NLC Vision for 2023 -2027: You Are Helping!
The National Leadership Council (NLC) of Trout Unlimited is a conduit from national TU staff and Board of Trustees to the Councils and Chapters--establishing and implementing TU's conservation agenda and building the organizational structure to accomplish these goals. The 36 volunteer NLC Representatives are elected by each state Council.
TU's newly elected NLC leadership--Richard Thomas (Chair) and Sharon Sweeney Fee (Secretary)--have outlined a bold direction that will enhance TU's mission by re-thinking the organization's collaboration and engagement. Instead of a top-down structure, NLC leadership is placing TU's goals as the top tier and encouraging each facet of the organization to work together and share in the responsibility for moving coldwater conservation forward. In addition to identifying priority waters and ways to preserve them, NLC goals include diversifying staff, volunteers and partners so that TU has the tools, technology, training and resources to achieve our shared objectives. TU proudly is increasing our diversity. We have 729 women and 185 people of colors serving in Chapter and Council board positions
You as members, volunteers and supporters should be proud of the part you play in moving the needle on conservation. Last year Trout Unlimited volunteers:
· Volunteered 566,056 hours (equivalent to 272 full time employees) resulting in
· $18,000,596 in volunteer value
· 3,058 conservation or science projects
· 3,124 youth activities engaging 92,990 young people
· 515 events for veterans and first responders reaching 3,055 participants
· 93 events designed for under-represented communities reaching 2,388 people
· 4,328 community engagement activities reaching 87,451 attendees
In the coming months, the NLC leadership will meet with each Trout Unlimited Workgroup to develop meaningful and measurable goals and means to achieve them. Popular workgroups are:
· Communications
· Climate Change
· Delaware River
· Great Lakes
· Land Conservancy
· Native Trout
· Youth Education
If you are interested in participating in or learning more about any of these national workgroups, contact your Arizona NLC Representative at