CNMI OPD Project Updates: July 2022- January 2023
As our Commonwealth and OPD moves into 2023, we look back at the exciting progress made in 2022. Achieving a more #SustainableCNMI is not simple or easy, but it is possible through continued collaboration and partnerships with the Planning and Development Advisory Council and other stakeholders in our community.

Learn more about OPD, long-term planning, and implementation projects at

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General Updates
  • Public comments sought for draft Strategic Energy Plan update
  • CNMI attends State Digital Equity Plan Workshop
  • OPD talks SDGs, CNMI Broadband during Rotary Club meeting
  • CNMI OPD, At Your Service
  • CNMI represented at 2022 IEDC Annual Conference
  • Summer intern hired to continue working with OPD

CNMI Solid Waste
  • Tinian Yutu debris site cleanup demobilized; final round of soil testing to be conducted
  • CNMI Celebrates CNMI Recycles Week; America Recycles Day
  • CNMI represented at CRRA 46th Annual Conference and Trade Show and EPA-hosted Zero Waste Islands Summit
  • CNMI attends Australasian Waste and Recycling Expo
  • OPD leads solid waste trainings in Tinian and Rota

EnerGov Project
  • CNMI launches EnerGov Permitting & Licensing Software

Garapan Revitalization Project
  • Public Notice: Construction activities for Garapan Revitalization Project commencing January 2023
  • Garapan Revitalization Project (GRP) breaks ground
  • GRP updates Saipan Chamber of Commerce members on progress

CNMI Broadband
  • Federal Communications Commission (FCC) releases national broadband map; CNMI Broadband moves to verify data for Marianas residents
  • Community Pillars Program finalists pitch their digital equity solutions to panel

Oleai Sports Complex and Cultural Events Center Facilities Development Project
  • CNMI receives 17-foot LED billboard
General Updates
Public comments sought for draft
Strategic Energy Plan update
The Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands (CNMI) Office of the Governor, Department of Public Works (DPW) - Energy Division, Commonwealth Utilities Corporation (CUC) and Office of Planning and Development (OPD), in coordination with the Office of Grants Management (OGM) comprise the Energy Task Force (ETF) as established by Executive Order 2021-16. One of its missions is to update the Strategic Energy Plan, which was first prepared in 2013. The Strategic Energy Plan provides a road map for the development of cost-effective energy management solutions, including efficiency/optimization upgrades, demand side management, and use of renewable and future energy solutions on the islands of Saipan, Tinian, and Rota.

This plan is a living document and will serve to identify short, medium, and long-term goals to reduce energy costs and progress the CNMI towards a low carbon energy portfolio.

The ETF seeks to gather public feedback and comments on the draft Strategic Energy Plan and about the current state of the energy systems on Saipan, Tinian, and Rota, which will be considered to support the plan update.

For additional information about the Strategic Energy Plan update, including a copy of the Draft report and links to provide written comments, visit the project websites at

The comment period closes on March 31, 2023.
CNMI attends State Digital Equity Plan Workshop
From November 30 to December 1, 2022, Office of Planning and Development Director A. Kodep Ogumoro-Uludong was in Denver, Colorado to take part in a State Digital Equity Plan Workshop hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City in collaboration with the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA).

At this workshop, attendees participated in hands-on peer learning, built relationships, and exchanged ideas on how to tailor their State Digital Equity Plans to suit the unique needs of their respective states and territories.

Read more about the State Digital Equity Plan Workshops here.

In June, Governor Ralph DLG. Torres declared the CNMI’s intent to participate in two National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) digital equity programs: the State Digital Equity Planning Program and the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program. 

In these declaration letters, Torres named the CNMI Office of Planning and Development (OPD) as the recipient of and administering agent for any award from these programs. Grant funding through these programs will support OPD’s current work to, among other digital equity efforts, ensure that all CNMI residents have usable and affordable internet access by 2030.
OPD talks SDGs, CNMI Broadband
during Rotary Club meeting
On November 1, 2022, the Rotary Club of Saipan invited OPD as guest presenters to give the Rotarians an overview of the office, the Comprehensive Sustainable Development Plan (CSDP), and the work being done through OPD's CNMI Broadband project. Representing OPD was Director A. Kodep Ogumoro-Uludong and Senior Advisor for Broadband and Digital Equity Peter Dresslar.

In his presentation, Ogumoro-Uludong discussed OPD's mission and its mandates established under Public Law 20-20, the CSDP, and the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are integrated into the CSDP and "right-sized" to address needs and issues facing the CNMI today.

Learn more about OPD's mission and mandates here.

The CSDP represents the ten-year growth visions, goals, and objectives of the CNMI's leadership, agencies, and stakeholders to work towards the shared outcome of "sustainable development." View the CSDP here.

Dresslar gave Rotarians an overview CNMI Broadband's current projects and the steps being taken to achieve one of CNMI Broadband's critical goals under SDG #9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure: ensure that all CNMI residents have usable and affordable internet access by 2030.

Learn more about OPD's work in broadband and more at

OPD thanks the Rotary Club of Saipan for the opportunity to update its Rotarians on current efforts to achieve a more sustainable CNMI.
CNMI OPD, At Your Service
In October 2022, OPD participated in Saipan Tribune's advertisement supplement "At Your Service", which highlighted programs, projects, activities, and accomplishments of government agencies for the year.

OPD's submission titled "A More #SustainableCNMI and How We'll Get There" detailed OPD's achievements in 2022 and the plan ahead, with the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) serving as the guiding structure behind OPD and its partners' ten-year goals to build a more sustainable CNMI.

A copy of OPD's "At Your Service" ad can be viewed here.
CNMI represented at 2022 IEDC Annual Conference
From September 18 to 21, 2022, leadership from the Commonwealth Economic Development Authority, Department of Finance, and OPD represented the CNMI at the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) 2022 Annual Conference held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

For the CNMI, attendance proved valuable as a means to network with and learn from industry experts, and gain new perspective on how to bolster the CNMI economy as it continues to recover from Super Typhoon Yutu and the COVID-19 pandemic.

This year's conference covered topics such as economic reinvention, community innovation, and disaster recovery and resiliency.

Learn more about the event here.
Summer intern hired to continue working with OPD
An OPD intern who initially joined the team as part of a summer program was recently offered a position at the agency to continue her work at OPD.

Magdalen Santos interned at OPD last summer through the Division of Coastal Resources Management (DCRM) Summer Internship Program. Over 10 weeks, Santos assisted OPD with its Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and EnerGov projects. Her mentors were Planner Manuel Camacho and Project Manager Leonard Leon.

In July 2022, Santos was offered a position at OPD to continue interning under Leon’s guidance as an EnerGov planning assistant. EnerGov is an online permitting system designed to automate and centralize permitting and licensing processes. The development and implementation of EnerGov for use by the CNMI government is ongoing.

OPD thanks Santos for her contributions and lauds her for making the most out of the internship opportunity.

Santos is a freshman at the Northern Marianas College (NMC) pursuing a degree in accounting. She has further aspirations to become a Certified Public Accountant (CPA).
CNMI Solid Waste
Tinian Yutu debris site cleanup demobilized; final round of soil testing to be conducted
The cleanup of the fire-impacted Super Typhoon Yutu debris site is now in its final stages. The site has been successfully cleared of metal and other debris, and a sampling analysis plan has been finalized. Soon, the contractor will conduct a final round of soil testing to detect whether Chemicals of Potential Concern (COPCs) are present in quantities that exceed environmental thresholds.

Assessing potential contamination and addressing contamination is an important part of this cleanup effort, as it is critical to ensure that these potential COPCs do not threaten the health and safety of the Tinian community. Over the next six months, the contractor and members of the Inter-Island Solid Waste Taskforce (ISWTF) will continue to work together to determine the best course of action in regards to the handling, transport, and disposal of any contaminated soil found to exceed environmental health and safety standards at the debris site and complete the site clean-up.

Read more here.
CNMI Celebrates CNMI Recycles Week;
America Recycles Day
Across Saipan, Tinian, and Rota, the CNMI celebrated America Recycles Day and CNMI Recycles Week through a proclamation signing, outreaches centered on the “3 Rs”: reduce, reuse, and recycle, and the kickoff of the Tinian Municipality’s Recycling Program. 

On November 15, 2022, Governor Ralph DLG Torres was joined by representatives from the Bureau of Environmental and Coastal Quality, Mariana Islands Nature Alliance, and the Office of Planning and Development as Nov. 13 to 19, 2022 was proclaimed as “CNMI Recycles Week”.

Also on November 15, 2022 in Tinian, the Mayor’s Office of Tinian and Aguiguan celebrated America Recycles Day and CNMI Recycles Week with a ceremony that featured the kickoff of the Tinian Municipality’s Recycling Program and a handover of eight recycling bins to Tinian Junior Senior High School’s Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps “Stallion Battalion”.

On November 16, 2022 in Rota, OPD Solid Waste Project Coordinator for Rota Noreen Sablan led a presentation on the benefits of recycling and what items can be recycled for the 4th, 5th, and 6th graders of Sinapalo Elementary School.

Read more here.
CNMI attends CRRA 46th Annual Conference and Trade Show and EPA-hosted Zero Waste Islands Summit
The CNMI and its pressing solid waste matters were well-represented during two pivotal solid waste events held in California earlier in September 2022.

For the CNMI, one valuable lesson learned from the trip was the greater impact that enforcement, rules, and regulations have compared to incentives when it comes to implementing recycling policies. Furthermore, through discussions with fellow U.S. Territories, the unique solid waste challenges these island communities face were explored.

From September 6 to 9, 2022, staff from OPD and the Department of Public Works (DPW) were in Oceanside, California to attend the California Resource Recovery Association (CRRA) 46th Annual Conference and Trade Show and the Zero Waste Islands Summit, which was hosted by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region IX. 

During the CRRA conference, the CNMI took part in plenary sessions on topics such as how best to address illegal dumping, recycling partnership models with schools, and how California is implementing sustainability-focused initiatives.

“The CRRA conference provided a wealth of best management practices, things we can implement here in the CNMI. From state-wide regulatory requirements banning certain types of single-use plastics, to incentives that help local businesses develop solutions to manage historically difficult waste streams like construction and demolition debris and food wastes.”  

— Matthew Nieswender, OPD Solid Waste Technical Analyst 

As part of the EPA-hosted summit, the U.S. Territories under EPA Region IX’s jurisdiction were given the opportunity to connect with each other and discuss pressing solid waste management issues facing these island communities today. In attendance were representatives from American Samoa, the CNMI, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. 

"The biggest thing we learned from the summit was that [the territories'] situations are really unique in the way that we have to approach them. ...Within small communities in the U.S., [you can send] your waste to a bigger landfill instead of opening your own. With the [territories], we have to develop our own mechanisms to handle issues like hazardous waste and junk cars."

— Michael Johnson, OPD Solid Waste Project Coordinator for Saipan

"The all-islands zero waste summit hosted by U.S. EPA gave me an insight to what other island nations are experiencing in achieving their zero waste goals. Collaborating and networking with these small island jurisdictions will better prepare us in our approach, and provide guidance as we move toward a sustainable future."

-— Noreen Sablan, OPD Solid Waste Project Coordinator for Rota

Representing the CNMI in California were OPD Solid Waste Technical Analyst Matthew Nieswender, OPD Planner Manuel Camacho, OPD Solid Waste Project Coordinator for Saipan Michael Johnson, OPD Solid Waste Project Coordinator for Rota Noreen Sablan, and DPW Tinian Branch Manager of the Solid Waste Division Ray Lazaro.

Learn more about the CRRA and its yearly event here.
CNMI attends Australasian Waste and Recycling Expo
On August 24 and 25, 2022, staff from the Department of Public Works (DPW) and OPD represented the CNMI at the Australasian Waste and Recycling Expo (AWRE) in Sydney, Australia.

The CNMI's attendance was invaluable, as the team built capacity and networked with solid waste vendors and consultants, putting the Commonwealth on the map as an area of interest for future solid waste projects.

Representing the CNMI were OPD Solid Waste Project Coordinator for Saipan Michael Johnson, OPD Solid Waste Project Coordinator for Rota Noreen Sablan, and Tinian DPW Civil Engineer Timothy Deleon Guerrero.

During the expo, the team attended training and plenary sessions on resource recovery, waste reduction, and alternative material repurposing. The team also met with vendors and various companies to explore the viability of new technologies and expand horizons for potential consultants and contractors for proposed future solid waste projects.

“The Expo Summit brought me a bigger perspective of the challenges that many island jurisdictions face in terms of landfill capacity and the need to explore alternative resources to divert waste. New and emerging technologies in the market, and infrastructure requirements to address recycling efforts and strategies are necessary components to a full circular economy."

— Noreen Sablan, OPD Solid Waste Project Coordinator for Rota

According to the AWRE website, the event is a premier business event for the waste, recycling, and resource recovery sector.

During the AWRE, eventgoers view showcases of the latest innovations in recycling, machinery, software and services, food and organics, and more. The event is also a valuable opportunity to network with a plethora of waste and recycling professionals, equipment suppliers, service providers, and government departments.

Learn more about the AWRE here.
OPD leads solid waste trainings in Tinian and Rota
In June and July 2022, members of OPD's Solid Waste Team led solid waste trainings for Department of Public Works (DPW) staff on Tinian and Rota. The respective trainings will support solid waste data collection efforts on both islands and will support the operation of the permitted Tinian Transfer Station and Tinian Green Waste Facility.

On June 16 and July 26, 2022 respectively, OPD Solid Waste Project Coordinator Michael Johnson conducted a Volume Estimation Training on Tinian and Rota. Implementing standardized estimation methods is crucial, as these estimations will support data needs as part of the development of the CNMI Comprehensive Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan.

“This training helped us take proper measurements of vehicles coming in to the landfill for the purpose of estimating load volumes. The data collected will be very useful for planning purposes. Applying what we learned will assist us in taking good data. This will help improve our overall operation in terms of planning and improving our landfill.”

— Jimmy Manalang, DPW Rota Equipment Operator Supervisor

On July 28, 2022 OPD Solid Waste Technical Analyst Matthew Nieswender led an Operator Training for the staff who will manage the Transfer Station and the Green Waste Facility on Tinian. The training covered the day-to-day operations of these solid waste facilities, and included topics such as reviewing acceptable and unacceptable materials for both facilities, odor control, composting basics, and on-site safety protocols.

Furthermore, the Operator Training was a required component within the Bureau of Environmental and Coastal Quality (BECQ) permits that were issued to these two Tinian facilities in early June this year.

“The training went pretty well. Attendees were attentive and engaged, and are using the knowledge gained such as safety during operation, load inspection, load screening, load estimation and record keeping as required by BECQ under their permit [and] collection efforts by the DPW Solid Waste Division.”

— William Cing, OPD Solid Waste Project Coordinator for Tinian
EnerGov Project
CNMI launches EnerGov permitting & licensing software
The online permitting and licensing software EnerGov is now live. Launched on December 6, 2022, EnerGov allows CNMI citizens to apply online for various permits and licenses and check application statuses in real-time. By streamlining permitting processes and communication between citizens and agencies, EnerGov reduces delays between collaborating agencies and cuts down on red herring hunts for documents.

The EnerGov Citizen Self Service Portal can be found here.

For help with access or if you have any difficulties with the portal, please file a ticket with the Office of Information Technology (OIT) here or visit the official OIT Support website for more information.

After submitting an application online, the submitted documents will travel from agency to agency in the necessary order to receive approval. Once applications are submitted, agency employees are able to review, distribute plans, and share data electronically. If corrections on applications are needed, applicants will be notified and can improve their forms online. 

The development and launch of this software was made possible through partnerships between the Office of Planning and Development (OPD), the Department of Finance- Office of Information Technology (OIT), and third-party consulting firm and vendor Governful. 

Partnering agencies for the implementation of EnerGov include the Bureau of Environmental and Coastal Quality (BECQ), Department of Public Works (DPW), Commonwealth Zoning Board, Department of Commerce, Department of Fire and Emergency Medical Services (DFEMS), and the Historic Preservation Office (HPO). Subject matter experts from these respective agencies contributed greatly to the EnerGov project.
Garapan Revitalization Project
Public Notice: Construction activities for Garapan Revitalization Project commencing January 2023
Construction activities for the Garapan Revitalization Project will commence this month, January 2023, and are scheduled to continue until November 2024. Construction will occur in four (4) phases.

Following are related dates and affected streets:

PHASE I (January 2023-April 2023)

  • Paseo De Marianas Pedestrian Mall (shall be converted to a two-way street).
  • Plumeria Avenue, between Paseo De Marianas and Micro Beach Road.
  • Ginger Avenue, between Coconut Street and Cpl. Derence Jack Road.
  • Coffee Tree Mall, between Coconut Street and Cpl. Derence Jack Road.
  • Royal Palm Avenue, between Coconut Street and Cpl. Derence Jack Road.

PHASE II (April 2023 - September 2023)

  • Beach Road, between Garapan Street and Cpl. Derence Jack Road.
  • Bearch Road east side, between Cpl. Derence Jack Road and Micro Beach Road.
  • Coconut Street.
  • Date Street.
  • Royal Palm Avenue, between Coconut Street and Paseo De Marianas.
  • Coffee Tree Mall, between Coconut Street and Paseo De Marianas.

PHASE III (September 2023 - January 2024)

  • Beach Road west side, between Cpl. Derence Jack Road and Micro Beach Road.
  • Palm Street.
  • Micro Beach Road south side, between Beach Road and Coral Tree Avenue.

PHASE IV (January 2024 - May 2024)

  • Royal Palm Avenue, between Paseo De Marianas and Micro Beach Road.
  • Coffee Tree Mall, between Paseo De Marianas and Micro Beach Road.
  • Ginger Avenue, between Paseo De Marianas and Micro Beach Road.
  • Plumeria Avenue, between Cpl. Derence Jack Road and Coconut Street.

LANDSCAPING MAINTENANCE (May 2024 - November 2024)

The Garapan Revitalization Project will repave streets; create on-street parking; construct new concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks; install new street lights; and provide extensive landscaping. We ask for your continued support and cooperation throughout the 2-year project construction period.

View the construction phasing plan here.

For more information, please contact

Garapan Revitalization Project breaks ground
On November 10, 2022, CNMI Office of Planning and Development (OPD) Deputy Director and Garapan Revitalization Taskforce (GRTF) Chairman Christopher A. Concepcion was joined by Governor Ralph DLG Torres, representative from the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) Joaquin S. Quenga, CNMI dignitaries, members of the local business community, and others as the Garapan Revitalization Project (GRP) broke ground.

Being one of OPD’s premier initiatives, the project seeks to reinvigorate the Garapan Core and turn the area into a vibrant, pedestrian-friendly hub for tourists, businesses, and the community.

“We will transform the Garapan core area into a premier, family-friendly destination featuring a wide range of shopping, dining, entertainment, civic, and commercial uses in a world-class beach resort setting that is attractive for visitors, residents, and investors. The long-term goal is to attract more businesses to this area, allow them to generate more profit and tax revenue, and have that cycle back out to the rest of the community. The money generated in Garapan ultimately benefits everyone in the CNMl. Garapan will once again reaffirm its claim as the center of economic activity and the heart of the tourism industry in the Commonwealth."

— Christopher A. Concepcion, OPD Deputy Director and Garapan Revitalization Taskforce Chairman

The GRP is made possible through an $11.2 million grant award from the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA). The project’s features include repairing and re-paving streets, maximizing on-street parking, the installation of new trees and landscaping, bike lanes and shared streets, and an opened-up Paseo de Marianas, which will serve as a hybrid street and event space.

Read more here.
GRP updates Saipan Chamber of Commerce members on progress
Welcomed as a guest presenter during the September 2022 Saipan Chamber of Commerce General Membership Meeting, CNMI Office of Planning and Development (OPD) Deputy Director and Garapan Revitalization Taskforce (GRTF) Chairman Christopher A. Concepcion shared with the Saipan business community the exciting progress made thus far in the Garapan Revitalization Project.

In his presentation, Concepcion shared conceptual images of the Garapan Core once the Garapan Revitalization Project was completed. At the time, architecture and design work for the project reached 100% completion.

“We thank the Saipan Chamber of Commerce for allowing us to brief their members on the ongoing Garapan Revitalization Project. This project is one of the most important infrastructure related projects happening in the Commonwealth right now due to the long-term economic impact it will have on the business community, and ultimately on government tax revenues.”

— Christopher Concepcion, OPD Deputy Director and Garapan Revitalization Taskforce Chairman
CNMI Broadband
FCC releases national broadband map; CNMI Broadband moves to verify data for Marianas residents
On November 19, 2022, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released its new FCC National Broadband Map, at On the heels of that release, CNMI Broadband is announcing that it has completed its initial review of the map data for the CNMI territory. As a result of that review, CNMI Broadband is determined to make sure that households and businesses that were clearly missed upon the initial release of the map are properly counted, and to challenge connection data in locations where it may not be accurate.

CNMI Broadband is a project of the CNMI Office of Planning and Development (OPD).

"First of all, we would like to acknowledge that this map represents a significant amount of effort on the part of our partners at the FCC, as well as a big chore for our commercial Network Service Providers, who had to work with new software and tight deadlines to submit their data. In many respects, this map is a landmark in public data collection and dissemination, and we encourage residents to visit the link to see it for themselves.

"That being said, we need to make sure that the facts on the ground are being accurately represented. Somewhat like a census, there will be a component of our federal broadband infrastructure funding that will be based upon the data. There is a huge race going on with all the states to get the largest possible share of the funding, and we need to keep up in that race by counting everybody we can."

— A. Kodep Ogumoro-Uludong, OPD Director

Read more here.

Learn more about OPD's work in broadband and more at
Community Pillars Program finalists pitch their digital equity solutions to panel
On October 29, 2022 the Community Pillars Awards Committee evaluated eight exciting and innovative projects with solutions for internet access, multi-purpose space, and digital equipment gaps in the CNMI. The Community Pillars Presentations event saw the eight finalists present project “pitch” presentations to a judging panel.

On the day of presentations, the Awards Committee selected project teams for special awards, the categories being “Best Presentation,” “Most Innovative Project,” and “Most Sustainable Project.”

Winning “Best Presentation” was Northern Marianas College (NMC), with NMC President Dr. Galvin Deleon Guerrero’s presentation on the college’s proposed “Proa Tech Café” which will serve as a social hub with high-speed internet and access to the college’s numerous educational, entrepreneurship, and workforce development resources. The café will be available to college students and the community alike.

Winning “Most Innovative Project” was the Northern Marianas Humanities Council (NMHC), with NMHC Executive Director Leo Pangelinan and NMI Museum Director Daniel Aquino presenting on their proposed plans for a Commonwealth Center for the Humanities. This center will provide the community a way to collect, exhibit, and transmit information about everyone’s humanity through both physical and virtual spaces.

Winning the “Most Sustainable Project” award was the Joeten-Kiyu Public Library (JKPL), with Federal Program Coordinator Joey Songsong presenting on the “Technology Mobile Express,” which will utilize vans that will serve as a high-scale MiFi on wheels to provide long-range internet access to multiple clients. Furthermore, a computer lab will be located within the vehicle for community members who do not have access to computers in their households.

Participating institutions were the Department of Community and Cultural Affairs- Division of Youth Services; Joeten-Kiyu Public Library; Office of the Mayor of Rota, Office of the Mayor of Tinian and Aguiguan; Northern Marianas College; Northern Marianas Housing Corporation; Northern Marianas Humanities Council; Northern Mariana Islands Museum of History and Culture; and the Northern Marianas Technical Institute.

Read more here.

Learn more about OPD's work in broadband and more at
Oleai Sports Complex and Cultural Events Center Facilities Development Project
CNMI receives 17-foot LED billboard
On August 26, 2022 the Oleai Sports Complex received a 17' x 10' portable outdoor LED screen. The screen will be used during sporting events and social functions at the sports complex.
“The Northern Marianas Sports Association is excited with the many opportunities that await us following the acquisition of this MB-16 LED Billboard Trailer. This equipment will allow us to promote and support sports and related programs for our athletes and the general community and at the same time provide us potential rental, advertising and marketing revenues, which will help us cover the costs of the operations and maintenance of the Oleai Sports Complex."   
— Northern Marianas Sports Association (NMSA) President Jerry Tan
This screen was procured through OPD and supported by a $21.2 million grant awarded to the CNMI through the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA). Through this grant, OPD is leading the Oleai Sports Complex and Cultural Events Center Facilities Development Project.
For the sports center, the proposed project scope includes the building of an Olympic-size swimming pool and facility, and stadium seating for the baseball field. For the cultural center, the proposed project scope includes as many as 44 small pavilions and eight large pavilions, bathrooms, an amphitheater, and parking lots. The vision is for the area to become a walkable and accessible social space for all community members to enjoy.
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