September 2021
ORTIi News & Updates

Greetings from Oregon Response to Instruction and Intervention
Sunflowers by Anne Nygord on upsplash
Happy New School Year!

The ORTIi team is back at work and gearing up for the 2021-2022 school year. We are looking forward to our fall training sessions, starting with webinars for Cadre 11 and Middle School teams on September 21st and September 28th. Look for a registration announcement in the next few days. As far as the in-person trainings we have scheduled in October for current districts, those are still a bit TBD as we work out the Delta variant wrench thrown at all of us in the last few weeks. We will let your teams know the plan as soon as we know it! As you all know, flexibility remains the key word of this school year, too.
For the rest of our ORTIi audience, below are some other great training opportunities that are open to all educators, including the Save the Dates for ORTIi's events! We do hope to see all of you on October 26th at our Virtual Reading Symposium.
The ORTIi Team: Brad, Jon, Lisa, Nicole, Beth, and Christie
ORTIi Fall Virtual Reading Symposium
(Audience: Elementary Teachers & Leaders, Secondary Reading Teachers)

We are bringing together another great group of national presenters for our half-day Fall Virtual Reading Symposium, 8:00-12:00 on October 26th. The sessions we have lined up will give teachers and leaders great ideas for ways to shift and fine-tune reading practices based in the science of reading so that we can teach each and every student how to read. And the best part is... it will once again be free and recorded. Even if you can't attend in person, you will be able to use the recordings to supplement your professional learning plans for the year. Registration opening soon - look for it in the next few weeks.
ORTIi Annual Spring Conference
Audience: All

We are also excited to announce the return of the ORTIi Annual Spring Conference on April 28-29, 2022 at the Hilton Portland Downtown. Many of the sessions will be live-streamed and recorded, but we are planning on a great, in-person event at an amazing venue. We will announce registration for this event in the winter.
photo of Barbara Steinberg
Science of Reading PD Series: Knowledge Meets Practice
(Train the Trainer)

(Audience: Literacy/Instructional Coaches, Reading Interventionists, Learning Specialists, SB1003 Dyslexia Leaders, and anyone else leading Early Literacy/Reading PD)

Are you a Literacy Leader in your school and/or district? If so, here is an amazing opportunity for learning more about how to lead the move into the science of reading and improved instructional practices. This virtual training is offered by the Multnomah ESD. Here is a bit of their description of the 6 session course: This training will equip participants with the knowledge and tools to teach their staff about the science of reading, related assessments, and foundational skills instruction. Many of our ORTIi districts have attended training with Barbara Steinberg before, and we always get great feedback on her sessions.

ODE logo
SWIFT image

It's not too late to join
ODE's Virtual Summer Academy for Leadership Through An Equity-Based MTSS
(Audience: District and Building Leaders)

Our friends at the SWIFT Center have been working with ODE this summer to do some sessions on Equity-Based MTSS. There are two left in September and some coaching sessions to come later in the fall. Do you want to continue your learning about Equity-Based MTSS for Academics, Social & Emotional Learning, and behavior? Here is a great opportunity!

Want a great refresher on what good instruction looks like? Join Read Washington as they virtually host Anita Archer on Saturday morning, October 2nd. This one is not free, but it's only $20.

ORTIi Spring 2021 Conference Recordings
Are Still Available
(Audience: All)

As you plan for professional learning this year, don't forget that last spring's conference inspiring keynotes and informative breakout sessions are still available. Many schools are using these to kick off their PD this year. The three days focused on different themes:
  • Building MTSS on the Foundation of Equity
  • Ensuring Inclusive Practices for Students with Disabilities
  • Effective Instruction Based in the Science of Reading