October 29, 2020
ORTIi News & Updates
Greetings from Oregon Response to Instruction and Intervention

Educators are the true heroes of this pandemic! We have seen teachers across the state and across the country coming up with ways to connect with students and engage in effective instruction based on practices we know have impact, adapted for CDL. Many of these practices will continue to be valuable even when we get back to "the new normal". In our own work, for example, as we revamp the core review agenda for CDL, we realized that it will also be better for "normal" times, especially for middle schools.

As we enter into the season of gratitude, we want to express our thanks to you all. We continue to be impressed as we hear about the amazing things you all are doing for the children and families in your schools.

The ORTIi Team: Beth, Brad, Christie, David, Jamie, Jon, Lisa, Nicole, and Shelby
Updates from ORTIi
Next week: Follow-Up Q&A with UFLI Virtual Teaching Hub
November 4th, 2:30-3:30
(Audience: Elementary Teachers)

Don't forget to sign up for the November 4th follow-up Q&A session with the creators of the University of Florida Literacy Institute's Virtual Teaching Hub. When you register you can submit some questions you may have as you try out some of their tools. Also feel free to share some success stories!

If you missed the first sessions, the videos are available here on our website
Join us virtually in February, March and April!
(Audience: ALL)

We are excited to announce some of the details of the Annual ORTIi Spring Conference.

This year's virtual conference will be held on 3 half-days over 3 months.

  • Day 1 (February 17th) - Building Multi-Tiered Systems on a Foundation of Equity featuring Rich Milner as the keynote speaker and numerous sessions with amazing presenters afterwards.
  • Day 2 (March date TBD) - Ensuring Inclusive Practices for Students with Disabilities 
  • Day 3 (April date TBD) - Effective Instruction Based in The Science of Reading

The great news about this year's conference is that all sessions will be recorded, so now your whole staff can attend! Be thinking about how to use these sessions in your winter and spring professional development planning. You could even think about including other stakeholders in the conference (think families, instructional assistants, board members, and other community members).

Check out next month's newsletter for more details about the speakers and dates for the March and April sessions.
AIM Institute for Learning and Research: Virtual Teaching Techniques
(Audience: All)

Ready to learn more virtual instruction tips and techniques while also continuing to learn about the language comprehension strands of the Reading Rope? This free webinar series does both! Learn about how teaching vocabulary, language structure/grammar, inferencing, and text structure will all help students comprehend text, and learn how common virtual tools can support this work this year and beyond!

The Distance Learning Playbook  on The Teaching Channel
(Audience: All)

Distance Learning Playbook authors Doug Fisher and Nancy Frey have recorded a free webinar series for both teachers and school leaders on The Teaching Channel. This is a great, no-cost alternative to the Corwin trainings. These webinars are not as in depth but still give you lots of great tips for improving instruction in all modes of instruction.

Want to know more about what the team at ORTIi is currently learning and thinking about?

Visit our Padlet