Happy Veterans Day! Follow us on Twitter and visit the Veterans Services website to learn more about the support available to veterans at the University of Denver.
DU Resources to Recognize Native American Heritage Month

During Native American Heritage Month, the Office of Teaching and Learning recognizes and honors the heroic history and the rich culture of American Indians and Alaskan Natives within our nation, our state, our community and our university. Despite a painful history marked by unjust Federal policies of assimilation and termination, American Indian and Alaska Native peoples have persevered. We celebrate the countless contributions of Native peoples past and present and honor the storied legacy and resilience of over 570 federally recognized tribal nations and 75 state recognized tribes, especially the Arapaho and Cheyenne peoples whose land upon which the University of Denver stands. We encourage all members of the DU community to engage in Native American Heritage Month through events and exhibits that celebrate Native Americans in Colorado. For faculty, please visit our Native American Pedagogies Module to find out more about Native American inclusive teaching pedagogies.
OTL Upcoming Drop-In Hours
On Monday, November 15, from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., Ellen Hogan, OTL’s Accessibility Technologist for Learning and Instruction, will be hosting Accommodations Support Drop-In Hours for any faculty member who need support in ensuring your final exams are set up appropriately for students with DSP accommodations (such as adding extra time) or would like help in submitting their DSP Testing ticket information. For more accommodations support, reach out to Ellen at Ellen.Hogan@du.edu.

OTL Instructional Designers and Faculty Developers will be available online and in person for drop-in support as you wrap up the fall and prepare for the winter term. As a reminder, the OTL observes DU's winter holiday closure. Our office will be closed the week of December 27, reopening Monday, January 3, so we'd love to help you get a jump-start on your courses. We can support you with:
  • Importing and updating Canvas course content
  • Developing and uploading your syllabus
  • Designing your assessments
  • Incorporating Universal Design for Learning (UDL) into your courses
  • And more!

Tuesday, December 7, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
In person - OTL Suite, Anderson Academic Commons, 350

Tuesday, December 7, 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Wednesday, December 8, 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Thursday, December 9, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
In person - OTL Suite, Anderson Academic Commons, 350

Thursday, December 9, 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

We will also be providing drop-in hours during the first week of January. Check the OTL Events Calendar for more information!
Accessibility Tip

Finals and Student Accommodations 
Do you have students planning to take your final exam in the Disability Services Program (DSP) Testing Center? As a faculty member, you will be notified via email if a student has requested to test in the DSP Testing Center from the Accommodate System. Faculty members need to provide DSP with parameters for the assessment via the Faculty Accommodate Portal. Faculty can login and visit the "Courses" tab along the left navigation bar. From there, select the course that has "FINAL EXAM" included in the label. Faculty can then select "Providing Testing Information" along the top navigation bar, and lastly, select the "Provide Testing Information" button. A Testing Information Ticket will appear, and you as the faculty member will need to complete this form regarding the parameters of the assessment for all students. You can also review the Accommodating Students Using Accommodate video on the OTL’s Knowledge Base for support. The video includes a recording of a training focused on supporting faculty with the Accommodate System. The training features information on the Letters of Approved Accommodations process, DSP Tests Requests, and How to Provide Testing Information. 
Please note: Students were notified that the last day to sign up to take finals in the DSP was yesterday, Wednesday, November 10. Any Final Exam requests submitted after November 10 will be considered a late request. The DSP does not guarantee any approval of late requests. If a student submits a late request and does not receive an approval email from DSP, they will be expected to take the final exam on the same day, start time, and setting as their peers in the class.
If you need support in ensuring your exams are set up appropriately for students with DSP accommodations (such as extra time), please reach out to Ellen Hogan, OTL’s Accessibility Technologist for Teaching and Learning at Ellen.Hogan@du.edu. Or join us for the Accommodations Support Drop-In Hours!
Teaching Online - Advanced Practice Starts December 6

Did you complete the Teaching Online Short Course and now you are hoping to elevate your online teaching even more? Interested in exploring Canvas integrations, active learning techniques, and High-Impact Practices? Then join us for the upcoming session of the Teaching Online - Advanced Practice Short Course!

Teaching Online - Advanced Practice starts on December 6 and will help you get a head start on your winter courses! You will investigate topics related to multimedia, measuring individual and group learning outcomes, technology that promotes social and cognitive engagement, and more. You can take your time and work on the course at your own pace throughout the month of December and faculty who complete the requirements will receive a stipend!

Upcoming Events

Monday, November 15, 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
OTL Conference Room (Anderson Academic Commons 345)

Monday, November 15, 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Hyflex - join us online or in person at Anderson Academic Commons 345

Thursday, November 18, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Wednesday, December 15, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Hyflex - join us online or in person at Anderson Academic Commons 345

Respondus is hosting several training webinars throughout the month, and you can also learn more about Perusall through their Perusall webinar series!

Visit our OTL events calendar to discover other events coming up!
Faculty Learning Community (FLC): Teaching and Professional Faculty Tools for Success
Tools for Success is a faculty learning community designed for teaching and professional faculty (TPF) in the assistant rank at the University of Denver. The FLC will explore areas essential to the success of teaching faculty including: community building, effective instruction, wellness, DU culture, promotion, national trends, and the roles of TPF. We will utilize one book in our sessions (Inclusive Collegiality and Nontenure-Track Faculty: Engaging All Faculty as Colleagues to Promote Healthy Departments and Institutions). The FLC will be led by Dr. Laura Sponsler, Clinical Associate Professor, Higher Education, and Faculty Scholar - Teaching and Professional Faculty.

We will meet in the OTL Conference Room (Anderson Academic Commons 345) weekly during the Winter Quarter on Fridays from 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m., starting on Friday, January 7.

For more information contact Laura Sponsler at Laura.Sponsler@du.edu.
4D Student Experience Opportunities

The 4D Experience is DU's reboot of the traditional college experience, continuing our commitment to a customized, holistic education that empowers students to lead lives of meaning and purpose that serve the public good, enabling them to thrive at and beyond the university. There are many opportunities for faculty to get involved in this experience!

4D Faculty and Staff Learning Community 
The 4D Learning Community offers both faculty and staff educators the opportunity to develop a deep understanding of students' needs and best practices in holistic student learning and development; inclusive curricular and co-curricular design; and assessment of teaching and learning around the four dimensions (4D) of advancing intellectual growth, exploring character, promoting well-being, and pursuing careers and lives of purpose. 
Facilitated by the Faculty and Staff Co-Directors of the 4D Experience, the 4D Learning Community will progress through ten sessions focused on the educational design elements central to the 4D. These sessions will be co-led by critical curricular and co-curricular partners to highlight how we can work together to support holistic learning and development and take an integrated approach to teaching, learning, and programming. Topics will include the public good; justice, equity, diversity, and inclusivity; inclusive teaching and learning; integrative learning and high-impact practices; global learning; mentoring; and career development. 

Apply via this Qualtrics form by Wednesday, Dec. 1, 12:00 p.m.
4D Infusion Grants 
The 4D Infusion Grants support faculty, staff, and co-curricular educators in conceptualizing, developing, and implementing a specific project that enhances student learning and development around the 4D. These projects may take a variety of forms and may apply towards either curricular or co-curricular educational design over the course of an academic year. Projects will be evaluated on the basis of potential impact; integrative or collaborative design; and scalability. 

It is expected that 7 - 8 grants will be awarded for projects taking place over the 2022 winter and spring quarters. Individual applicants are eligible to receive up to $700; teams (not to exceed more than three people) may receive up to $1,500. 

Apply via this Qualtrics form by Wednesday, Dec. 1, 12:00 p.m.
Teaching Resources

This tool kit provides practical steps for readying your courses, no matter the modality. From Canvas basics to hyflex considerations, and complete with worksheets to guide you, this toolkit is a great starting point for course planning.

This Knowledge Base article provides helpful tips and tricks you can use as you create pre-recorded videos, lectures, and demonstrations to enhance the asynchronous components of your course. You can also learn more about the various tools you can use to create your videos, such as Zoom and Kaltura.

This web page provides access to the robust virtual services and resources that the Libraries provide along with a host of online services and resources.