December 18, 2024

In This Issue...

Providing Services For Asian Victim-Survivors

The Providing Services for Asian Victim-Survivors was released on December 13, 2024. This course discusses considerations for working with Asian survivors of crime. Learners will review the importance of practicing cultural competency, understand common barriers that Asian victim-survivors face, and develop strategies to facilitate service provision among Asian victim-survivors.

In order to access please visit the PA Victim Services Training Website.

If you have any questions, navigate to the Help Center or contact a site administrator at

Philadelphia Will Install Bulletproof Glass To Protect Bus Drivers

Since a city driver was fatally shot on the job in October 2023, the public and transit workers have been asking for more security. In 2025, Philly's pilot program will start by retrofitting eight buses with plexiglass.

Please click here to read.

U.S Biathlon Officials Ignored Sexual Harassment And Abuse Of Female Racers For Decades, Athletes Say

Sexual abuse and harassment by coaches and others who held positions of power over women on the U.S. Biathlon team were ignored or excused over decades by officials more concerned with winning medals, according to Olympians and other biathletes.

Please click here to read.

Forced Arbitration Has Silenced Too Many Survivors Of Sexual Assault

After being assaulted at a work conference, my status as an independent contractor and the contract I had signed made it nearly impossible to seek justice. Here's how I was able to tell my story.

Please click here to read.

Tips To Stay Safer At Shows, Concerts, Raves, & Festivals

These tips can help you and your concert community protect yourselves.

Please click here to read.

"It's A Crisis": Federal Cuts Threaten Services For Child Abuse Survivors

A bipartisan bill in Congress could help, but lawmakers have been slow to act.

Please click here to read.

OVW Fiscal Year 2025 Justice For Families Program Notice Of Funding Opportunity

The Justice for Families Program supports activities to improve the response of the civil and criminal justice system to families with a history of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking, or in cases involving child sexual abuse. Activities should improve the capacity of courts and communities to respond to families through court-based and court-related programs; supervised visitation and safe exchange by and between parents; training for people who work with families in the court system; and civil legal assistance.

Expected Award Period: 36 months

Expected Award Amounts: Standard projects – up to $600,000; Comprehensive projects- up to $700,000.

Important Dates and Information 

  • Application deadline for January 17, 2025 – 11:59 p.m. ET
  • Application deadline for JustGrants: January 22, 2025 – 8:59 p.m. ET
  • Optional letter of intent: January 6, 2025
  • Pre-application information session: December 13, 2024 at 2 p.m. To register, email by December 9, 2024  

To submit an application, all applicants must register online with the System for Award Management (SAM) and with To ensure sufficient time to complete the registration process, applicants should register online with SAM and with immediately, and by January 6, 2025.

Please click here to access.

Life In Poverty, Punctuated By Gun Violence

Philadelphia's status as the nation's poorest big city is a major cause of its gunfire.

Please click here to read.

2024 Domestic Violence And Firearms Report

Between March and April 2024, the National Domestic Violence Hotline (The Hotline), in partnership with the Battered Women's Justice Project (BWJP) conducted a survey to learn more about the experiences of survivors and victims of gender-based violence related to their abusers' use of firearms as part of their violence and abuse. The intersection of firearms and domestic violence has significant implications for the safety and well-being of survivors. Through this survey, we learned about the ways firearms are used to threaten, control, and harm victims and survivors.

Please click here to access.

Measuring The Problem Of Sexual Misconduct In Ridesharing

Janine Zweig of the Urban Institute and Chad Sniffen of the National Sexual Violence Resource Center share how they worked with Uber Technologies to better understand sexual misconduct in the ridesharing industry. Janine and Chad share the process to define sexual assault, harassment, and other misconduct and then set up a system to track complaints.

Please click here to access.

Losing Her Daughter To Gunfire Left Her Inconsolable. A Trauma Recovery Center Saved Her Life.

After Alexis Jackson witnessed her daughter's shooting, she found unexpected support among trauma survivors and was inspired to form her own Cleveland collective for victims of gun violence.

Please click here to read.

Share Your Experience

Help us better understand how to meet the needs of communities impacted by gun violence.

PCCD and ICF are gathering insights to enhance the support provided for individuals who have experienced gun violence in communities across Pennsylvania. Opportunities to share insights include surveys and discussion groups with individuals who have experienced gun violence. We also want to hear from organizations or community members who provide support to individuals impacted by gun violence.

If you are interested in sharing your experience, please fill out the Interest Survey. Opportunities to share insights will take place from October through the end of 2024.

Pathways 2025 Workshop Proposals

The Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency is happy to announce that the call for workshop presenters for the 2025 Pathways for Victim Services Conference is now open! The 2025 Pathways conference will take place September 10-12, 2025, at the Kalahari Resort and Convention Center in the Poconos. There will be complimentary tickets provided for up to two speakers per workshop, a $250 value.

The call for workshop presenters will be open until December 31, 2024. The form can be found by following this link, Speaker Form. You will need to make a Whova account to submit the workshop proposal.

Important Workshop Information:

  • All Workshops will be 75 minutes in length.
  • All Workshops will be set up in a classroom style.
  • A laptop computer and LCD projector will be provided for the presenters’ use. 

Required Information for Workshop Proposal Submission:

  • Title of the Workshop
  • Presenters Name(s) and Title
  • Presenters Contact Information
  • Agency and or Organization Affiliation for the presenters
  • Brief description of the presenter’s experience with the subject matter
  • Detailed workshop proposal (including learning objectives, presentation style (i.e. PowerPoint, Roundtable discussion, multimedia)
  • Target Audience

All workshop proposals will be submitted through the Whova link provided. If you have any questions, please email us at

Recordings Of PCCD's Consolidated Standards Are Available On PCCD's YouTube Channel

Pennsylvania has long been considered a leader when it comes to the OVS Consolidated Standards, in their design to deliver quality services and programming led by skilled advocates and staff. To better inform the field, OVS has launched a series of recordings that walk program staff through each of the standards. These are short recordings, up to thirty (30) minutes in length available on PCCD’s You Tube Channel: PA Commission on Crime & Delinquency (PCCD) - YouTube. Each recording counts toward OVS annual training requirements. Staff may listen to any number of recordings as they are released. 

The Standards are meant to be a guide for victim service professionals to promote excellent service delivery and to ensure the uniformity of services. The Standards provide the minimum expectations for service provision and ensure professionalism in a wide variety of victim service practices. 

The following recordings are now available on PCCD’s You Tube Channel: 

Program Administration - Section D - Personnel Management

Program Administration - Section E - Program Planning and Evalution

Upcoming Trainings & Events

Stalking Survivors Speak: What Survivors Want You To Know To Enhance Your Response To Stalking

January 6, 2025

2:00 pm

Stalking survivors are the experts on what it’s like to be stalked — and what responders can do to help. This webinar features a panel of stalking survivors and activists who will discuss their own experiences. They will reflect on what was helpful, challenges they encountered, and how victim service providers and criminal justice responders can better enhance stalking victim safety. SPARC Director Jennifer Landhuis moderates this panel, which amplifies the voices of three inspiring and insightful speakers.

Please click here to register.

Identifying & Responding To Stalking In Rural Communities

January 9,2025

1:30 pm - 3:00 pm CST

Stalking is a prevalent, dangerous and misunderstood crime. The dynamics and barriers often encountered in rural communities can be challenging when working to increase victim safety and offender accountability in stalking cases. This webinar will address common stalking tactics, the intersection between stalking and domestic violence and explore strategies for safety, accountability, and collaboration in rural stalking cases.

Please click here to register.

Please click here to register for January 8

Please click here to register for January 15

Please click here to register for January 22

Please click here to register for January 29

Domestic Violence 101: Back To Basics

January 30,2025

2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

This introductory webinar will describe the dynamics and common tactics that characterize domestic violence. It will also provide an overview of the scope and impact on individuals and society. Because it is impossible to prevent and respond to domestic violence without addressing larger structures of oppression, this webinar will explain the connections between doing racial equity work and ending domestic violence. This session will help new advocates, allied professionals, students, and the general public achieve a basic understanding of this complex issue and how they can be part of the solution.

Please click here to register.

5th Annual Regional Human Trafficking Summit

March 4, 2025

8:30 am - 4:30 pm

March 5, 2025

8:30 am - 12:30 pm

Sheraton Baltimore North Hotel

903 Dulaney Valley Rd, Towson, MD 21204

The summit is designed for advocates and professionals in the anti-trafficking or related field. Participants include victim service providers, survivor leaders, government officials, legal professionals, academia, law enforcement, representatives from community groups, faith and tribal communities, and more. 

Please click here to register.

Victims Compensation Assistance Program Online Trainings

The following trainings will be held January 7, 2025.

  • Relocation Expenses Clinic - 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
  • Loss of Earnings Clinic - 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

The following trainings will be held January 15, 2025.

  • Crime Scene Cleanup Expenses Clinic - 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
  • Myths of Compensation - 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

The following trainings will be held January 23, 2024.

  • Loss of Support Clinic - 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
  • Medical Expenses Clinic - 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

The following trainings will be held January 29, 2024.

  • Basic Compensation - 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

The following trainings will be held February 4, 2025.

  • Transportation Expenses Clinic - 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
  • Counseling Expenses Clinic - 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

The following trainings will be held February 19, 2025.

  • "Wow's That's Covered by Compensation - 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
  • Motor Vehicle-Related Crime Expenses Clinic - 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

The following trainings will be held February 25, 2025.

  • Funeral & Burial Expenses Clinic - 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
  • Crime Scene Cleanup Expenses Clinic - 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

The following trainings will be held March 6, 2025.

  • Counseling Expenses Clinic - 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
  • Loss of Earnings Clinic - 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

The following trainings will be held March 11, 2025.

  • Basic Compensation - 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

All trainings count towards 1 hour of the required RASA/VOCA/VOJO training hours, except Basic Compensation which counts towards 2 and DAVE training which counts towards 2.


1)   Go to (click Modern View in the top right-hand corner)

2)   Click on the three horizontal lines in the top left corner

3)   Select “WebEx Training”

4)   Click on the “Upcoming” tab.


Please click here to register.

Employment Opportunities

Please click here to view current employment opportunities.

Please click here to view current employment opportunities.

Please click here to view current employment opportunities.

The next OVS Newsletter will be published on January 2, 2025. If you would like any training events, fundraisers, or notable news published in this newsletter, please submit them to Lea Dorsey at by December 23, 2024.

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