Winners will be notified at a later date. Do not need to be present to win.

Starts: 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

(3:30 kickoff)


Pins Mechanical Company

6558 Riverside Drive 

Dublin, Ohio 43017

Event held in Bocce Area

Area Parking is Free

What: Join us for an OSU tailgate and see the latest in Mitsubishi!

Expect: Food, Drinks and Duckpin Bowling Available.

Must check in at host stand to receive wristband.

RSVP TO WIN 2 tickets!*

RSVP by 9/20/22 to

and be entered in a drawing to win 2 Game Day 10/1/2022 

(OSU vs. Rutgers) tickets.

*Winning tickets will be

distributed at the tailgate event.

RSVP Today!
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