Oakland Mills Community Association | Important news & info about the community in which we live. | |
Upcoming Events
CALL AHEAD or CHECK EMAILS and FACEBOOK to find out the status of meetings and events.
February 6, 7:00 p.m.
RAC Meeting
February 11, 7:00 p.m.
OMCA Board Meeting
February 18, 7:00 p.m.
Tenant Committee Meeting
Public Space Committee Meeting
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February 20, 7:00 p.m.
RAC Meeting
February 25, 7:00 p.m.
OMCA Board Meeting
March 16, 5:00 to 7:30 p.m.
Jazz in the Mills: Antonio Parker Group, featuring Sendy Brown
March 21, 10:30 to 11:15 a.m.
Lively Arts: Tony M. Music
March 26, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Basic Skills Class: CPR, Stop the Bleed, & Narcan
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Office Hours:
Monday through Thursday
10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Before you visit The Other Barn, please contact us by email or phone to schedule an appointment.
Brigitta Warren, Village Manager
Ashleigh Jacobs, Facility & Rental Coordinator
Amy Carpenter, Events & Administrative Coordinator
Carrie Wenholz, Covenant Advisor for Letters of Compliance
Michael Vaughn, Covenant Advisor for Exterior Alteration Applications (in office Tues/Thurs)
Karina Caico, Covenant Advisor for Property Concerns (in office Mon/Wed)
Contact Board Members HERE.
The Other Barn Phone: 410-730-4610
Celebrate in our amazing space!
Rent The Other Barn!
The Other Barn is currently booking events through the end of 2026. To view The Other Barn venue photos and info, please click on the button below. Tours are by appointment only. For further questions, contact Ashleigh Jacobs at events@oaklandmills.org. Follow The Other Barn
on Facebook!
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Other Important Community Contact Info |
Howard County Police
- For emergencies, call 911
- Non-emergencies: 410-313-2200
Traffic non-emergency: email hcpdtraffic@howardcountymd.gov
Traffic emergencies: call 911.
File a traffic complaint HERE.
Traffic & Engineering Division (info on street calming, community speed control program, etc.) HERE.
WELCOME, Oakland Mills' new Community Resource Officer, PFC Benjamin Fisher! Read more about HCPD's Community Outreach program.
Howard County Government Website
Need guidance on County programs, local events, or services? AskHoCo is here to help! Email at ask@howardcountymd.gov, and our team will make sure you’re informed and connected. We’re dedicated to being your first stop for County information.
Howard County Council
Oakland Mills is located in Council District 2 and represented by Opel Jones.
Who handles what?
Want to know who handles what—CA, the Howard County Government, or the Columbia Village Community Associations? Click HERE to see a
simple breakdown.
| New to the neighborhood? Welcome hOMe to Oakland Mills! We'd love to welcome you to OM. Email manager@oaklandmills.org and we'll send you all of the great info you need to feel right at hOMe! | |
Oakland Mills Board of Directors | |
Board News
Upcoming OMCA Board Meetings
For meeting agendas and past board meeting minutes, click HERE.
To contact the OM Board click here.
OMCA Committees
OMCA has several committees that are always ready to welcome new members. If you would like information or would like to find out about serving on a committee, please email Brigitta Warren manager@oaklandmills.org.
OMCA Education Committee
Meetings are hybrid, held as needed at The Other Barn and on Zoom.
Next Meeting: January 28, 2025
OMCA Open Space Advisory Committee
For community members who are interested in the current and future use of CA's open space.
OMCA Public Space Committee
For residents interested in the uses of Howard County's public spaces and roadways. Meets the third Tuesday of each month.
Next meeting: February 18
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OMCA Tenant Committee
For residents of Columbia Pointe, Autumn Crest, Forest Ridge, and The Verona. Meetings are hybrid, held at The Other Barn and on Zoom.
Next meeting: February 18
If you'd like to register to attend online, click HERE.
Resident Architectural Committee (RAC)
The RAC meets virtually on Zoom on the first & third Thursdays of each month at 7:00 p.m.
Next meeting: February 6
Info/list of applications will be posted three days in advance of the meeting HERE.
Architectural Covenant Processes
Info on architectural covenant processes, visit the Covenant Tab on the Oakland Mills website.
Exterior Alterations Applications Info
Click HERE.
Request For Letter of Compliance
Click HERE
Resale Packet
Click HERE to download. Hard copies can also be purchased for $30 during regular business hours.
Covenant Complaint Form
Click HERE
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Board Notes from Karin Emery, OM Columbia Council Rep | |
See updates from our Columbia Council Representative, Karin Emery. Click the button below to see her most recent newsletter, or check out her newsletter archives.
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The Oakland Mills Board of Directors and the Oakland Mills Election Monitor Committee have devoted time for the the past few months discussing the annual Oakland Mills Community Association village-wide election. The Board of Directors approved this year's election process at the December 10th Village Board meeting within the requirements of the association's Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws.
Each year members of the association, which are those who own property or are a lease holder on property in Oakland Mills, have the opportunity to elect the Board of Directors and Columbia Council Representative, all for a one-year term.
There are seven seats on the Oakland Mills Board and one Columbia Council seat. The Columbia Council Representative will become a member of the Columbia Association Board of Directors.
This year the Board will be using online voting as one voting option. Members will be able to either vote online, vote by mail-in ballot, or vote in-person on election day. Detailed information will be included in all upcoming correspondence and in the election mailing which will be sent to every Oakland Mills address in late March/early April.
Oakland Mills Board ~ Roles and Responsibilities
Whether you choose to run for a village board seat or for the Columbia Council seat (CA Board) you become part of a grassroots process to make a difference in your cOMmunity. With this comes an obligation to uphold the village's legal and fiduciary responsibilities as board members. Each role also comes with a commitment of time to be involved in Oakland Mills, Columbia, and Howard County meetings, events, and programs. Along with the obligations and responsibilities are the rewards of serving your cOMmunity. OM Board meetings are held the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. It is expected that Board members attend these meetings. Board members also serve on various board committees. Committee meetings are held throughout the year.
Covenant Compliance ~ What does this mean?
(Amendment to the Oakland Mills Community Association By-Laws, Article II, Board of Directors, Section 2.03 Election of Directors. Approved April 17, 1999)
2.03 A. In order to serve on the Village Board, candidates owning property in Oakland Mills must, upon election, obtain a Certificate of Compliance within 60 days. Details regarding covenant compliance are included in the candidate packet.
Who monitors the Oakland Mills Elections?
The village election is administered by the Oakland Mills Election Monitor Committee with assistance from the Village Manager. The committee is comprised of village residents. Please feel free to email the Election Monitor Committee or me with any questions you have.
Election Monitor Committee: omcaemc@gmail.com
Brigitta Warren: manager@oaklandmills.org
Important Dates ~ for those who are considering candidacy for an Oakland Mills Board of Directors seat or the Columbia Council seat from Oakland Mills:
Tuesday, February 11 - Candidate Packets available on the Oakland Mills website.
Hard copies may be requested by sending an email to manager@oaklandmills.org
TBD - Information session for those interested in serving on the Columbia Council (CA Board).
Wednesday, February 19 - 6:30 p.m. at The Other Barn, Information Session for those interested in serving on the Oakland Mills Village Board.
Friday, March 7, 2025 - 4:00 p.m. Deadline to receive Candidate Applications.
(Details included in candidate packet). **No applications will be accepted after 4:00 p.m. on Friday, March 7, 2025, whether by email or in person.**
All Election updates can be found on the Oakland Mills website.
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Useful Snow Information
Oakland Mills Community Association at The Other Barn Snow Closing:
For updates on weather-related closings, please visit oaklandmills.org or www.theotherbarn.org and the Oakland Mills Village and The Other Barn Facebook pages. Please feel free to call prior to visiting 410-730-4610.
Sidewalks: Residents and Townhouse/Condominium Associations whose property abuts Howard County sidewalks are responsible for clearing the snow on sidewalks. This includes sidewalks in the front, on the side, and/or rear of property. Snow should be removed within 48 hours after the snow has fallen. Howard County does not maintain any sidewalks, including snow removal, with the exception of sidewalks adjacent to County buildings (libraries, offices, etc.).
Townhouse/Condominium Parking Lots: If part of your development’s streets are Howard County dedicated, the county would plow the street, if it is not, it is up to your management company and Board of Directors to hire a private contractor. If you have issues with the plowing of your development, please contact your management company.
The property owner (including townhouse and condo associations) abutting a sidewalk in a public right-of-way is responsible for removing snow from the sidewalk within 48 hours after the snowfall. (Howard County Code, Section 18.402(h)(1))
If a property owner hasn't removed the snow within that timeframe, you may want to contact the property owner and inform them about the County Code or ask if they need help. Residents may be physically unable to shovel snow and hesitant to request help. As a last resort, to file a complaint, you can contact the Howard County Police Department at 410-313-2200.
Pathways: CA is responsible for ONLY CA pathways; Howard County only clears pathways leading to schools.
Do Not Park along Cul-de-Sacs: Parking on the inner circle of cul-de-sacs is always illegal, but plows can only clear your circle if there is enough room for plows.
Snow Emergency Routes: When a snow emergency is declared, you are prohibited to park on any snow emergency route.
Where To Go For More Snow Information:
· Howard County/Snowplow Tracker: howardcountymd.gov/public-works/snow-removal
· State Info: chart.maryland.gov
· School Closings: hcpss.org
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7-Eleven Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting | |
7-Eleven is now open, but the big event—the Grand Opening—will take place this week on Thursday, January 30 & 31, with a ribbon cutting ceremony at 11:00 a.m. on January 30. See the flyer below for more info! | |
Jazz in the Mills: Antonio Parker Group, Featuring Sendy Brown | |
Lively Arts: Tony M. Music | |
Basic Skills Class: CPR, Stop the Bleed, & Narcan Training | |
OMHS Food Pantry Donations | |
We are now taking donations for the OMHS food pantry at The Other Barn. Drop off items Monday through Thursday between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Click HERE to see a list of items needed.
We appreciate all of the community donations to the Oakland Mills Food Pantry. Please be sure to check all expiration dates on donations prior to bringing them to The Other Barn. The pantry cannot distribute expired items. Thank you.
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Updates from the Howard County Health Department | |
COVID-19 Rapid Tests
The Health Department no longer provides COVID-19 test kits. It does continue to provide KN-95 masks to anyone who needs them. They will be available in the front lobby at the HCHD offices on Stanford Blvd. If you have questions, contact HCHD's COVID-19 line at 410-313-6284.
The federal government provides FREE rapid COVID-19 test kits. Every household is eligible to order four at-home test kits. Visit covidtests.gov to order yours.
Seasonal Flu Vaccine
It's Not Too Late - HCHD offers walk-in, no registration required flu vaccine at its location on Stanford Blvd in Columbia! Days and hours are Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. tp 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Check out HCHD's Seasonal Flu page for more You can also visit vaccines.gov to find a flu vaccine provider near you.
RSV Vaccine
RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) is recommended by the CDC for everyone ages 75 and older. Adults ages 60–74 who are at increased risk of severe RSV disease should also get an RSV vaccine. Learn more on the CDC RSV page.
Pregnant people looking to get the RSV vaccine should contact our PEACE Project Program who can help. Email us at HCHDpeace@howardcountymd.gov or call 410-313-7540.
Urgent Care Centers
See a list of urgent care centers in Howard County and read about knowing when to visit an ER vs. an urgent care center HERE.
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Community Events & Opportunities | |
Howard County Transportation Open House
January 30, 4:30 to 7:30 p.m.
North Laurel Community Center
9411 Whiskey Bottom Road, Laurel
Inclement Weather Date: February 6
Find out more about a multitude of transportation-related issues. Department of Public Works OM-related projects to be highlighted:
- MD 108 Shared Use Pathway (Red Branch Road to Summer Hollow Lane)
- Mellenbrook Road Sidewalk (Wild Bees Lane to MD 108)
- South Entrance Trail
More info
H-E-R: Art in Five Voices
Now through February 28
Bernice Kish Gallery
Slayton House
10400 Cross Fox Lane, Columbia
Showcasing the work of five amazing women artists: Anne Barney, Barbara K. Lawson, Dora Diaz Strope, LUSMERLIN, and Malynda Madzel. More info
Want to exhibit your art at the gallery? Find out how HERE.
Evening in the Stacks: 85th Birthday Bash
February 22, 7:00 to 11:00 p.m.
East Columbia Library Branch
Party at this sneaker ball in your snazziest outfit and your coolest kicks. Live in the spotlight as the guest DJ gets the dance floor jumping. Enjoy a gourmet meal by Rouge Catering, sip signature drinks by The Wine Bin and Sobar, and more. Tickets vary in price. Purchase here, or become a sponsor.
Library Branch Raffle
Purchase by February 21. List of prizes and purchase options HERE.
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HC DrugFree Workshops & Call for Volunteers
Guiding Good Choices Classes
Tuesdays & Fridays, March 18 - April 1, 1:30 p.m.
Held virtually on Zoom
For parents, grandparents, and guardians
More info & registration
Life Skills Classes for Middle & High Schoolers
Mondays, February 24 - May 5, 5:30 p.m.
Held virtually on Zoom
High School students: want to volunteer as a Life Skills instructor's assistant? Find our more HERE.
College students: want to work or volunteer as a Life Skills instructor? Find out more HERE.
Community Ecology Institute's Community Families in Nature
Community of Families in Nature (CFIN) provides opportunities for families to come together in community in order to explore, learn, and play in nature. Find out more!
Howard County Recreation & Parks
Find info on upcoming events, camps, activities, sports, and more. Winter Activity Guide
Recreation & Parks' 2025 Summer Camp Guide is now available ONLINE. Online registration for Howard County residents begins Wednesday, February 5th at 6:00 p.m., with all other methods (over-the-phone, mail-in and in-person) for County residents beginning the next day.
HCC Student Theatre Productions
St. Louis Church Concert Series
Howard Community College Concert Series
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Services & Volunteer Opportunities | |
Family law services available
Tuesdays, 6:00 p.m.
East Columbia 50+ Center
6610 Cradlerock Way
By appointment on the second and third Tuesdays of the month, an attorney is available for a free consultation on how to represent yourself and complete forms for family law matters, such as custody, divorce, modification of child support, and other family issues. Visitors must be self-represented and have low to moderate income to qualify for this service. Call 410-313-2135 or 410-313-2225 for more information.
Howard County Office of Consumer Protection
Have a consumer question or need assistance? Contact the Howard County Office of Consumer Protection at 410-313-6420 (voice/relay) or email consumer@howardcountymd.gov. For assistance in Korean, Chinese or Spanish, call 410-313-3820. If you have a consumer issue or landlord-tenant dispute that you cannot solve on your own, file a complaint online in English, Korean, Mandarin or Spanish. Toward the bottom of the website, you can also subscribe to the office's e-newsletters for helpful tips on consumer issues, including avoiding scams.
December 2024 Newsletter
Howard County Foreclosure Prevention Program
Must be a Howard County resident and at least three months behind on your mortgage. More info.
Volunteer with the OMI Green Team!
Many opportunities available, including on the first and third Sundays. Email volunteeromigreenteam@gmail.com for more info.
OMHS Community Food Pantry
For pick up procedures and info on donating, click HERE. Donations can also be dropped off at The Other Barn Monday through Thursday, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. More info.
Free Digital RTA Passes for HCPSS and HCC Students
Students can enjoy access to free bus passes right from their phone through the Transit app. More info
Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center
8990 Old Annapolis Road, Suite A , Columbia
Call: 410-531-6677 or 410-531-6006
24 Hour Hotline: Dial 988
Telephone counseling, free walk-in counseling, a 24-hour suicide hotline, Mobile Crisis Team, and a Runaway Teen Program that provides crisis intervention for runaway youth and their families. The emergency shelter will still be open at its location, 6700 Freetown Road. All services are free. Marylanders with mental health or substance use issues are encouraged to call 988 to reach help.
National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: Dial 988.
Civic Works Home Energy Programs
The Howard County Office of Community Sustainability has joined forces with Civic Works, a nonprofit organization committed to helping homeowners and renters in Howard County save energy. Together, we’ve established an initiative aimed at helping Howard County residents go solar and upgrade their energy efficiency. Learn more.
Bike Hoco is doubling the number of Bike Corrals this year. Sign up to help support free bicycle parking at over ten Howard County events, including the Fireworks at the Lakefront, EC Springfest, HCC Greenfest, EC Music Fest, and Books in Bloom, to name a few.
Dreaming of Home Ownership
Do you have dreams of owning your own home in Howard County but can’t cover the down payment? You may be eligible to participate in the County's Settlement Downpayment Loan Program (SDLP)! Howard County’s SDLP program provides families of eligible income with a low-interest loan that helps cover the down payment and closing costs for home purchases. Applications are accepted year-round by the Department of Housing and Community Development.
A-OK Mentoring and Tutoring Volunteer Info Sessions
Would you like to be a volunteer mentor-tutor who supports Howard County, Maryland elementary and middle school students? Are you a trustworthy adult who can commit to one school year of service for a student? Attend a 30-minute info session to learn more. Register HERE. A-Ok Mentoring and Tutoring website
The Village in Howard
The Village in Howard is a member-based community of Howard County residents 55 and older. Membership benefits enable members to actively age in place. To view TVIH's current Village Vibe newsletter, click HERE.
Community Action Council Assistance
Community Action Council offers housing assistance, energy assistance, food assistance, and early childhood education. Visit www.cac-hc.org to learn more. Get support or get involved now by calling 410-313-6440.
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Find services for food, health, housing, transportation, education, employment assistance, and more. Click HERE for info.
Free Bikes 4 Kidz
Got a bike to give away? Donate to Free Bikes 4 Kidz. The organization also has volunteer opportunities. More info HERE.
The Loan Closet of Howard County
7125 Riverwood Drive, Suite D1, Columbia
Need medical equipment? Try The Loan Closet. Appointments are required for all services; call 410-313-0363 (voice/relay) to discuss your needs. More info.
Ride RTA for Free for those 60 Years+
Did you know residents 60 years of age and older or persons with a disability can take the Regional Transportation Agency of Central Maryland’s (RTA) fixed route service for free? Individuals just need to complete a RTA Certified FREE Ride Card Application and submit it either via email or mailed or dropped off in person at the RTA’s Administrative Office. Once received, applications will be reviewed within 48 hours and the applicant will be contacted to have their picture taken for their RTA Certified Bus Rider ID, completed weekdays, Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM. The ID can be processed in five minutes while rider waits in the lobby or it can be mailed.
To learn more about this free ride program, contact RTA Mobility at 1-800-270-9553, press option 3, then option 6.
| A Home Of Our Own Howard is a nonprofit organization that provides furniture and household items at no cost in a timely fashion to individuals, veterans, and families in Howard County Maryland who are transitioning from homelessness. Learn more about services or how to donate volunteer HERE. |
Columbia Community Care
Free food and goods for those in need. Volunteers and donations welcome.
For food distribution dates and location and other information please visit the CCC website for details.
Howard County Multiservice Center Food Pantry
9900 Washington Blvd, Suite 1, Laurel
Mondays & Wednesdays, 12:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Third Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Howard County Food Connections Map
Interactive tool to help you find low-cost, accessible food and nutrition resources in the County. Also find transit routes/stops. Click HERE.
Meals on Wheels of Central Maryland
Meals on Wheels provides nutritious meals once a week for seniors, as well as support and safety-net services. To learn more about services or to donate/volunteer, click HERE.
Howard County Residents Assistance
Info on Covid-19 resources, food assistance, housing help, social services, and more. HERE
Howard County Food Bank
Shop for the Foods YOU want at the Howard County Food Bank. All shopping trips are family-choice. Fresh items such as milk, eggs, hygiene products, meats, produce are all on hand each time. Families who may qualify should visit www.CAC-HC.org or call 410-313-6440 for more details.
Howard County General Hospital's Member Care Support Network
Receive FREE support while recovering from a health crisis (weekly calls, wellness checks, connection to community resources, and more). To qualify, you must be 18 or older and live or worship in Howard County. To enroll or for more information, email HCGH-J2BH@jhmi.edu or call 410-740-7601.
Childcare Scholarship Program
If you’re a working parent, in school or participating in an approved training program you may be eligible for the Child Care Scholarship Program. For more information and step-by-step instructions to complete an application click HERE or contact the CARE Line at 410-313-2273 or children@howardcountymd.gov.
Empowering Students*Building Community
At OhanaHC, we value relationships and recognize that in order to better the outcomes for our students and the community, we must come together and show up for others. Supporting OhanaHC’s mission means you understand the value and work required to successfully empower students on their journey to self-defined success while strengthening community through diverse connections, intentional partnerships, and long-term mentorship. Help us reach our goal of building a culturally affirming and equitable community that everyone can thrive in.
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Columbia Association News & Events | |
Howard County Solar Information Session
February 5, 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Held Virtually on Zoom
Please join Civic Works and Columbia Association for an upcoming online Solar Information Session. Learn about the many energy saving and environmental benefits of going solar, as well as how you can save on the cost of your solar panel system. RSVP
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Lifeguard Water Screening
Ready to dive into a new opportunity? Applications are now open for new lifeguards, lesson instructors and assistant coaches!
The first step in the process is to submit an online application.
The second step is to pass a water screening. Preregister by calling the Aquatics Office at 410-312-6332. Water screenings will take place at the Columbia Swim Center and include a 200-yard swim (8 lengths), retrieving a 10-pound brick from the diving well (feet first) and treading water for two minutes. Successful candidates will be invited to a group interview.
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CA FY26 Budget
CA has kicked off engagement efforts around the annual budget, and the team wants to know what matters most to YOU! This is a great chance to provide your input around investments in our community. You can learn more about the budget process at ColumbiaAssociation.org/budget.
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Columbia Ice Rink
Located in the Oakland Mills Village Center (5876 Thunder Hill Rd)
Visit the Columbia Ice Rink website to register for lessons, see public skate hours, etc.
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Living Next to Open Space
Columbia Association now has a brochure for those living near Open Space. Read more.
Visit CA's Open Space page for more information.
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Does your land abut CA Open Space? Then you could qualify to have CA pay for half of your home's boundary survey!
To ensure accurate installation of exterior alterations within your property boundaries, a survey of your property can be done. In order to assist with that effort and to prevent encroachments onto CA Open Space, the 50/50 Survey Program was created. CA now offers a discounted survey for community members who own property adjacent to CA Open Space.
For more information and to take advantage of this program, email: RealEstateServices@ColumbiaAssoication.org.
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Youth and Teen Center @ The Barn
Phone: 410-992-3726
Teen Center Director: Rene Buckmon, Rene.Buckmon@columbiaassociation.org
Drop-in Program
Is your child looking for a community of peers, great activities, and a whole lot of fun? Sign them up for the Drop-In program at the Youth and Teen Center! It has a range of educational, enrichment and recreational opportunities that support positive peer interaction, hands-on learning opportunities, decision-making, and development of life skills. September's calendar is full of fun activities including sports, trivia, art classes and more.
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Howard County Bureau of Environmental Services
Yard trim curbside pick-up has ended for the season and will resume March 31st. Those in Feed the Green Bin collection areas still receive year-round collection of both yard trim and food scraps.
EV Charger Checklist
To assist electric vehicle owners with the installation of a vehicle charger in a dedicated homeowners association parking spot, DPZ has put together this checklist, outlining the items you’ll need to submit your EV charger approval submission.
For questions and/or more information, contact DPZ’s Development Engineering Division via email at ded@howardcountymd.gov.
BGE Natural Gas Info Pages
If you smell gas, call 911.
Learn how BGE responds to, assesses and repairs natural gas leaks HERE.
Howard County Department of Public Works Construction Projects Map: Click HERE.
Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administrations Project Portal: Click HERE.
Lightbulb Exchange Program Expansion
Howard County residents can now visit any Howard County Library branch to exchange used incandescent and compact fluorescent (CFL) light bulbs for new, energy efficient LED bulbs (while supplies last). More info
2024 Parent’s Guide Now Available
Inside the 2024 Parent’s Guide to Howard County, readers will find information about programs that support positive family engagement. For questions, more information about available service, or if your family needs additional assistance and support, please contact the Howard County Office of Children and Family's CARE Line at 410-313-2273 today.
2024 Howard County Resource Guide On Aging & Independence Is Now Available
The Office of Aging and Independence's annual Howard County Resource Guide contains up-to-date information about health and wellness, financial planning, legal services, housing options and more to help county residents age well and plan for their future.
The Family Institute Parenting Workshops & Newsletter
The Howard County Office of Children and Families offers free workshops through its Family Institute program. Check out the office's newsletter for more great resources.
See Click Fix
See Click Fix is an interactive website for Howard County residents to report issues to the County. Issues include, but are not limited to, roadway issues, missing street signs or fallen street signs, street tree issues, potholes, cracked sidewalks, etc. THIS IS NOT a site for 911 emergencies or police or fire issues.
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Oakland Mills United is a community organization that advocates for Oakland Mills through education, empowerment, and demanding change. OMU empowers OM's students, schools, and community by providing programs to address the needs of students and families.
Visit OMO!
One CLICK opens the door to become engaged in a community-based, multi-generational social learning environment.
The mission of the Oakland Mills Local Leadership Team is to mobilize residents of Oakland Mills Village to build an equitable and cohesive community that helps children, youth and families thrive.
Howard County Public Library
Visit the Howard County Public Library website to access virtual educational resources & events and more.
Little Free Library at The Other Barn
The little free library is currently under construction. We hope to have it up and ready for use by the spring.
Need help getting fast, reliable internet?
Visit Consumer Action's fact sheets to learn about discounted internet and phone service:
Support our OM Merchants
Visit the OM Website for a complete list of merchants and businesses. All Oakland Mills merchants are open and would love your support!
| HC DrugFree provides resources and education on prevention, treatment, recovery, and health and wellness to help Howard County residents develop knowledge and skills to understand and address behavioral health (substance use and mental health) disorders. HC DrugFree Current Events and Website | | | | |