders regarding legal and physical custody of a child, please provide us with a copy (*required if applicable)
- School bus form (*required if applicable)
School Communication/Additional Information:
It is our goal at OLPR to keep all of our school families up-to-date and current with all of our news and information. Our website (www.OurLadyofPortRichmond.com) is updated frequently and most information can be found there, including pages full of information such as our school calendar, event listings, general information and links to our weekly eNewsletter, OLPR’s Weekly eMinder. This weekly e-mail is delivered directly to the inboxes of our parents, students, faculty, staff and guardians and contains critical information, schedule updates and other helpful information. If you are not yet subscribed, you can sign-up by clicking here or you can e-mail renee@olpr.org with your name, e-mail address, the names and grades of all of your students who are attending OLPR in the Fall.
Be sure to also follow us on the following social media channels:
Summer Packets were sent home with all students entering grades 1-8. These need to be completed and returned on the first day of school for the 2022-2023 school year. Completion of these packets is mandatory and students will receive a grade for them. If you are new to OLPR and have a student entering grades 1-8, please pick up the summer packet at the school office.
Please do not hesitate to call our school office if you have any questions or concerns; we are here to assist you and want only to make this new school year a successful one for your child/ren. We look forward to seeing you in the Fall!