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OSLC Health & Operations Committee Update
In care and concern for our community, OSLC will worship via Zoom the next three Sundays (January 9, 16, 23 @ 10:00 AM). We will stream meetings and session to our YouTube as well.

Meeting ID: 853 2807 7932
Passcode: 733589

You can also join by phone:

+1 (253) 215-8782 (Tacoma)
+1 (346) 248-7799 (Houston)

Bulletins and zoom links can be found on oslcslc.org. Scroll to the bottom of the main page and click "Worship Bulletins".

Adult Education and confirmation will also be available on Zoom. Please refer to the calendar for those links.

We will continue to monitor local and national COVID-19 infection rates to make informed judgements regarding building use, and remain proactive in communicating any changes as they become necessary. In the meantime, please use the following guidelines inside the building. Click here for a message from OSLC Council President, Tristan Abbott, regarding our current COVID-19 response and procedure.
The latest information about COVID-19 is available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local authorities by visiting cdc.gov or coronavirus.utah.gov.
Happy New Year and Blessed Epiphany! The tradition of blessing our homes is one that dates back centuries and is a ritual that I believe has become even more poignant as many of us have spent a significant portion of our time in our homes over the past two years. Our homes are not only our shelter, safety from the elements and storage, they are places of our most significant and deepest relationships. Our homes are sacred spaces, not only for us individually, but for all who enter our doors and I know that I need to be reminded of that fact.

Blessing our homes, inviting Christ to journey with us in the mundane and important moments of our lives, reminds us that there is not a place or time that isn’t sacred and holy; there is not a separation from God’s presence. You can access an Epiphany Blessing for your home here.

See you Sunday for Baptism of Our Lord Sunday! Bring a picture from your baptism if you have one, or a treasured keepsake from that day.

Pastor Brigette

There are variety of opportunities to connect with your friends at OSLC.

Take a look at the information below for worship and community information.

You can also call the office with any questions. The best way to reach us for any reason is by email at office@oslcslc.org or pastor@oslcslc.org. Or call Pastor Brigette.

Worship each Sunday at 10:00 AM
in-person or live and recorded
on YouTube. Click here for details.

Worship Leaders Needed!

If you would like to participate in worship you can sign up for
multiple dates at oslcslc.org.
Thank you for your ministry!

Connect with OSLC friends
Visit oslcslc.org for a full list
of meetings.
Prayer Request Opportunities

We are a vibrant community of prayer that encourages opportunities to share prayer requests with each other!
  • Prayers of the People: Click here or email pastor@oslcslc.org by 12:00 PM on Friday if you would like a prayer read during online worship.

  • OSLC Prayer Chain: Email office@oslcslc.org or call (801) 278-1412 during regular office hours.

  • Urgent prayer requests: If you desire immediate prayer support, please contact your friends or small group. You may also text or call Connie (801) 558-6158 or Cathy (801) 557-2032 to contact appropriate prayers.

(Permission should be received beforehand from prayer recipients.)

 Please pray this week for:

Katsy, Charmaine, Adam, Betty, Pat, Evelyn,
John, Marty, James, Sam, Zoe, Lisa, Kathy,
Margaret, Kenzan
OSLC has Stephen Ministers and Visiting Angels available to offer
a listening ear, share a prayer, or engage in friendly conversation.

Contact Connie at (801) 558-6158, or Cathy (801) 557-2032 if you would like to receive a phone call.
Stephen Leaders:

Connie Degn
(801) 558-6158

Cathy Ricci
(801) 557-2032

Pastor Brigette
(720) 202-8212
January Birthdays
OSLC Calendar & Ongoing Events
Click any of the buttons below for information
about ongoing events and initiatives at OSLC.

New Announcements & Upcoming Events
Enews Article submissions must be made by 12:00 PM each Tuesday for the Wednesday publication. Announcements should be short and include a contact for more information.

New announcements will typically remain for two weeks after introduction, or until the date of the event has passed. Check the "Ongoing Announcements & Events" section for older event info.
*SUNDAY* Blessing of the Diapers

Bring your diapers and wipes for Millcreek Elementary Food Pantry to worship on Jan. 9 as we will bless them during worship!
*SUNDAY* 2022 Budget Overview Meeting

There will be a 2022 Budget Overview Forum via Zoom on Sunday, January 9 at 11:00 a.m. (immediately following the worship service). The Budget Forum is an opportunity to participate in a question/answer session on the proposed 2022 budget.

Meeting ID: 891 1515 9517
Passcode: 216844

You can also join by phone:

+1(669) 900-6833 (San Jose)
+1(253) 215-8782 (Tacoma)

Download a copy of the Proposed Budget and Power Point presentation below:

*NEW* 2022 Pledge Cards

2022 Pledge Cards: We are looking forward to another meaningful and important year of ministry at OSLC. Please support our mission and vision of being "a Spirit filled community reaching out and caring for all" with your 2022 budget pledge. If you haven't turned one in yet, it's not too late. If you have pledged in the past and are not this year, we would like to know that as well.

Please contact finance@oslcslc.org or pastor@oslcslc.org. Please also hold OSLC in your prayers as we pray for you. Thank you for your generosity and support of the gospel at OSLC.
*NEW* Youth Retreat

Sixth grade and up can register now for the Souper Bowl of Caring Youth Retreat on February 12 from 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. at Zion Lutheran.
St Olaf's College Choir Performance, January 22

The St. Olaf Choir, conducted by Anton Armstrong, will perform at First Presbyterian Church in Salt Lake City on January 22, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. during its 2022 winter tour.

For more than a century, the St. Olaf Choir has set the gold standard for choral singing, performing for millions around the world. Comprised of 75 mixed voices, the St. Olaf Choir is hailed as the nation’s premier a cappella ensemble, renowned for its artistry and beauty of sound. Tickets are $30 for adults and $10 for students.

Click here for event info and ticket sales.
Point In Time Survey Volunteers Needed

Salt Lake County is in need of 500 volunteers for the HUD required Point In Time count of people un-housed in our community, January 27-29 from 4:00-6:00 AM. Training is provided and volunteers are in teams. Click here to sign up.
Mill Creek Elementary Pantry

Mill Creek Elementary  supports a diverse, multi-ethnic population of 350 students (35% Latinx, 30% white, 35% other ethnicity) speaking 24 different languages and dialects. 60% of the students are on free or reduced lunch and the pantry at Mill Creek Elementary feeds 40-50 families each week.
Due to state budget constraints, Mill Creek Elementary does not receive any subsidized funding for assistance feeding the children. Their pantry serves about 25 families per week, with an average of 3 children per family.

Mary Bowman and Marion Lennberg returned from Mill Creek this week and had a list of items that the pantry currently needs:

  •     Toothpaste/toothbrushes
  •     Toilet paper/paper towels
  •     Diapers/ baby products
  •     Hand soap, body soap
  •     Dish soap
  •     Oil
  •     Sugar, flour
  •     Honey
  •     Soup, canned meat assortment
  •     Holiday fixings
  •     Sauces/condiments
  •     Snacks
  •     Dry rice/beans

Thank you for your care and generosity! There will be additional opportunities to volunteer at the school as well once we can be in person. For more information contact Pastor Brigette (pastor@oslcslc.org).
OSLC Giving Initiatives

Visit oslcslc.org/give for more information.

Contact OSLC at office@oslcslc.org or (801) 278-1412