Friday, August 26, 2022
Feature of the Week
Welcome Back, OLPR Faculty!

This week our teachers were here for our annual beginning of the year meeting and Mass. Everyone is so excited to get started and to see all of our students and school families in the coming days. See you all soon!
Mission in Action
Sister Mary's New Home at OLPR

As our new Director of Mission and Ministry, Sister Mary's new office is located in Room 17 on the first floor. It's been decades since Sister has had to decorate a classroom space, and it was amazing to watch her work on setting up her room, decorate bulletin boards and create a special place for focusing on all things Catholic education. Her theme of "Let Your Light Shine" is perfect as we are all called to be a light for those around us. Watch this space weekly for more highlights of all of the great ways we are living our mission each day at OLPR.
For these photos and more, click on our Photo Gallery button below. We update this site frequently, so check back often!
Cancelled: Stationery Sale for Grades 2, 3 and 4:
Wish we had better news, but the stationery for Grades 2, 3 and 4 still has not arrived. So, there will be no sale this upcoming Monday (8/29) as planned. What we're asking is for parents in those grades to send their orders in an envelope with their payment with their students on their first day or bring it to the office when you pick up admission cards. As soon as the supplies have arrived, we will deliver the items directly to your students' classrooms. Please be sure to list the items you need on a sheet of paper and mark the envelope with your student's name and grade/room number. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience and understanding.

Admission Cards & Entry on First Days
If you have not already done so, admission cards can be picked up in the front office on Monday, 8/29. All students must have an admission card to enter school on their first day. In order to receive an admission card, your tuition account must be paid current (May, June, July & August including any fees) and all required paperwork must be on file. We do not accept cash payments at the office, so be sure you have enough time for your payments to clear through TADS. Issues at the door with students attempting to enter without a card are very difficult on the children, so we ask that anyone with an outstanding balance remedy this before their student's first day - and to those with accounts in good standing, please do your best to pick your card up in advance to avoid a backlog at the front door. We would like to make the first day as smooth as possible for everyone. Thank you!

First Family Folder
First Family Folders are sent home each week on Tuesdays with your youngest OLPR student. Your family will receive this folder on the first day of school. Inside this folder are various papers that must be reviewed. There are also several forms that need to be completed, signed and returned by the due dates specified on the forms. Please help us out by taking care of this ASAP.
Admission Card Pick-Up

Orientation Grades 1-8
1:00 p.m. Dismissal

Orientation Grades 1-8
1:00 p.m. Dismissal

School Closed

School Closed
Happy Labor Day
School Closed

School Closed

Grades 1-8
1:00 p.m. Dismissal

Grades 1-8
1:00 p.m. Dismissal
PK3, PK4 & K Parent Meeting 6:00 p.m. (Parents Only)

Grades 1-8
1:00 p.m. Dismissal

Full Days Begin for Grades 1-8
Breakfast and Hot Lunch Begin
Specials Classes Begin
PK3, PK4 & K Orientation
9:00 - 10:00 Girls
10:30 - 11:30 Boys

PK3, PK4 & K 11:45 Dismissal

PK3, PK4 & K 11:45 Dismissal

PK3, PK4 & K 11:45 Dismissal
General Home and School Meeting for All Grades (PK3-8) 6:00 p.m. followed by
Back to School Night (Grades 1-8)

PK3, PK4 & K 11:45 Dismissal
School Mass 1:15 p.m.

Full Days Begin for PK3, PK4 & K
After School CARES Begins

Salus Vision Screening

Family Mass 10:00 a.m. at Nativity BVM

Salus Vision Screening

$1 Dress Down for Leukemia Awareness
Back to School Website Page
Just a reminder that everything you need to know (dates, stationery/supplies, uniform policy, etc.) for Back to School 2022-2023 is on our website. Visit the Back-to-School page at

Welcome to the 2022-2023 School Year!

We are very excited about all that we have planned for the coming months. Information about our fundraisers will be sent in your student's first family folder, so be sure to be on the lookout for that, along with the form that needs to be returned to the school office.

If you are a new family or an existing family who hasn't joined yet, we have a Facebook group for virtual raffles where you can win cash, tuition vouchers and other exciting prizes. Visit our group at

We look forward to an amazing year! Keep an eye on this space weekly for Home and School news, information, activities and more.
Happy birthday wishes this week go out to...

Drew Dwyer

Elise Nelson
Dear God,
Please help me to be a full and practicing member of your Church by living the message of Jesus each day. Help me to make our school a center of academic excellence by putting forth my best effort to be a contributing member of the global community. Amen!