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December 12, 2024

Classified Listings

What's Inside...

  • Budget Process Workshop January 16th, Guthrie
  • Dinner Night Out Oklahoma City January 9th
  • OML Regional Council Meetings
  • ARPA Funds Deadline December 31st
  • Find Your Next Educational Event On The Go With The OML 365 App
  • 2025 If I Were Mayor... Essay Contest
  • OML 25 Years of Service Awards - Deadline December 31, 2024
  • Dates For 2024-2025 MC&T Training

Budget Process Workshop January 16th, Guthrie

This is OML's popular annual course which provides municipal officials and staff with a non-technical understanding of the annual budget process for municipalities and their role in that process. It is de­signed to teach the legal and policy-related responsibilities in the annual budget process and provide practical examples for future reference in the budget process. More Information

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OML Regional Council Meetings

The OML Regional Councils will serve as an Advisory Board to the OML Board of Directors, and will play an important role in our Legislative Efforts. OML wants to have more representation from all of our cities and towns across the State, and to have our members more involved with OML.  

The Next Regional Council Meetings:

Region 2 Stillwater - December 18th, 12:30 pm- 3:00 pm

Region 5 Midwest City - January 21st, 10:30 am - 2:00 pm

Region 3 Miami - January 28th, 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Region 1 Ponca City - January 29th, 10:30 am - 2:00 pm

Region 6 Hochatown - February 21st, 10:30 am - 2:00 pm

Region 2 Drumright - March 7th, 10:30 am - 2:00 pm

Region 4 Lawton - March 14th, 10:30 am - 2:00 pm

More Information

ARPA Funds Deadline December 31st

As a reminder, all of the ARPA funds must be obligated by December 31st of this yearSimply passing a resolution is not enough to obligate the funds. This article from the National League of Cities does a good job of describing what qualifies as an obligation.


Additionally, the National League of Cities recently held a webinar with the Treasury that describes what classifies as an obligation. Watch the webinar here.


 The slides from the webinar can be accessed here

If you have any questions, please contact the treasury directly at slfrf@treasury.gov or email Christian Rinehart at arpa@oml.org.

Find Your Next Educational Event On The Go

With The OML 365 App

Did you know that the OML app isn’t just for Conference? You can use it to find your next OML workshop or education event. Download our app from the Apple App Store or Google Play. Once you've downloaded the app, use your OML log-in to sign in and tap the calendar icon to browse the classes we have on offer.

2025 If I Were Mayor... Essay Contest

The Mayors Council of Oklahoma and the Oklahoma Municipal League invite 8th graders from home, public, and private schools throughout Oklahoma to participate in a statewide essay contest, “If I Were Mayor...” to tell others what they would do as Mayor to make their city or town a better place to live. 

This year, MCO and OML are partnering with the Potts Family Foundation and they have generously agreed to award a $250 stipend to the teacher of the winning student!

This year, we are asking that each school select a winner at the local level.

Three winners will be selected for the following prizes:

1st Place –  $250 (with a $250 stipend going to the student’s teacher)

2nd Place –  $150

3rd Place –   $100     

Winners will be awarded at the Annual Congress of Mayors, February 7, 2025 at the Oklahoma State Capitol. More Information

Reminder: Deadline December 31, 2024

OML 25 Years of Service Awards

Each year the Board of Directors of the Oklahoma Municipal League recognizes officials and employees of cities and towns who have completed a minimum of 25 years of service.

The honoree names are inscribed in a permanent Honor Roll of Service book at the League's office. In addition, honorees are given a certificate and a lapel pin recognizing their 25 years of service to municipal government. The certificate and pin will be sent to the municipality once the list of names has been received. Honorees who have already received the award are not eligible.  More Information

Dates For 2025 Municipal Clerks and Treasurers Training

MC&T Training dates have been scheduled for 2024-2025:

Be sure to register soon to reserve your seat.

More Information

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Visit the Partners Page of our website