February 2021 Newsletter
OSAF 2019 Award Winners!
  • Community College Student – Lakyn Jacoby, MHCC 
  • OSU Student – Samuel Zamudio 
  • Chapter Achievement – Mary’s Peak Chapter 
  • Research – Dr. Jim Rivers, OSU 
  • Forestry Appreciation Award – Alex Paul, Albany Democrat-Herald  
  • Young Forester Leadership – Lauren Grand 
  • OSAF Lifetime achievement – Gary Blanchard 
  • OSAF Lifetime achievement – Michael Cloughesy 
  • Forester of the Year – Steve Fitzgerald 
  • Heritage Award – Barnes and Associates 
Tales from the Forest : Wasps in the Woods
by Wylda Cafferata

Probably everyone has their wasp story. Mine is more or less mundane. We love our coastal forest, and soon after we acquired it in 2016, we commenced building trails through the thick salal, huckleberry, ferns, and timber-sized rhododendrons. Steve led the way . . .
Where I worked.
The Al Tocchini Story
Places and People who Inspire

My interest in forestry was inspired by my father. He was an auto body mechanic by trade - not a forester. He was born and raised in an urban setting – not the forest. But he showed his interest and knowledge about the trees and forest we saw on our family vacations.  He had worked several years in the mid-1930’s building forest roads with the Civilian Conservation Corps. He wanted to return to work in the woods after WWII, but his bride wanted to stay close to family in the Oakland, California area. Sadly, he died of Cancer in early 1956 at age 40 – never getting to realize his dream. I vowed then – at age 9 – that the part of me that is him would live to fulfill his occupational dream.

OSAF Featured Member:
Amanda Astor

Amanda Astor fell in love with the woods when she went on her first backpacking trip in northern Minnesota. She was around 12 and her family took this trip and all the leaves were changing, berries were ripe for picking, and crawdads were plentiful in the lakes. She knew she had to grow up and work around nature, from that point on.
How I Spent My COVID Summer Vacation
As a child of the 1950s one of my adolescent delights was reading Mad Magazine. A favorite Mad article describes a student writing an essay in the first grade on “how I spent my summer vacation.” The article follows the student as he moved through grade school, High School, college, graduate school, and finally a Ph.D., all with ever more sophisticated versions of “How I spent my summer vacation.”  
Wylda Cafferata's Book Review

Forest Bathing: How Trees Can Help You Find Health and Happiness by Dr. Qing Li

If you haven’t heard of “Forest Bathing” yet, you probably will soon. Dr. Qing Li is the Chairman of the Japanese Society for Forest Medicine, and his book’s alternate title is The Japanese Art and Science of Shinrin-Yoku, which translates to Forest Bathing in English. His premise is that he has always felt happier and healthier in forested landscapes, but now he can prove scientifically that relaxing in a forest leads to definitive health benefits. 
Tree ID with Mick Sears
Mick Sears' Tree ID Quiz #11.

Click the button to take the quiz. Answers are at the bottom of the newsletter.
Science You Can Use!
Do fuel treatments work?  This study looked at the effectiveness of fuel treatments conducted prior to the Carlton Complex wildfire, which occurred in 2014.  Thinning and prescribed burned treatments had be implemented previously. “Our study suggests that the fuel treatments were worth the investment, yielding a more desirable post-fire outcome than if they hadn’t been implemented,” said lead author Susan Prichard, a research scientist at the UW School of Environmental and Forest Sciences. “There are a lot of benefits to creating more resilient landscapes, and this study suggests that even in the worst-case scenario wildfires, it can be worth it.”
Message from the Chair
 Jeremy Felty

Hello OSAF Members,
The Oregon legislature is now in session and they are considering three bills, HB2357, HB2379, and HB 2598 which at their core eliminate the Oregon Forest Resources Institute (OFRI). Losing OFRI and its efforts to advance public understanding of forests, forest management, forest products, and to encourage sound forestry would be a blow to OSAF’s work and Oregon in general. The publications that OFRI educate landowners, foresters, students, and the general public, these high-quality informational documents are utilized everyday by Oregonians. 
Award Nominations!

Nominations being accepted for Natinal awards until March 15th and Oregon SAF unitl March 26th, 2021.

National Award Nomination Categories:
Forest Science and Technology
Professional Development
Presidential Field Forester
Outstanding SAF Student Chapter 

Oregon State Society of American Forester Awards:
Forester of the Year
Yound Forester Leadership Award
Forestry Appreciation Award
Tough Tree Award
Chapter Achievement Award
Research Award
OSAF Heritage Award
Oregon State University Student Award
Community College Student Award
Lifetime Achievement Award

OSAF Practicalities

  • Jobs a link to job postings on the SAF NW webpage.

  • Seeking OSAF Communications Chair
Social media wiz? Passionate about promoting forestry and the great work our members are doing? Have ideas to help keep our members inspired about our profession? We need you as the next OSAF Communications Chair!
OSAF is looking for a communication chair to help promote OSAF and forestry activities on our social media platforms, collaborate with the newsletter editor for content delivery to members, and help keep the OSAF website up to date.   
This is also great way to get involved with the OSAF Executive Committee and develop relationships with the new SAF national staff as we work to expand our membership communications efforts.
Contact Jeremy Felty if you are interested or if you know of a good candidate for recruitment.  

  • Love SAF? Love shopping on Amazon? If you make Society of American Foresters your "charity", Amazon will make a donation every time you shop with them. Click Here to start shopping and donating.
Tree ID Quiz #11 Answers: