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ORN Awarded SAMHSA Grant to Build on National Efforts

The American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry and the ORN coalition have been awarded a two-year grant from SAMHSA. The State Opioid Response/Tribal Opioid Response-Technical Assistance grant will fund ORN activities moving forward. ORN is beyond enthusiastic to share that the coalition can continue contributing in service as our nation responds to the opioid and stimulant use crises and societal impacts resulting from all substance use disorders. ORN has surpassed its goals so far and looks forward to building on the effort. This will include enhanced support for Native communities working with new ORN partners, building on the ORN workgroup model with more population focused teams and a greater ability to provide education and training related to harm reduction. Stay tuned for more information. Over the past two years alone ORN has trained over 40,000 individuals. This coalition is centered on the belief that opioid and stimulant use disorders are preventable and treatable medical disorders, and that by working together we can make a difference! And we are!

ORN Joining Clinton Global Initiative in NYC

ORN has been invited to take part in the Clinton Global Initiative September 2022 Annual Meeting. This event brings together global and emerging leaders to take action and address the world’s most pressing challenges. ORN leadership from the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry, Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network at the University of Missouri - Kansas City and the Columbia University Department of Psychiatry Division on Substance Use Disorders will represent the broader ORN initiative. It is an opportunity to shed light on ORN's national impact and participate in discussions centered on public health, overdose and partnerships that can put an end to a healthcare crisis that has impacted too many lives and communities for far too long. Stay tuned for updates.

Opioid Adulterant Case Cluster: Novel Opioid and Stimulant Exposure Report

The presence of adulterants in street drugs is a known problem that can have devastating consequences. This new report explores a cluster of cases involving opioid adulterants recently detected by the ToxIC NOSE (Novel Opioid and Stimulant Exposure) toxicosurveillance program. In a 24-hour period, seven patients presented with an opioid toxidrome after reportedly using non-opioid street drugs in Jacksonville, Florida. Substances reported to be used included cocaine, marijuana, and marijuana laced with cocaine. Read more. This report is part of a series brought to ORN and the Bulletin by the American College of Medical ToxicologyPast reports available here.

Note: Upcoming no-cost trainings from ORN can be found here. Please share these opportunities with your colleagues! 

Case Studies and Q&A I The State of Harm Reduction in the US: Progress, Barriers and What's Next

September 21, 2022 I 5-6PM ET

This ORN-funded webinar series from the American Osteopathic Academy of Addiction Medicine takes a closer look at the initiation of buprenorphine in the age of fentanyl, managing opioid complexity in individuals with serious illness and the state of harm reduction in the U.S. Learn more.

Webinar I The Influence of Immigration Status on Substance Use Disorders and Treatment

September 22, 2022 I 3-4:30PM ET

Immigration status in the U.S. can significantly limit access to employment, healthcare and social services. Among undocumented populations, stigma, discrimination, and restrictive legal processes increase risk for substance use disorders while keeping vital resources out of reach. For many reasons, this population is not always understood or discussed. This ORN-funded webinar from the Columbia University Department of Psychiatry Division on Substance Use Disorders will discuss the nuances of the undocumented experience, from those working with these populations directly in areas of behavioral health, advocacy, research and policymaking. Learn more.

Webinar I Recovery High Schools as a Protective Factor Against the Progression of Substance Use and Co-Occurring Disorders

September 28, 2022 I 12-1PM ET

In recovery high schools, students recovering from substance use and co-occurring disorders receive a full range of academic services and therapeutic supports within a structured environment that promotes recovery. This webinar from the Recovery Research Institute will show how recovery high schools play a protective role for students by fostering school bonding, school interest, and academic achievement while creating positive peer associations. The goal of this webinar is to educate clinicians on the significance of recovery high schools in preventing a progression of drug use in young adulthood. Funded by ORN. Learn more.

Webinar I Substance Use and Mental Illness Among BIPOC: Bridging Gaps in Equity

September 28, 2022 I 3-4:30PM ET

Racialized minority populations are disproportionately impacted by structural barriers to treatment for substance use disorder (SUD) and severe mental illness (SMI). Despite the rate of co-occurring SMI and SUD, treatment for each often remains isolated from the other. This ORN-funded webinar from the Columbia University Department of Psychiatry Division on Substance Use Disorders will examine the intersection between these conditions, and how structural racism uniquely affects BIPOC experiencing co-occurring disorders. Speakers will offer perspectives from clinical practice, research, and advocacy, while presenting innovative models of thinking and care delivery that aim to bridge the gap between need and access to treatment. Learn more.

Course I Certified Addictions Registered Nurse (CARN) Review Course

September 29, 2022 I 4-8PM ET

This ORN-funded course from the Boston Medical Center reviews topics covered in the certification exam for NP’s working in the addiction field and is intended to support nurses preparing to sit for the exam. PLEASE NOTE: This is a two-part training. You must attend both parts in order to receive continuing education credits. Learn more. 401-270-5900
Funding for this initiative was made possible (in part) by grant no. 1H79TI083343 from SAMHSA. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.