Looking for Truth?

Are you like millions of other people across our country looking for truth right now?  There are so many who are looking for something to fill the emptiness they feel inside… or they are looking for clear answers to spiritual questions.

Questions like… Am I loved?  Is there a purpose for my life?  How can I know that purpose?

What do most of us do when we need an answer to a question?  Well, we grab our phone and google it of course.  

We at Operation Transformation would like to recommend a simple webpage that will help you find answers to your spiritual questions. Humor me… Grab your phone right now and type in  peacewithgod.net
On this webpage you will find some very easy to understand truths from the Bible.  Also, each truth is accompanied by a short and powerful video to bring the truth to life for you.

Check it out.  You may just find the truth you are looking for.  What do you have to lose?

God bless you Blue Water Area. We are praying for you.
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  **Please note that the events and information listed in Faith Matters do not necessarily reflect the opinions and viewpoints of Operation Transformation.**

If you would like to share information through our Faith Matters email, send details and flyers (jpg preferred) to rhernandez@optrans.org.