Elijah Ministries

   "To make ready a people prepared for the Lord."  (Luke 1:17)
Dear Champion of the Lord and the Preborn, 

OSA Update Alert: I'm leaving Thursday morning to meet up with Pastor Dale Sochia in New Orleans. On Friday, we will fill up our OSA trailer with supplies for those who are in desperate need in the flooding areas. This will be the first attempt to help them. We hope to establish a coordination with Bethany church to assess the immediate needs as well as the long term effort help these communities recover from this disaster.

Again, if you care to help with funds, resources, or prayers, please contact me at rusty@elijahmin.com. Thanks and may God use this tragedy to lead many to the saving grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, our Lord. The following is the message between Pastor Dale and the pastor from Bethany in Baton Rouge, LA.

Pastor Jonathan, this is Pastor Dale Sochia of King Jesus Ministries in Boutte. I and a few others will be delving a trailer of supplies to the south campus on Friday. I want to give you my personal contact information 504-881-9956 I also do total home renovation as well as several others in my Church. We also have National Director of Operation Save America, Rusty Thomas, coming in with me. We have several teams from around the nation which will be coming in to hook up and help. Please feel free to contact me to discuss our best way to go about this. Blessings, prayers and give God glory. Pastor Dale Sochia

Rally Videos in Wichita

                         Ecclesiastical Court, Thursday, July 21, 2106

Come out of the Shadows Rally (This is good to minister to those who are post-abortive).

                       Pastor Ante Pavkovic, Fellow-shipping with OSA

         Pastor Flip Benham, Recounting the Great Deeds of Our God

         Pastor Matt Trewhella, The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate

Solemn Assembly and Paradigm Shift to End Abortion
Solemn Assembly and Paradigm Shift to End Abortion

Bishop Otis Kenner, Exposing the Homosexual Agenda
Bishop Otis Kenner, Exposing the Homosexual Agenda

Coach Dave Daubenmire, Time to Man Up
Coach Dave Daubenmire, Time to Man Up

Michael Peroutka, Courts Cannot Make Law
Michael Peroutka, Courts Cannot Make Law

Summer of Justice Press Conference
Summer of Justice Press Conference

 The March is Not Over
Come to Wichita July 16-23 to stand in the gap and make up the hedge.
Justice is calling, will we answer the call?
New promotional video to promote our OSA Summer of Justice event in Wichita, KS. Please spread far and wide. Thanks!  
This is part of our labor of love in Arkansas this past weekend. We had the blessing to co-labor with the precious Childress family. The church in Arkansas needs to come along side and help them to deliver their state from blood guiltiness in Jesus' name!
God's 3 Fold Plan for Victory in the Midst of the Battle
Invite Friends on Facebook
To those who live in Kansas, to those who are coming or perhaps are thinking on coming to our national event in Wichita, can I ask a favor?  Please invite your friends on facebook to participate in the Summer of Justice event from July 16-23, 2016.
Thanks for your consideration in this Kingdom matter to end the holocaust in Wichita and beyond in Jesus' name!
Here is our facebook event page that you can lead them to find more information.
OSA's New Banners for Truth Truck
This next one will be our back panel.
This last one will go on the other side of the truck. We are one month away to D-day in the battle to end abortion in Wichita and beyond. We are going to try and hit the altars of Moloch from every angle possible. Your prayers, love, and support are vital to our Kingdom success. Thanks and I hope to see you there!

Here are two more documents to help promote the Summer of Justice national event in Wichita. Please spread them far and wide. Thanks! 
Donate through Cornerstone Payment Solutions:
Pastor Rob Rotola's Welcome and Invitation to Operation Save America
Our Host Church:
Word of Life Church
3811 North Meridian Ave. Wichita, KS 67204
Hotel Information:
5805 W. Kellogg, Wichita, KS 67209
We have 60 rooms reserved under the OSA block. The price is 79.99 per night.
Click on this link to hear powerful song concerning abortion.  
                                        What is in the Word Terrorism?
Biblical Worldview Concerning Death


Operation Save America
Operation Save America
Band of Brothers 250 STRONG at Planned Parenthood
Band of Brothers 250 STRONG at Planned Parenthood

The Emancipation Proclamation For The Pre-Born: Rev. Rusty Thomas
The Emancipation Proclamation For The Pre-Born: Rev. Rusty Thomas

Blood Guilt
Jackson Interview with Pastor Manning
Operation: "Let My People Go" In Jackson, Mississippi

Lower Magistrate Doctrine 
Lower Magistrate Doctrine

What is Operation Save America?
What is Operation Save America?
Blood Guiltiness and Abortion
Blood Guiltiness Doctrine by Rusty Lee Thomas
Blood Guiltiness Doctrine by Rusty Lee Thomas

Field Manual for Abortion Ministry
In the Field Manual for Abortion Ministry, Reverend Rusty Lee Thomas asks: "Does your heart break for the plight of the preborn child, made in the image of God? Does God's Word convict you to intervene, love your neighbor as yourself, be your brother's keeper, speak for those who cannot speak for themselves, and rescue those unjustly sentenced to death (Matthew 22:39; Genesis 4:9; Proverbs 31:8, 9; Proverbs 24:11, 12)? Are you living out your faith at the gates of hell, the place of child sacrifice and the shedding of innocent blood?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, Rev. Thomas, one of the premier leaders in the effort to end abortion, wants to welcome you to what he describes as "the battle."
The Field Manual will open your eyes to the horror of abortion and inspire actions informed by faith, hope, and charity to bring the message of Christ to those in need.

If any of you still want a hard copy or copies, send me back your address. There is no charge. Donations are accepted for shipping and handling. Once you read it, if you find any merit, please pass on this offer to others. Let the Gentle Revolution continue in Jesus' name!
One Minute For Liberty - Book Review: Abortion Violation by Rev. Rusty Thomas
One Minute For Liberty - Book Review: Abortion Violation by Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas
States of Refuge FINAL
States of Refuge Intro
You can order from the link above on Tate Publishing's website or you can order directly from us. if you plan on getting more than one copy, it would be better to order from us. Here is the breakdown of the discounts.
1 book-$25.00 plus shipping
3 books-$22.00 a copy, plus shipping.
5 books-$20.00 a copy, plus shipping
10 books or more-$18.00 a copy, plus shipping.
This has been a labor of love. Theologically, it pulls no punches. We pray the Lord use this book to touch hearts, change minds, and help defeat the culture of death savaging our nation in Jesus' mighty name!
If or when you read it, could you write us a short testimony or endorsement to help promote the book abroad? It will help for folks to write reviews once it hits Amazon and other outlets as well. Thank you!  
States of Refuge
Sign the Emancipation Proclamation for the Preborn Child
Operation Save America
Operation Save America

Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas

Elijah Ministries is dedicated to impart a Biblical Worldview to the Church of Jesus Christ that will provide the theological impetus to fulfill the Great Commission.
Elijah Ministries is devoted to challenging Christians everywhere to pray, believe, and work for repentance, reformation and revival to sweep America.
Reform the Church to restore America is our battle cry! No king, but King Jesus and may God be pleased to save America!
Elijah Ministries
P.O. Box 3126
Waco, TX 76707