June 2021 Newsletter
2020 OSAF Award Winners

On Thursday, May 13 at 3:30 p.m. during the Blue Mountain Chapter-hosted OSAF Annual Meeting, OSAF celebrated the accomplishments of some of their members and partners. In this virtual setting, we were able to bring up each of the award winners with their awards, and in two cases their family were able to join them on camera.
We congratulate these individuals and entities on their accomplishments and contributions to forestry in Oregon, well done.

Note: Research – No nominees received this year 

Community College Student – Erin Rice Jacoby, MHCC
OSU Student – Reece Dobmeier 
Young Forester Leadership – Katie Nichols 
OSAF Lifetime Achievement – Steve Cafferata 
OSAF Lifetime Achievement – Jerry Phillips
Forester of the Year – Jeff Grogan 
Heritage Award – Hampton Lumber Company 
Chapter Achievement – Capitol Chapter 
Forestry Appreciation Award – Oregon Forest Protective Association  
Where I worked.
Dave Wells
Path to Forestry and OSAF

OSAF Featured Member:
Peter Ninteman

Pete’s path to forestry started in restaurant kitchens of the greater Seattle area in Washington State. Upon graduation from Auburn High School in 1996, Pete knew that the four-year college path was not for him and so he started a carrier in the hospitality industry. First, he attended South Seattle Community College, where he earned a associates degree in culinary arts. From there he worked in numerous restaurants in Renton, Seattle, Kirkland, and traveled for a while. As a traveling culinary artist, he worked in Mt. Rainier National Park, Park City, UT. and Zion National Park. After six years of the fast pace of restaurants, he knew that it was time for a change.  
Tree ID with Mick Sears
Mick Sears' Tree ID Quiz #13.

Click the button to take the quiz. Answers are at the bottom of the newsletter.
Science You Can Use!

An evidence-based review of the effectiveness of riparian buffers to maintain stream temperature and stream-associated amphibian populations in the Pacific Northwest of Canada and the United States

A systematic evidence review was conducted to evaluate empirical scientific evidence for the effectiveness of buffering headwater (typically non-fish-bearing) streams to maintain stream temperature and stream-associated amphibian populations in the Pacific Northwest of Canada and the United States. The evidence indicated substantial variability in the temperature response to streamside buffers. The effect size for the mean 7-day maximum temperature metric showed a positive association when comparing no-buffers (clearcut) to treatments with wide buffers (≥30 m). However, this effect varied substantially and overlap existed in effect sizes among no-cut buffers, no-cut plus variable retention buffers, and no-cut patch buffers all ≤20 m wide. Large variability in effect size among treatments obscured any potential trend between effect size for the seasonal (summer) mean daily maximum temperature metric and buffer width. Shade was correlated with temperature response within several studies, but direct comparisons of treatment effectiveness among studies as a function of shade was confounded by different measurement methods. The evidence also indicated that variation in temperature response among studies may be associated with multiple factors (geology, hydrology, topography, latitude, and stream azimuth) that influence thermal sensitivity of streams to shade loss. More information on amphibian response is discussed in the article.
Message from the Chair
 Jeremy Felty

My friends, it is with great remorse that I inform you today of the passing of Gary Thad Springer of Corvallis on May 25th, 2021.
To the uninformed, Gary was simply a forester, but to the forestry community and the greater Oregon natural resources community, Gary was a go-getter, a master of humility, and in most senses, quite the comedian.
While I could attempt to inform you of the many incredible deeds, opportunities, and roles that Gary played in the forest sector, I’ll just mention the parts of him that allowed me the opportunity to get to know him. Please take the time to read Gary’s obituary found below.
Western Forester Update

There's still time to submit a theme for one of the four issues of the Western Forester that will be published next year. Please email Andrea Watts,, with your suggestion. 
If you would like to share past issues of the Western Forester with colleagues or hand them out at events, reach out to Andrea and she can mail you extra copies. We have Workforce Development-summer 2020 and All about Carbon-fall 2020, Forestry Through the Years-winter 2021, and Tribal Forestry- spring 2021 available. 
OSAF Practicalities

Spend a few minutes to take the two surveys below! They are important for OSAF.

  • Jobs a link to job postings on the SAF NW webpage.

  • Seeking OSAF Communications Chair
Social media wiz? Passionate about promoting forestry and the great work our members are doing? Have ideas to help keep our members inspired about our profession? We need you as the next OSAF Communications Chair!
OSAF is looking for a communication chair to help promote OSAF and forestry activities on our social media platforms, collaborate with the newsletter editor for content delivery to members, and help keep the OSAF website up to date.   
This is also great way to get involved with the OSAF Executive Committee and develop relationships with the new SAF national staff as we work to expand our membership communications efforts.
Contact Jeremy Felty if you are interested or if you know of a good candidate for recruitment.

  • Love SAF? Love shopping on Amazon? If you make Society of American Foresters your "charity", Amazon will make a donation every time you shop with them. Click Here to start shopping and donating.
Tree ID Quiz #13 Answers: