The OSHA Outreach Trainer Road Show 2018 is a Hit!
The Outreach Trainer Road Show has received positive feedback, and many of you have asked for more dates and locations. We are planning more stops on the 2018 Road Show, and we will let you know as soon as we have them confirmed.
At our Road Show meetings we discuss the entire Outreach Training program, including OSHA updates that went live April 1, 2018. We give you tools to help with the administrative part of being an Outreach Trainer. We share best practices, have a chance to network, learn relevant and practical things about being an Outreach Trainer and have some fun!
Contact Addie at 925-249-9374 or for information and/or to sign up.
Training Resources
Many trainers ask about resources to help them create or add content to their courses. Visit this OSHA webpage to access many practical and free publications and resources listed alphabetically by topic.
If you need more ideas or any other help, you can always contact Addie at 925-249-9374 or
Outreach Trainer Finder
OSHA has recently developed an Outreach Trainer Finder on their website. Outreach Trainers will not automatically be entered in order to protect their privacy.
If you are interested in holding open classes and would like to be added to Outreach Trainer list, please email your name, current address, phone number and subject area (Construction, Disaster Site Worker, General Industry and/or Maritime) to, and we will add you to the list.
Outreach Trainer Update Courses
The OSHA Training Institute Education Center at Chabot-Las Positas Community College District currently offers high quality OSHA standards-based training for construction, maritime and general industry at 13 locations throughout California, Nevada and Hawaii. Visit our website for a complete 2018 course schedule.
A 3 day refresher course for those who have completed OSHA 500-Trainer Course for the Construction Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. It provides an update on such topics as OSHA construction standards, policies and regulations. Students must prepare a presentation and pass a written exam to renew certification.
A 3 day refresher course for those who have completed OSHA 501-Trainer Course for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. It provides an update on OSHA General Industry Standards and OSHA policies. Students must prepare a presentation and pass a written exam to renew certification.
This 1 day course updates OSHA 5109-Cal/OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry and continues the student’s authorization to teach both the 10-hour and 30-hour Cal/OSHA Outreach Program. Participants will learn about the most significant changes within Cal/OSHA that affect the construction industry. Prerequisites: OSHA 5109 or OSHA 5029 within the previous four years.
This 1 day course updates OSHA 5119-Cal/OSHA Standards for General Industry and continues the student’s authorization to teach both 10-hour and 30-hour Cal/OSHA Outreach Program. Participants in this course will learn about the most significant changes within Cal/OSHA that affect general industry. Prerequisites: OSHA 5119 or OSHA 5039 within the previous four years.
June 1 | Sacramento CA
July 14 | Dublin CA
December 7 | Dublin CA
OSHA Outreach Training Program
The OSHA Outreach Training Program was established to train workers in the basics of safety and health hazard recognition and prevention. OSHA authorizes trainers who complete the 4-day construction or general industry train-the-trainer courses to conduct 10-hour and 30-hour construction or general industry safety and health hazard recognition and prevention courses.
Outreach Training Card requests are now processed through an online database system. Outreach Training Cards have better fraud protection and include a QR code to allow employers and workers to verify the authenticity of the card. All trainers must register in the Outreach Trainer Portal in order to submit OSHA Outreach Training Reports.
The OSHA Training Institute Education Center at Chabot-Las Positas Community College District currently offers high quality OSHA standards-based training for construction, maritime and general industry at our locations in the San Francisco Bay Area as well as in Central and Southern California, Nevada and Hawaii. Programs offered include OSHA safety standards, Outreach Trainer courses, Cal/OSHA standards curriculum, environmental courses and customized onsite safety training.
For more information, call (866) 936-OSHA (6742), email or visit our website. CLICK HEREto view or download our 2018 Catalog.