Friday, February 18, 2022
Feature of the Week
Hearts of Haley Valentine's Day and Kindergarten 100 Days Celebration

On Monday, we held a special casual dress day for Valentine's Day in support of Hearts for Haley. As you may recall, Hearts for Haley awarded three scholarships to OLPR students at Christmas in recognition of their kindness and hard work. To learn more about theHaleyMorris Foundation,click here or visit their Facebook page by clicking here.

Today, Kindergarten celebrated their 100th Day of School - how quickly did that time go by?!?! Students dress like they were 100 years old and participated in fun 100-themed activities all day! Awesome job, Kindergarten!!!!
Kindness Corner
Sophia Tylek, Grade 6

Sophia is a dedicated student that works to the best of her ability in every way. She is kind and helpful towards her classmates and teacher, and makes each person feel welcome when they enter the classroom. Sophia is a motivated student that has an enthusiasm for learning and shows incredible care for her work. Sophia is truly a joy to have in the 6th grade classroom!
For these photos and more, click on our Photo Gallery button below. We update this site frequently, so check back often!
Re-registration for 2022-2023
Re-registration for the 2022-2023 school year is underway. Important details and information were sent home in January, and re-enrollment links were email to you by TADS. The re-registration deadline for RETURNING families is February 28th.

2022-2023 New Student Applications
Do you know someone interested in enrolling their student(s) for the 2022-2023 school year? If so, please let them know that our new student application, as well as a virtual tour of OLPR are available on our website - Seats are limited, and PreK and Kindergarten fill quickly, so it's best to complete the application as soon as possible.
Birthday/Holiday Celebration Refresher
Just a reminder that in alignment with our Health and Safety Plan policies, if you send items in for your student's birthday or for holiday celebrations, NO baked goods are permitted. This means no items made in a bakery or a house. Items must be store-bought, factory-made, pre-packaged snacks. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Tuition Payments Reminder
Just a quick reminder that all tuition payments must be made through TADS. We do not accept tuition payments in the front office for any reason.

Addendum to Health and Safety Plan
On 1/25, we sent an email with an addendum to our Health and Safety Plan. It is critical for all parents/guardians to review this information to ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding our guidance for dealing with COVID cases. As always, these documents are available on the OLPR website under the "Quick Links" dropdown. You can also view this document by clicking here.

Mask Reminder
Just a reminder - don't forget to wear your masks.

Student Vaccination Form
Prior to the holiday, emails were sent to parents/guardians with a form to complete if their students are vaccinated. If you have not completed this form, please do so as soon as possible by clicking the following link: Thank you!
February 21
President's Day
School Closed

February 25
Monthly Lottery Due
March 1
Candle Orders Due
Children's Scholarship Fund Lottery Application Deadline

March 2
Ash Wednesday

March 4
Terra Novas Begin
Scholarship Application ALERTS:

Children's Scholarship Fund lottery applications for the 2022-2023 school year are now open. The priority application window has passed, but you can still apply for the second lottery to be held in March. The deadline is March 1st. This application takes less than 5 minutes to complete. If you are a current Children's Scholarship Fund family and are interested in adding a sibling next year, you MUST complete the lottery application for the sibling. Click here to apply.

BLOCS Applications for the 2022-2023 school year for students in PreK-3 through Grade 8 are now available. Click here for more information and to apply.
OLPR Candle Sale
Our Spring candle sale is underway. Orders are due by Tuesday, March 1st.
Gertrude Hawk
Our annual Gertrude Hawk fundraiser is underway. Information and details were sent home in last week's family folder. Orders are due on March 18th.
Happy birthday wishes this week go out to...

Ms. Bridget Flemming (Grade 6 Teacher)

Zachary Danforth
Aidan Talento
Dear God,
Please help me to be a full and practicing member of your Church by living the message of Jesus each day. Help me to make our school a center of academic excellence by putting forth my best effort to be a contributing member of the global community. Amen!