We will also be giving trophies as well as medals to all the kids divisions for the 1st place winners! You can follow us on instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/ossottawa/ to get a sneak peak at the medals and trophies. We are working hard to make sure this is the best experience for all of our competitors, especially our kids.
looking forward to seeing you there,
The OSS Team
It is with great pleasure to announce the OSS Ottawa Jiu Jitsu Championship. This will be a gi only tournament. We are working on a few exciting announcements which will be shared as soon as they are firmed up.
The most important thing right now is the early bird registration is until May 1st, It is only 65$ for kids and $80 for 16+. We will be reminding you often ;) The kids divisions will be running on a round robin format. If you have any questions ple
The OSS Team