FRIDAY IS AN EARLY DISMISSAL DAY! Unfortunately, there was a VERY LARGE funeral accidentally scheduled during dismissal so we need to adjust our ANGEL CARLINE.
PLEASE DO NOT ARRIVE EARLY for your carline.
THE ANGEL LINE is moving for Friday ONLY. Please NOTE times and location!
Angel Line (Grades 5/6) Will be on the BLUE (Main School lot) Arrive between 11:20-11:30. Students will be out at 11:30 promptly.
Angel Line (Grades 7/8) Will be on the WHITE (Domingo line) Arrive between 11:20-11:30. Students will be out at 11:30 promptly.
Multiple students in the same family/carpool from the Angel Line will go to the carline with the youngest student.
TK/K EARLY BIRDERS BLUE LINE (normally the 2:10 group) Please arrive at 11:40-11:50. Please have your signs on your dashboard.
REGULAR BLUE LINE (normally the 2:30 group) Please arrive at 12:00-12:10
If you need to pull your student out early, PLEASE DO NOT PULL STUDENTS OUT AFTER 10:30 AM. Thank you!