OST Learning Institute

November 2024 Newsletter


OST Symposium

2024 OST Symposium


19th, 20th & 21st

The Foundry

101 Rogers Street, Cambridge

Registration is open!

Check out the 2024 OST Symposium Workshop Slideshow!

Need support with your sched account and registering for workshops? We can help!



Math Literacy is a Civil Right

Cambridge STEAM Initiative OST Symposium Interactive Exhibit 

Math is power.

Math is everywhere. 

The news we see, the impact of our votes, the candidates who win elections, the education we have access to, the jobs we get, the people we date.

Underneath all of this is a hidden layer of math that few of us see or understand.

What would be possible if we all understood how math shapes our society?

OST is a critical and powerful space where young people develop an understanding of their identity. We have the ability to shift the culture around who can “do” math to a culture where everyone feels confident in math and has the power to understand, engage with and create change in the world

Throughout the OST Symposium, we invite you to explore our individual and collective math identity through a series of interactive installations.

Communities of Practice

It was great to see so many new faces at October COPs!

There are no COPs in November,

See you at the

OST Symposium

11/19, 11/20, & 11/21.

Join us for December COPs:

Wednesday December 11th at Moses Youth Center

Register here.

Not sure which Community of Practice is the right fit for you or your staff?

Reach out to Ashley at Ashley@agendaforchildrenost.org

Communities of Practice (COPs) provide a place where our Cambridge Out-of-School-Time (OST) professionals come together to collectively explore, challenge and test ideas and practices arising in our OST work or professional lives with the support of an experienced facilitator.


Fall OST Supervisory Series

Congratulations to the OST Supervisors who just completed the four-part OST Supervisory Series Facilitated by Melinda Barbosa!

Save the Date

W.A.I.T.: Why Am I Talking?

facilitated by Mia Klinger ED, JoyWeavers

Save the Date!

Monday, December 16th

10:00am - 12:30pm

This 2023 OST Symposium Workshop is now an Introductory training! More information coming soon.

OSTLI Introductory Recorded Trainings


Youth Development K-5

Youth Development Middle Years


Positive Behavior Support


Cultural Proficiency: A Way of Being

Gender Dynamics & Gender Identity


Stories of Family Partnership

Request access to recorded trainings
We encourage staff leaders to explore these training videos with their teams. We are here to support you with any questions you may have.
If you have questions about professional development, please contact ashley@agendaforchildrenost.org