
This email contains information regarding submitting session proposals or submitting applications for Concert Hours for the 2022 Conference, updated 2022 All-State audition materials and application information, updated information on the 2022 OMEA Composition Contest, and information about the University of Oregon sponsored LGBTQ Studies and Music Education Symposium.
For more details, continue reading below.
OMEA 2022 Conference
"Cultivating Inspiration"
Eugene, Oregon
January 13 - 16
Submit Session Proposals
Submit Concert Hour Applications
Submit session proposals for our upcoming 2022 OMEA Conference!

  • For lapsed, non-members or out of state members, use this link to submit a session proposal

Submit a recording to have your ensemble perform at the conference
2022 All-State Audition Materials and Information
Our All-State audition materials and application information page is updated for the 2022 event.

There are changes for almost every ensemble - please read our information page carefully. Below is a quick snapshot of what to expect in the fall.

High School directors, please check that your students are using the correct materials for 2022.
  • For Wind Ensemble and Orchestra - we are using Set A.
  • For choir - it will be a Mixed Choir, and for auditions there is an updated Chorale.
  • For Symphonic Band - No changes to the audition materials

Middle School directors, there are some changes to our Policies and Procedures regarding our process for selecting students for ensembles. Please read through our webpage for full details.
  • For Band - No changes to the audition materials
  • For Orchestra - we are using Set A
  • For Choir - Big changes:
  • One full octave scale and the song "My Country Tis of Thee"
  • Plus, the addition of Baritone voice audition materials for the Tenor Bass Choir
Elementary directors, no changes!
QMUE 4/MDG 32 Symposia 2021
Creating and Sustaining Equitable, Diverse, and Inclusive Music Learning Practices
June 29–July 1, 2021
Presented Virtually – Hosted by the University of Oregon School of Music and Dance, Music Education Area
The Music Education Area at the University of Oregon will host the joint meeting of the LGBTQ Studies and Music Education Symposium and the MayDay Group Colloquium. This conference was originally scheduled for last summer, but with the onset of the pandemic, we decided to reschedule the conference for this summer, and move to a virtual platform. While we won’t be able to interact in person, one of the benefits of the new format is that access to conference materials is more flexible, and significantly less expensive. To that end, I invite all of you to register for our joint conference to be held via Zoom on June 29–July 1, 2021

Fee Structure
Standard Rate (i.e., non-student): $65
Graduate Student: $20
Undergraduate Student: $10

You’ll notice the extremely economical rate for students. This conference represents a unique opportunity for us to interact with music educators across the world as they visit Oregon virtually.

More information (including the conference schedule) can be found here:

Please consider attending, and sending this information to any interested parties. Feel free to contact me should you have any questions. I hope to see you this summer!


Jason M. Silveira, Ph. D.
Associate Professor of Music Education
Conductor, Oregon Wind Symphony
University of Oregon
School of Music and Dance
1225 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1225
Pronouns: He, Him, His

Music Camps @ Wallowa Lake
A message from Andy Nelson:

Music Camps @ Wallowa Lake is happening this summer! Larry Johnson, Jeff Sizer, Charlie Reneau and I, along with many other folks, have been working diligently to come up with a valuable music camp for Northwest woodwind and brass students. This is it!

Students will get three days of intensive instruction from Oregon Symphony players in small, chamber groups culminating with performances on day three.

Please share this email, the flyer and webpage link with your colleagues and students - we have an amazing, fun, safe, music camp ready for your students.
Andy Nelson
North Albany Middle School Band Director
Music Camps @ Wallowa Lake Co-Head Counselor and Board Member
Advocacy and Online Resources
Advocacy and Music Education Supports

We all know that music is an essential part of our students’ academic and social-emotional learning. As the music education expert in your building and district, we strongly encourage you to reach out to your leadership, be involved, and advocate for your students, your music colleagues, and yourself. Remind your administrators that music is part of a well-rounded education, as defined at the federal level by the Every Student Succeeds Act. Here are a number of resources for you:
  • National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Music Directors & Adjudicators
  • Articles on Performing Arts COVID-19 Guidance, COVID-19 Instrument Cleaning, Online Learning, Publishers Allowing Educational Use of Copyrighted Music, etc.

Oregon Music Education Association
560 NE F ST STE A PMB 732
Grants Pass, OR 97526