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Happy Veterans Day on Friday, November 11! Working with student veterans or want to learn more? Visit the Veterans Services website.

The OTL Recognizes Native American Heritage Month

During Native American Heritage Month, the Office of Teaching and Learning recognizes and honors the history and the rich culture of American Indians and Alaskan Natives within our nation, our state, our community and our university. For faculty, please visit our Native American Pedagogies Module to find out more about Native American inclusive teaching pedagogies.

Resources for Finals

DSP Student Accommodation Support

Do you have students planning to take their finals in the Disability Services Program (DSP) Testing Center? Students can now submit their Test Requests through the Student Accommodate Portal for their finals. As a faculty member, you will be notified via email if a student has requested to test in the DSP Testing Center. Faculty members will need to provide DSP with the parameters for their final exams via the Faculty Accommodate Portal. If you already know the parameters of your final exam, it is encouraged that you submit the testing information sooner rather than later to allow DSP additional time to remediate your documents for accessibility. If students are unsure how to submit their Test Requests through the Student Accommodation Portal, we host drop in hours in Driscoll South three times a week, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 11:00-1:00 or call 303-871-3241 for assistance. Professors can contact [email protected] or 303-871-3241.

Learn more on DSP’s Faculty Responsibilities for Testing webpage and contact the DSP if you have questions.

Grading Information

The OTL has many resources to help you as you wrap up this term and prepare to grade your finals. You can reach out to us with questions or schedule a consultation by contacting OTL staff directly or booking 1:1 time with the OTL Instructional Designers. We also have many asynchronous resources on our Ed-Tech Knowledge Base and our OTL website, including information on using the Canvas Speedgrader. Visit our blog post Addressing Bias in Assessment to learn strategies for reducing implicit bias in your grading. Also visit our blog post How to End the Term on a High Note to learn more about streamlining your grading.

Don't forget that final grades must be entered into MyDU by 10:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 29. Visit the Office of the Registrar's Grading Policies page to learn more about the processes and policies here at DU, and their Grading Guide for instructions on how to enter your grades. Read more about using MyDU in our blog post Find Teaching and OTL Resources in MyDU.

Final 2022 Heart of Higher Education Conversation Next Wednesday

Join Dr. Paul Michalec on Wednesday, November 16 at 12:00 p.m. for the final Heart of Higher Ed conversation of 2022. The Heart of Higher Education is an opportunity to gather as a DU community to share the challenges and opportunities of transcending the institutional, professional, and personal choices that tend to separate core identity/integrity from day to day actions. We look forward to gathering again in 2023!

Heart of Higher Education Conversations

Wednesday, November 16, 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.

Hyflex - Join us online via Zoom or in the OTL Conference Room (AAC 345)

Teaching Online - Advanced Practice Starts December 5

Are you interested in exploring Canvas integrations, active learning techniques, and High-Impact Practices? Then join us for the upcoming session of the Teaching Online - Advanced Practice Short Course!

Teaching Online - Advanced Practice starts on December 5 and will help you get a head start on your upcoming courses! You will investigate topics related to multimedia, measuring individual and group learning outcomes, technology that promotes social and cognitive engagement, and more. You can take your time and work on the course at your own pace throughout the month of December and faculty who complete the requirements will receive a stipend!

Register for Teaching Online - Advanced Practice today! Visit our OTL Events Calendar to learn about more OTL short courses, institutes, and workshops we are offering throughout the month of December!

Course Design Institute: Self-Study Version 


Are you planning to design or redesign a course during the time-in-between-terms but wondering how to best go about that? Had you wanted to attend the Course Design Institute this summer, but the timing just didn’t work out? You may be interested in our new self-study version of the Course Design Institute, which will become available on Monday, December 5. This self-paced, asynchronous online experience can support you in designing or redesigning a course that results in significant learning – that is, learning that has the potential to change students’ lives in lasting and important ways. Faculty members who complete this self-study by January 6 are eligible for a stipend. 


Learn more and register for the self-study version of Course Design Institute.

Seeking Cohort 2 of Departmental Action Teams


Last academic year, three inaugural Departmental Action Teams (DATs) began their work interrogating current practices and reimagining teaching evaluation processes in their areas. The goal of this project is to promote greater equity and transparency and avoid an overreliance on Student Ratings of Instruction (SRIs). Now that Cohort 1 has completed the program and is transitioning to implementation, we are seeking the second of three DATs@DU cohorts. Participants work closely with a DAT facilitator and attend scheduled events, including a working retreat, and receive $1,000 upon submission of program deliverables. This program is funded through the R1 Our Way Teaching and Faculty Satisfaction Initiatives


Learn more about the DAT work at DU and join us in congratulating cohort 1. For details of the call and to apply see our DAT call for proposals page. Complete your application by December 16, 2022.
