Hello Beautiful Soul Sister and Brother,
Today is Solstice time.
It marks the first day of WINTER,
although I think we can all agree
that it has been feeling like winter for
some time already in the heart of Canada.
Our Winter Solstice
is a special day to observe.
It is when our darkness meets
in equality our lightness.
It is a day of
complete magical balance!
This day gives me the opportunity to reflect.
Gives me cause to pause.
Allows me to express how much
you fill my heart.
My Musings & Ponderings
🦋 Scarcity is a Mind Set
Most of my life I have had a very strained relationship
with money.
Money is bad!
Money is dirty!
Nice people are not rich.
I'm not worthy of money.
Money might corrupt me.
My friends won't like me if I'm rich or
I'll have more friends because they will
all want my money.
Seriously doesn't this self sabotage take a break?
Over the years I've done a lot of work to heal these belief systems.
I've even gone as far as healing past lives,
cancelling karmic contracts and
spending mucho dollars learning how to change it all.
I want to take a moment and reflect that I've come a long way.
Cleared up lots of ghosts in my closet...
Yikes it all came crashing down. Took me back
to my university days when I was struggling to pay rent,
feed myself
and pay for my tuition fees.
I honestly had a few meltdowns...and panicked.
and then Spirit reminded me of these nuggets of wisdom:
❣️"Everything is temporary, nothing is permanent".
❣️"What you focus your attention on you attract like frequency".
❣️"Stop, drop into your heart and sit in your stillness".
and so I laughed at the first one cause of course if anything is constant
is change itself.
The second well I've been so busy "releasing" that I forgot
to "receive" at the same time.
And the 3rd. Yes anytime we drop into our hearts,
here is where the truth lies.
The universe has my back and I am grateful!
🦋 My Ears Hurt
It started in the Fall and has continued....
It's this drone of machinery on our street and in our neighborhood.
Yes fiber-net cables are being installed all over La Broquerie.
I appreciate technology to a certain extent.
But the constant sound and the equipment ripping up Mother Earth,
disturbing the Plant People and the Stone People.
Ya NO, I don't appreciate any of that.
I find it all completely exhausting!
Mother Earth is not happy either it's like sticking an
inter-venous up her arms. No one likes that.
I do not take Silence for granted.
In the stillness of the dark night,
I sigh with relief that winter rests in quietude.