Health and Wellness for Physicians
Issue #7 | 4/7/2021
Surround yourself with people who add value to your life. Who Challenge you to be greater than you were yesterday. Who sprinkle magic into your existence, just like you do to theirs. Life isn’t meant to be done alone. Find your tribe and journey freely and loyally together .

Alex Elle

Physician Well Being Alert
The physician community has changed dramatically over the last many years. The pandemic has only exacerbated this change with an increased sense of alienation and lack of communication.  The irony is that despite many more tools of communication at our disposal, there has been a diminution of professional comradery and connection. 

When is the last time you attended a social function with your colleagues?
We no longer see each other at social events, CME activities and physician functions. Many community physicians do not even step foot in the hospital, a place where we would see and chat with each other making rounds. Add to that increasing practice demands, rising overhead, and the everchanging medical landscape, any surplus energy left to reach out to our colleagues suffers greatly.

One of the leading causes of burnout is the sense of loss of connectedness. Not being connected to our colleagues, not connecting with others that share a common background and that are like-minded. As a result, this subsequent isolation contributes to depression, fatigue, and potentially cognitive decline. 

This is what makes it more important than ever to reconnect with each other to re-form our “tribe.” Forming a tribe does not mean being tribalistic. Nor do we need to have one big tribe. Connections can start small and grow with time.  
So how can we reconnect with our colleagues?
Here are some ideas adopted from Miki Agrawal in her book: Do Cool Sh*t

  • Express happiness when you see people; feel free to emphatically wag your tail!
  • Let everyone share stories and participate. Everyone wants to be heard. Allow everyone to feel that way.  
  • Forget the small talk. Dig in and find out what your family and friends are excited about.
  • Give credit as often as you can; . Recognize your peers publicly when they do cool sh*t.  
  • Instill confidence; it’s free! As soon as people feel confident, their authentic selves shine through!
  • Connect people! Always be thinking about who you know who could help your community and the community can help them
  • Texting a simple message to those you care about on a regular basis. One example: “Thinking about what you said the other day and how much it meant to me”

Forming your tribe can start with 2-3 people with whom you
share common purpose and values.
We can re-form our Tribes.

Let’s do it!

It can help give us the strength to act on our ideas and inspire us to be the best version of ourselves. It requires some ongoing care and feeding to maximize the benefits of our Tribes.

The rewards are significant for all of us!

No Sh*t!

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