Uniforms The primary purpose of the dress code is to ensure that each student at OLQA School appears neat, clean, and uniform. All uniform options are clearly illustrated by grade level on the Vicki Marsha Website. Please visit http://vickimarsha.com/our-lady-queen-of-angels.html for specific daily and formal uniform guidelines for girls, boys, and grade levels. Vicki Marsha Uniforms is the only authorized supplier of OLQA uniforms. Vicki Marsha Uniforms, 5292 Production Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92649, (714) 895-6371, contact@vickimarsha.com
- K-8 Grade: White OLQA Classic Polo, Navy Pants with Belt & *Navy OLQA Sweater (On Cold Days)
- K-4 Grade: White OLQA Round Collar Blouse, Plaid Jumper & *Navy OLQA Sweater (On Cold Days)
- 5 & 6 White OLQA Oxford Blouse or White OLQA Girls Polo, Plaid Skirt & *Navy OLQA Sweater (On Cold Days)
- 7 & 8 White OLQA Girls Polo or White OLQA Oxford, Grey Skirt & *Navy OLQA Sweater (On Cold Days)
*Navy OLQA Sweater may be any of the four sweater options available.
Footwear (ALL GRADES)
- Required: solid socks, white, navy, or black ONLY.
- Required: shoes are primarily black or white with black or white shoelaces. Shoes must tie-up, buckle, or Velcro. No backless or slip-on shoes are allowed. No high-tops or glitter shoes are allowed.
- Jr. High Option: Jr. High students may also wear gray shoes/gray laces.
- TK/Kindergarten: Students are to wear athletic shoes with Velcro or laces that can be secured. Dress shoes are allowed on days without P.E. Shoelaces may be a safety hazard for this age level.
P.E. Uniform (ALL GRADES)
The P.E. uniform is required in Transitional Kindergarten - Eighth Grade and is worn to school on PE days unless otherwise directed in special circumstances. i.e. Ash Wednesday, etc.
- Gray PE shirts or any OLQA Spirit Shirt may be worn on PE days.
- PE shorts must be no more than 2 inches above the knee.
- All sweatshirts and sweatpants must be OLQA Vicki Marsha logo wear.
- No previous year 8th-grade sweatshirt may be worn.
Student School Supplies CLICK HERE for the complete list.
Extended Day If you are interested in using this program, please download and fill out the Extended Day Registration Form. Please direct questions to Mrs. Nicolle Boyle at nboyle@olqa.org.
Volunteer Program Each family is responsible to take the initiative to fulfill their 25-hour commitment to the volunteer program. To learn more about volunteering, please join us at the Back-to-School Coffee. Volunteer opportunities are also posted regularly in our weekly newsletter and on the school website. In order to volunteer on campus, for field trips, or for athletics, all volunteers must be fingerprinted with the Diocese of Orange and complete Safe Environment training. CLICK HERE for more information.
Uniform Exchange Come by the office to see if you can use any of the uniforms donated to our Uniform Exchange the week of August 15-18 from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Upcoming Events to Note
August 1- School Office Opens (Hours 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.)
August 4 - New Uniform Sales - Vicki Marsha at OLQA 1:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
August 15-18 - Used Uniform Exchange at OLQA 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
August 19 - Homerooms and Carpools posted www.olqaschool.org
August 21 - Welcome Back Open House (Sunday, 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.)
August 22 - First Day of School - Minimum Day - 12:10 p.m. Dismissal
August 23 - Minimum Day - 12:10 p.m. Dismissal
August 24 - First Full Day of School, 1st LATE Start Wednesday 8:55 a.m.
August 25 - First School Mass 8:30 a.m.
ALL TK students will have Minimum Days until Tuesday, September 6
September 1 - Back-to-School Night 6:30 p.m.
September 5 - No School - Labor Day
September 19 - No School for Students- Diocese of Orange Convocation
September 20 - School Picture Day