Birthday/Holiday Celebration Refresher
Just a reminder that in alignment with our Health and Safety Plan policies, if you send items in for your student's birthday or for holiday celebrations, NO baked goods are permitted. This means no items made in a bakery or a house. Items must be store-bought, factory-made, pre-packaged snacks. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Tuition Payments Reminder
Just a quick reminder that all tuition payments must be made through TADS. We do not accept tuition payments in the front office for any reason.
Addendum to Health and Safety Plan
On 1/25, we sent an email with an addendum to our Health and Safety Plan. It is critical for all parents/guardians to review this information to ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding our guidance for dealing with COVID cases. As always, these documents are available on the OLPR website under the "Quick Links" dropdown. You can also view this document by
clicking here.
Mask Reminder
Just a reminder - don't forget to wear your masks.
Student Vaccination Form
Prior to the holiday, emails were sent to parents/guardians with a form to complete if their students are vaccinated. If you have not completed this form, please do so as soon as possible by clicking the following link: Thank you!