September 17, 2021
A Message from Pastor Sell
Pastor and Church - Church and Pastor

The Lord provides for all believers through His Word and the life of the church. He calls upon believers to be mindful of the gathering of believers in the church along with the Under-shepherds He gives to each gathered community of believers, that is the church's pastors.
A Pastor in a Plague and Persecution

September 16th - the church remembers Cyprian
Who? - A pastor from the 200's and was from North Africa.

One such pastor the Lord provided for the church was Cyprian of Carthage. Well, that's from left field! Most believers have never heard of this pastor. Cyprian was first a lawyer. He then was converted later in life, probably in his thirties and wrote quite a few books about some of the false theology the church was facing. He became a bishop/pastor in 249 AD.

I bring him up because he was a pastor that served during a terrible pandemic. Historians think that it was either a terrible flu, small pox, or - wait for it - the Ebola virus. Just in Rome, almost 5000 people a day died from this disease.  

However, Cypran was known for being a great pastor and caring for the needs of the people, even though he himself had to be secluded during the height of pandemic. He gave most of his wealth away as his famiy was wealthy and he began as a lawyer. Most of his writings reflected a deep care and concern for the people the Lord gave him to preach to and administer the sacraments of Christ. 

After the plague settled down, he rose to become quite a leader within the church and was elected as a bishop of the pastors in 249AD. 

How Did it End?

Cyprian did not stop confessing the Christian faith and opposed worship to the Roman Gods when the Roman emporer ordered all people make sacrifices to them. Cyprian refused and was beheaded.

Why this history lesson? God always provides His mercy and strength through the worse of our times. His Word endures, forgiveness cleanses and strengthens us, and the battle goes on. The Lord continues to provide pastors and teachers of the Christian faith, but it is always a sacrifice on our part to provide for our families, each other, and the citizens of the community.

For more on Cyprian, Pastor Surburg, a Lutheran pastor in Illinois wrote a lengthy article on Cyprian and is available here.
In Christ,
Pr. Mark Sell
Weekly Memory Verse
Memory Verse Challenge

Worship Ministry * The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod The church confesses to Christ, "You have the words of eternal life" (John 6:68). The church is encouraged to "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly ..." (Col. 3:16). Psalm 1 teaches us...

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This week’s memory verse: Psalm 145:18

The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.
Our Savior Lutheran School News
Sharing Christ's Love, Centered in God's Word

School Chapel


Led by Seminarian Harkins
TEACHER AIDES – If you know of someone who would be interested in being a teacher’s aide, please have them contact Michelle Eggold at [email protected].

EXTENDED SCHOOL CARE – The Extended School Care (ESC) program is hiring for the 2021-2022 school year. If you enjoy working with kids please contact the school office for more information. This is a great opportunity for someone that is looking for a part-time position during the school year. 
The annual Brew in the Lou will be held October 9, 1:00-5:00 pm, at Francis Park in St. Louis. Wristbands are $40 each if ordered in advance. They are $50 the day of the event. Flyers are located on the table on the back of church. 
2021 Brew In The Lou - Lutheran Elementary School...

Lutheran Elementary School Association

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Prayer card and August newsletter
JOY GROUP – Meets October 16 at 5:30 pm at Nicolleti’s for a fall harvest. Bring a Halloween bag with treats. Contact Mary Lou if you will be attending. 

You can listen to us live at 10:30am on the radio on KFUO 850AM.

Confirmation Instruction
Junior Confirmation begins SEPTEMBER 12 9:15 - CHOIR LOFT OF THE CHURCH.

Any child 5th grade and up.

Please contact the church office to enroll your child or grandchild.
Adult Confirmation begins SEPTEMBER 12  11:45 - CHOIR LOFT OF THE CHURCH.
DID YOU KNOW that every "memorial gifts" and "thanksgiving gifts" apart from our Sunday giving is separated out and designated to fix up and beautify the inside of our church? 

It is customary for believers to give an additional gift as a memorial gift when someone they know and love from the body of Christ enters their eternal reward to be with Jesus. Sometimes people will give a "Thanksgiving" gift for an anniversary, a birthday, a grandchild's baptism, wedding, or confirmation or just because of how the Lord blessed them this past week. 

These gifts are set aside an can only be used for those things that beautify and fix up our church and are always announced to the church. 

Thanks to the many "memorial" gifts we receive for funerals along with special "thanksgiving" gifts the funds for these churchly needs is already gathered. In other words, they are already paid for! 

THANKS BE TO GOD as He always provides for what His people need.
Window UPDATE - Thanks for your patience!

THANK YOU! We will soon place our order for our windows! Thank you to everyone who donated for the windows.

Covid and the Windows - As you yourself might have experienced, so many things are being hindered and delayed by the pandemic. This holds true for the manufacturing of the windows. As of this past week, we got word that the windows wouldn't be shipped until mid-December. Eric Binder, the vendor for the windows informed us that they can hold the windows as long as needed until we work out the schedule for the installation. Of course, that plan can't hatch until the windows are actually delivered. 

The next step is to pull together a small committee to work on the symbols/art for the stained glass windows.

Thanks for your patience.
Bring us your used ink cartridges! Small printer ink cartridges, like the ones for home printers, are collected at the church. You can bring them to the office or place them in the collection container in the narthex, on the coat rack shelf. The church receives a small donation for each cartridge we collect!
Sunday morning at 9:15am.

We will continue our study of the Book of John with the help of Dr. Armbrust

Meet in the fellowship hall or online
Link to Sunday meeting
Meeting ID: 588 101 866

Bible Study from Tuesday
Tuesday nights Dr. Armbrust will lead a Bible study on the book of

Join us on Zoom at 7pm.

Link to Tuesday meeting
Meeting ID: 613691239

Do you know someone who should be seeing this email but isn't? Have them email [email protected] and ask to be added to the mailing list.

Our Savior's Endowment is a way to extend your service to your children and grandchildren through the Kingdom of God. Think about helping Christ's church and Our Savior's future.

Have you considered placing OSL in your will or trust?
Did you know that you could give a percentage of your estate to OSL?
Did you know that you could give a percentage of your life insurance to OSL?

This is an ongoing program. We have a few envelopes on the table in the narthex for anyone who would like to order. All the profit goes toward the building fund principle. Cards are ordered on Mondays and available for pickup on Thursdays. For a complete list of cards that can be ordered visit ShopWithScrip | 700+ of your favorite brands
Devotional Resources
Daily Reflections are provided by Higher Things.
A resource for youth and their families
led by Dr. Kevin Armbrust

Videos of previous Bible studies and more from Crucial Productions
Worship Services 8am and 10:30am Sunday morning

Bible Study 9:15am Sunday morning
Our Savior Lutheran Church and School
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