A review of Omaha Public Schools Board of Education meetings. | | |
Oct. 22, 2024
Following each Board of Education meeting, District Communications recaps the board meeting in the Board Digest.
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Health Teacher of the Year by SHAPE Nebraska | |
The #OPSProud Spotlight celebrated Sherrie Brownfield of Lewis & Clark Middle, who was named the Health Teacher of the Year by SHAPE Nebraska.
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Board of Education Consent Agenda | |
Consent agenda items are packaged into one agenda item. They are often routine and garner very little discussion.
The consent agenda items were:
- Proposed Staffing Adjustments
- Approval of Agreement with Leading Educators to Provide Instructional Leadership Team Development ($158,878.00)
- Approval of Change Order No. 003 for Highland Elementary School: Capital Improvements and Renovation Project – 2018 Bond Program – Deduct ($23,223.45) Revised Total: $1,296,417.34
- Approval of Change Order No. 003 for Bid 23-060 Benson High School Addition – (Deduct $81,894.57) Revised Total: $7,294,245.43
- Approval of Contract with Agencies for Special Education Services for the 2024-2025 School Year ($2,475,069.00)
- Approval of Contract for Bid No. 24-055 HVAC at Burke High School Stadium Improvement Project to Prairie Mechanical Corporation, Fall of 2024 ($218,430.00)
- Approval of Expenditures Under Board Policy 7000 V. c. to Address Mold Concerns at JP Lord ($221,446.53)
- Approval of Expenditures Under Board Policy 7000 V. c to Storm Damage at Bryan Middle School ($783,602.46)
- Approval of Expenditures Under Board Policy 7000 V. c. to Storm Damage at Lewis and Clark Middle School ($651,968.83)
- Approval of Expenditures Under Board Policy 7000 V. c. to Storm Damage at Westview High School ($181,928.31)
- Approval of First Amendment to Land Lease Agreement with Qwest Corporation, a Colorado Corporation f/k/a US West Communications, Inc., for Lease Renewal at Communications Facility - Burke High School from May 2, 2024, through May 1, 2034
- Approval of the Subscriber Agreement with O'HARA, LLC from November 1, 2024, to October 31, 2027
View the entire consent agenda.
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Board of Education Information Items | |
2023-24 Behavior and Discipline Report | |
Staff from Student Community Services and Research discussed 2023-24 behavior and discipline data, following up on a July 2024 presentation reviewing data from the 2022-23 school year. Executive Director of Student Community Services Amy Williams, Ed.D., reviewed how Omaha Public Schools focuses on prevention through welcoming environments that connect and support students for success. In the last school year, nearly three of every four behavior incidents were resolved without an out of school suspension. At the center of those prevention efforts is Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for Behavior, or MTSS-B. Danielle Starkey, MTSS-B administrator, shared how the evidence-based framework has been implemented more deeply throughout our schools in recent years. Executive Director of Research Scott SchmidtBonne discussed data trends since 2018-19, accounting for disrupted years in 2019-20 and 2020-21. SchmidtBonne highlighted that the MTSS-B framework and hard work by staff and students has contributed to a decline in behavior incidents in the 2023-24 school year. Dr. Williams discussed disproportionality in behavior and discipline data and districtwide work to address it. | |
The Board of Education Policy Committee recommends changes to the following district policies:
6300 - Selection and Review of Instructional and Library Materials
The policy updates will come before the Board at a future meeting for a first reading.
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Board of Education Action Items | |
First Reading of Policies 1010, 5001, 5201, 5419, 6010, 6110, 6113, 6200, 6270 | |
The Board of Education Policy Committee recommends changes to the following district policies:
1010 - Visiting Schools
5001 - Admission Requirements
5201 - Promotion and Retention
5419 - Parent, Guardian, and/or Educational Decisionmaker Involvement and Student Privacy Protection Policy
6010 - Scope of Instruction
6110 - School Instructional Hours
6113 - Parental/Guardian Access to the Schools - (Delete - 6113 has been combined with 5419 Parent, Guardian, and/or Educational Decisionmaker Involvement and Student Privacy Protection Policy included above)
6200 - Objectives of the Instructional Program
6270 - School-Sponsored Field Trips, Non-Routine Trips and Non-School Sponsored Trips
The policy updates will come before the Board at a future meeting for a second reading.
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Next Omaha Public Schools Board of Education Meeting
The next Board meeting is Oct. 28, 2024. It will be a Board Workshop. It is tentatively scheduled to begin at 6 p.m.
Board of Education Agenda
To review previous Board of Education agendas, click here. If you need help accessing direct links, please access the entire Board of Education Agenda to view presentations and other documents.
How Can I Watch a Previous Board of Education Meeting?
Video from Board of Education meetings/workshops is most often available by noon the day after the meeting. The video can be viewed by clicking here.
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