May | June 2021
UNIFAS/OSSM Conference Postponed until October, 2022
National Council has announced that the UNIFAS / OSSM Conference scheduled for October, 2021 has been postponed another year while the conference committee searches for a new location to hold the three-day joint conference. It was planned to be held at Techny Towers in Chicago but they recently announced their permanent closure leaving the conference in search of a new venue. More information will be forthcoming in the future.
Nuestra Señora de los Dolores, es nuestra Fundadora y Patrona de la Orden de los Siervos de María. Los Siete Santos Fundadores siguieron las instrucciones de Ella, inspirados por el Espíritu Santo.   
La Virgen Maria representa un estilo de evangelización para todo Servita. Algunos de esos estilos son: 

1- Sentido de pequeñez - Maria es humilde. Todo Servita siervo de Maria, debe ser sencillo y humilde. Debe evitar ser vacío y ser más espiritual.

2- Sentido de Encarnación - Maria es la mujer en quien la Palabra se hizo carne. Primero en su vida y luego en su cuerpo. También el Servita debe ser concreto en su servicio y apostolado. 

3- Sentido de cercanía - Maria siempre ha estado presente de manera afectuosa y activa. Todo Servita debe estar presente donde Cristo está presente. En el que sufre, así compartir su pena y ayudar en la redención del que sufre.  

Imitemos a Maria quien nos lleva a Jesús. Solo seamos humildes con entrega total a Jesus, Hijo de nuestra fundadora Servita, Maria. Amen.

Valentin Rosario, OSSM
National Council
is Here!
Hello Sisters and Brothers! I am privileged to announce that we have made an improvement – a modernization – to our National website that will allow for secure donations to National that will not require writing out a check, but, rather, clicking on a link at Thanks to the terrific research efforts of Theresa Orozco, OSSM at the Communications Committee, we have coordinated the improvement found at the top, right-hand margin of the heading of every page. By clicking on Donations, you are taken to a secure page for your personal information, and credit card. Your donation to National Council will be deposited directly into our account.
I have been so happy to meet and see so many faces through our Zoom formation meetings. As we begin to emerge from our pandemic chrysalis, and think about attending meetings and conferences once again, this method of donation as well as using Stripe for registration collection eliminates the need for sending and tracking paper checks – and the fees that can accompany them!
I can speak for National Council that we all look forward to seeing everyone face-to-face as we recover our stride in our fellowship.
Michael Williams, OSSM
National Council
GoFundMe Campaign
   This is a GoFundMe Campaign to restore the statue of Our Sorrowful Mother at the Basilica of Our Lady of Sorrows, Chicago, IL. 
    Please take a minute to click below, read about the campaign, and, if so moved, make a donation. Thank you!
    If you prefer to make your donation directly (and not use the Gofundme link), please make your check to: SERVANTS OF MARY. Please identify in the memo: FOR SORROWFUL MOTHER STATUE.  Please mail to:
CHICAGO IL 60612-2729
    Located in west transept of Chicago’s historic Basilica of Our Lady of Sorrows, the altar of Our Lady of Sorrows is justly regarded as one of the finest small altars in the country. Of white Carrara and variegated marbles, its main feature includes the column raised, domed, arched, and cross-topped canopy housing a beautiful statue of the Mother of Sorrows. The altar was consecrated in 1914.
    The statue of the Mother of Sorrows is in a declining state of repair. The surface of the statue is experiencing paint flaking and large areas of paint loss. At some point in its history, it had undergone a complete repainting, most likely to cover numerous losses in the paint. At least 50% of the surface area of the statue shows damage to the paint layer. Since it is nearly impossible to remove a layer or layers of repaint to unveil the original paint layer, it seems unreasonable to try to save damaged repaint. The proposed treatment includes cleaning the surface of dirt, dust and flaking paint, filling areas of paint and plaster loss, testing to determine the original colors, and a complete repainting of the surface.
    Cost estimate is between $10,000 and $11,000.
    Please consider a donation to restore this notable and historic work, that it may continue to welcome and inspire pilgrims seeking the compassionate intercession of the Mother of Sorrows for the next 107 years and beyond.

OSSM Photo Contest 2021
Welcome all members of the Order of the Secular Servants of Mary. We pray that all are well and coping with our pandemic within our guidelines and getting out and about and living in hope.  In this endeavor the National Council would like to invite all the OSSM Communities and their members to please join us in an “eager” sharing of our efforts in our photos of some of the events, activities and/or interests that we have been participating throughout this past year. I am sure many have picked up new hobbies that have helped them through this trying time. These efforts could encourage other members to participate likewise. 
 Last year we were pleasantly surprised by some of our members entries. The photos and stories were all quite beautiful and heart-warming.  The Blessed Mother has graced us with many gifts to keep us in touch with one another.  Graced efforts were given to those of you that participated in our 2020 Photo Contest. The National Council wants to congratulate our members’ efforts in sharing their heartfelt moments to propagate our Mother’s love for all of us.  During this pandemic, we have all felt disconnected and we want everyone to know that we love them and to let them know that our Lord Jesus Christ will not leave us abandoned. His most Holy Spirit and his dearest Mother are both out there reaching out to all of us to become uncomfortable and begin to “think outside the box”. Photo sharing is a form of sharing our love for our Mother, her son, Jesus and for one another. It is always nice to see the smiling face of the voice from afar. 
 The connection we have through the OSSM only unites us more intensely with our brothers and sisters that are working as Servants of Mary in reaching out to everyone. So, in this light the National Council suggests that we use our website to become more connected with one another. Send pictures you would like to share for our photo gallery and prepare for the 2021 Photo Contest with a short story of the event. 
 This annual event will run every year beginning September 1, and ending August 15. This year final entries will be taken up to August 15, 2021; to be judged by August 31, 2021. Winners announced September 18, 2021.  And. YES! WINNERS GET PRIZES! PLEASE JOIN US IN THIS BLESSED EVENT!
 Again, thank you contestants! Your photos and stories will be amazing. We encourage all communities to participate and share your joy with your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
 Cathy McCartney, OSSM
Communications Committee

April's Online Formation: Servite Saints & Blesseds
If you have missed the Online Formation series presented on Zoom the third Saturday of each month, you are missing some real gems. In April, Fr. Joseph Chamblain, OSM presented a reflection on three of our Servite Saints: St. Peregrine, St. Juliana, and St. Philip. Based on his book, Servants of Mary: Reflections on the Servite Saints and Blessed, Fr. Joe spoke beyond the usual stories of the Saints’ lives and gave insight to the model all three saints could provide for Servites today.
 With public trust in institutions very low, many of the “nones,” those who profess no religious affiliation, are nevertheless still searching for spiritual guidance. Influenced by St. Philip’s forgiveness, St. Peregrine sought to enter the Order which eventually led to his sainthood. We, as Servites can emulate these great Servite saints and perhaps influence those around us who may very well trust us rather than an institution. Through St. Peregrine may we respond to those in their search for faith. Fr. Joseph Chamblain, OSM

 During the pandemic, many churches have been closed for quite some time, still others that are open have experienced a loss of parishioners because many people have been afraid to gather together, even at church. When people lament what they miss about Mass, it’s often the hospitality, hymns, and homilies. Few people mention the loss of receiving the Eucharist. St. Juliana is known for her hunger for the Eucharist. We as Servites would do well to emulate her. Through St. Juliana may we respond with a greater love for the Eucharist.
 St. Philip was a great light among the Servants of Mary. At one point he was even considered for pope. But St. Philip was very humble, he very simply loved his brother Servites. As Servites, we can model his personal witness of Christianity and his simplicity. Through St. Philip may we respond by shunning duplicity and increasing simplicity.
Thank you, Fr. Joe, for the inspiring lessons on our Servite Saints and for reminding this secular Servite what it means to be in the Order of Secular Servants of Mary (OSSM). You can find Fr. Joe’s book on our website here.  
Sue Weigand, OSSM
National Council
Funerals for shooting victims held at St. Philip
One of the victims of the recent mass shooting in Orange, CA, Jenevieve Raygoza, was the daughter-in-law of Armando (Sr.) and Bertha Raygoza, who are longtime and very active members of the Nuestra Señora de Dolores OSSM Community in Fullerton, CA.  
Funerals for two of the four victims who died, Jenevieve Raygoza as well as her father Luis Tovar were celebrated here at St. Philip Benizi Parish in Fullerton CA.
A "gofundme" page was created to collect funds for Jenevieve’s two children. The link is: Jenevieve Raygoza Fund for Nathaniel and Andrés.

Servants of Mary, Faith Resources
This video, Chapter One and the fourth in the series on the Legenda of the Servants of Mary is a marvelous tribute to the honor and dignity of our Order. It explores our devotion to the founder of our Order, Our Lady herself, as our Special Refuge, our Only Mother, and as the Sovereign Lady. A short ten minutes, it reveals through beautiful music and stunning artwork the truth that our Order is uniquely dedicated to Our Lady.

The next issue will feature Chapter Two, part 5 of the 20-part series. Videos range from 10-20 minutes each. Enjoy!